Soul Food

PARA #22: Imaginary Friends

Bishop Bira Joshua Season 12 Episode 13

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Paranormal activity is not just imagination or hallucination but often represents spiritual attacks that conventional medicine cannot treat. Jessica shares her journey from being tormented by "imaginary friends" who moved objects and caused sleepwalking to complete freedom through spiritual intervention.

• Distinguishing between physical and spiritual problems when medical treatments work for some but not others
• Understanding the signs of paranormal activity: sleepwalking, imaginary friends, insomnia, and unusual behaviors
• Jessica's story of being born with ADHD but experiencing supernatural phenomena that medication couldn't resolve
• Learning to identify and combat spiritual attacks using biblical principles
• How to break free from generational curses and spiritual bondage

If you're experiencing paranormal activity or know someone who is, contact us at 1-888-691-2291 or visit for help and resources.

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It's time for Soul Food Podcast. You are not crazy. You are not crazy Paranormal.

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Activity Series. Hi there Once again, together with our episodes. Paranormal Activity. That's right.

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Some people say I don't believe in paranormal activities or paranormal experiences. Uh, paranormal, something that's not normal or abnormal. You don't need to be religious to be a christian, a witch doctor I would doodoo worker To understand it. Everything that is paranormal, abnormal, is in the spiritual world, spiritual field. We have doctors, physicians, counselors, therapists. They work in a physical world.

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When you have a disease, you go to see a doctor and they diagnose, they find the disease, they prescribe medication and you are good to go. But what about when you have the same disease of a friend of yours? Both of you go to the same doctor, both of you take the same medication. He gets well, but you don't, so which means that you have a spiritual disease. Today we are going to at the age of 19 years old.

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In a few you are going to watch her story because look over there, this is what she used to see. She was cursed from birth and she was guided, led by the evil spirits. And she was guided, led by the evil spirits. She used to sleepwalk and she grew up with imaginary friends. It's a friend that appears and talks to a person Like you see over there in that image, like a spiritual, imaginary friend, or when people suffer with this sleepwalk. Maybe you are walking inside of your house as you are sleeping, or else you have these friends like a celly that walks during the night and starts to walk inside of a prison. It's the spiritual attacks, paranormal activity. I want you to watch this video to understand the symptoms, the signs of paranormal activities. I'll be right back. Thanks for watching.

Speaker 3:

The human imagination. It is at its prime when we are children. That's why, when a child has an imaginary friend, their parents see it as something healthy and natural. But what happens when this imaginary friend becomes an evil influence? What to do when this invisible being places the child's life at risk? These appearances rob the family of their peace, things like the moving of objects inside of the house, telling the child to jump from a window or a ledge, or even telling them to jump into waters that they could drown in, instigating them to attack their parents, siblings or even themselves. Those who had had this experience also have macabre stories to tell of death and pain. The taste for life is destroyed at childhood. Science calls it schizophrenia. To the superstitious, they are ghosts from family members. But how can one fight this evil and invisible enemy that places in danger those whom they love the most? Have you or your family been a victim of these so-called imaginary friends?

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So what you saw right now is paranormal activity. Let us watch the story of Jessica, and in a few we are going to pray together. If you have the Bible over there, the word of God, I want you to open any book you prefer. We are going to pray and the Lord shall bless your life. Let us go into Jessica's story. I'll be back to pray for you.

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Everything started when I was born. I was born with ADHD. It's a mental disorder in the brain which is a special needs. It turns a child or a person into a special needs person. So I went to school and my school told my mother that they couldn't take care of me, that I wasn't going to be anyone in my life because I simply didn't have the education that I needed to have. I needed to be put in a special needs school, started to have imaginary friends. At first they were my friends. I really wasn't afraid of them. They would tell me that they were going to take care of me, they were going to be my friends, that I didn't need to have friendship outside of them, outside of our group. And I didn't only see one, I saw multiple of them. I would see them at night under my bed. I would hear them, they would talk to me, they would move my toys around and I would tell my parents that my toys were electronic, they could move, and they would say, no, you're just imagining that, but they're not. I would spend large portions of my night awake days at a time if I didn't have medication, and that's when I would play with them. I would spend time with them. I would eat with them, I would wake up, I would sleepwalk. So when I did sleep I would walk around the house and I could feel that they were guiding me through the house. I wasn't afraid of them. They didn't scare me at first they they weren't fearful because of insomnia.

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I was under a lot of medication so my doctors would tell my mother that it was just a side effect from medication. These words that I read the radio of the universal church came on, words that I read the radio of the universal church came on, and the person who was doing the, the program. He said look, if you're going through a problem and you say there is no way out for me, I might as well die, come here to this address. So he gave the address of the universal church and that's when we arrived at the church. And so we got there at the church and in the first week, all of a sudden my mother, one day she was at home with me and my grandmother and she said I forgot to give Jessica her medicine and she's sleeping.

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And then a few days pass and she would say I forgot to give her her medication and she's eating normally and she's talking and she's walking more and she's developing like a regular child. Today I am completely normal and cured from all the diseases that I had. I actually became an exemplary student. I won many awards in my school. I graduated top of my classes with honors and A's. Today I have peace, I am happy, I am fulfilled, filled because of the Holy Spirit.

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Now Jessica is completely free. By the way, if you are in prison, she is also a volunteer of UBB Universal Beyond Box. Right now we are going to do the strong prayer. There are many prayers prayer for intersection, prayer of praise, and worshiping Many prayers but this prayer is called the strong prayer. Hold your Bible right now, place your hand upon the Bible, close your eyes.

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In the name of Jesus Christ, our God of the Bible, I am praying for this person like Jessica, who suffers from these paranormal activities. This person cannot sleep well. This person suffers from this sleepwalk, these imaginary friends. The evil spirit tells her what to do, what not to do. But right now, based on your words, we rebuke you, satan. We rebuke all evil spirits from the life of this person, from this house, this cell, from this life. Amen, put now the Bible aside. Raise both your hands to heaven. Let me bless your hands. Close your eyes, o Lord. I bless their left and right hands. When this person lays hands upon himself or herself, no evil shall stand upon this life because I blessed their hands. Open your eyes, place your hands on top of your head and when we say, in Jesus' name, get out this evil that is upon your life. It is going to be removed. Right now, hands upon your head, close your eyes and say after me, in Jesus' name, all evil, all paranormal activities, all curses. In Jesus' name, you take off your hands and you say get out. In Jesus name, amen. Breathe now in and out. Breathe amen. Believe that you are free. You are going to be able now to sleep like a baby. No more sleepwalk or walking, no more imaginary friends. But whenever you have any spiritual problem, lay hands upon yourself, rebuke the devil and say in Jesus' name, get out, go to hell, leave me alone, and you are going to be completely free.

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For you who are watching me inside of prison, you can send me a letter. I have my tablets the UBB tablet, the Showdown of Faith tablet. You send me a message Tell me about your paranormal experience. Let me help you. If you have a family member out there on the outside, somebody that suffers from paranormal experiences, you can give them my number. That's my number on your tablet right now 1-888-691-2291. Tell them to find me also on my website. That is universalbeyondbarorg. That is my website. All right, we are going to be back next week with one more episode of Paranormal Activity. Pray with me and break free. God bless you, have a good one. Paranormal Activity Series.

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