Soul Food
Soul Food
PARA #22: Believers Under Attack
Spiritual warfare affects even devoted Christians, as demonstrated by Kenneth Colen who experienced terrifying demonic attacks despite his religious upbringing. His testimony reveals how evil spirits physically held him down, and manifested as shadows in his room until he finally found deliverance.
• Evil attacks believers regardless of their church position or religious dedication
• Many Christians suffer silently from spiritual attacks, fearing judgment from their congregation
• Kenneth experienced physical manifestations including being held down and seeing shadows flee his room
• Despite growing up in the Catholic church, Kenneth needed strong deliverance prayers to find freedom
• Spiritual attacks often manifest as sleep disturbances, oppression, and a persistent lack of peace
• Jesus offers abundant life in contrast to the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy
If you need help with spiritual attacks, call us at 1-888-691-2291 or write to 7075 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas, 77074. For more videos and resources, visit our website at UniversalBeyondBars.org.
It's time for Soul Food Podcast. You are not crazy. You are not crazy Paranormal.
Speaker 2:Activity Series. One more episode of Paranormal Activity. Maybe this is how you feel always Scared. Always you feel like you are scared or you see things that you don't want to see the evil spirits.
Speaker 2:The scripture says you read over there, john 10, the evil one, the teeth, came to kill, steal and destroy. And Jesus, what he does, does he only came to destroy. And this is how you feel, like you are under the spiritual attack. But then you have this question why me? I believe in God, I read the bible, I go to church, I am a religious person, but I'm still under the spiritual attacks. Well, the evil spirit does not regard or consider like the religion or the position in the church. Pastor deacon usher, if the son sets you free, makes you free, you are free.
Speaker 2:Indeed, some people read the Bible, psalms 921, 23. They sing Christian songs and they say I don't believe in evil, but they feel that they are under the spiritual attack. Today we are going to see the story of Mr Kenneth, because he grew up, he was raised in church and even though he grew up in church, he was held down by evil spirits. He saw shadows run out of his room. He felt an evil presence inside of him inside of himself, but he was in church. This is what we call believer under or believers under attacks, the attacks of the evil spirit. I want you to come with me to watch this video right now, and you are going to see what Christians are facing, what believers are facing attacks from the evil spirit.
Speaker 3:I've been a Christian for many years, I've read the Bible and I've ministered the word of God to many, but they're just these evil forces that seem to never leave me alone. I can't speak to my pastor about it because he wouldn't understand me. My whole church congregation would just think I'm crazy. But I know I'm not crazy. I was lying down and around 5 am I felt this swoop of the enemy's presence around me and on me. I became paralyzed and I couldn't move. I was struggling to say Jesus, but I couldn't get it out. I kept attempting to, but at the same time I felt this pull of my spirit trying to leave my body and this whisper in my ear from the enemy. I don't know what he said, but I managed to say Jesus, but very low, and I felt like this drop of my spirit went back inside of me. I then started to pray and pray, and pray, not to mention that I also see shadows and hear voices. It's as if I'm being attacked by multiple evil forces. And these evil forces.
Speaker 2:And these evil forces leave you without peace. You do not have peace at all, peace to sleep, to lie down and sleep. You do not sleep at all. Now you are always there praying. You are a prayer person, maybe you are a prayer warrior. You pray for others, but when it comes to yourself, you do not have peace to sleep at all. You are always under the spiritual attacks, as Mr Kenneth was. Now he is free. In a few. We are going to pray here, and pray a strong prayer. You are going to be set free. Let us now, together, watch his testimony.
Speaker 4:I'm Kenneth Colen. All the things I experienced from my childhood, being in a Catholic church. It was confusing. My daddy was a Catholic, his daddy was Catholic. I knew it was right and wrong, but you know, it was confusing. I could actually feel something in me, you know, driving me, you know. You know that was mad with me. It was like a depression or something, you know, oppression or something you know, but it was physical, you know, and I felt it, you know. Know, and I know it was demonic. You know, because you know us, you know we're studying the bible. You know, I knew it was demonic. I knew I needed deliverance.
Speaker 4:Spirits come into my bedroom, you know, while I was sleeping, and hold me down, physically, hold me down where I couldn't breathe. I couldn't say Jesus, you know, I was struggling to get up. I wanted to get up. You know, one time, the last time it happened, I struggled and got up and broke free and I saw it run out of my bedroom.
Speaker 4:Bishop came on and talked about, you know, on a commercial and he said he was going to have this event over at the Carver Theater over here. He said call that number and reserve a bottle of water. You know, miracle Water. I said, yeah, you know, go try that bottle of water. I called that number, you know. I made the reservation and I came. I started doing a chain of prayer Monday, wednesdays and Fridays and Sundays. I know how to get up and start praying and I command that spirit to return to send Jesus set me free from all this demonic behavior. My advice to you is that all your troubles and everything, the voids that you're trying to feel you know well kind of whatever sex, alcohol, you know, drugs or whatever you know kind of whatever sex, alcohol, you know, drugs or whatever you know only God can fill that void. You'll be free too. If he did it for me, he'll do it for you.
Speaker 2:This is what he said. If he has done it for me, he's going to do it for you as well. Right now, let us pray you are going to be free from these spiritual attacks. Close your eyes, for God of the Bible. I don't know, I never know who is watching, but somebody is out there watching and Dispersa is under the spiritual attacks. The evil holds Dispersa down. It is like somebody is choking her. He feels like during the night, somebody is pulling him by his legs. Dispersa feels someins crawling in his body. It's like samifins in the stomach. Oh God of the Bible, come with your power to deliver to set free that.
Speaker 2:Reads the Bible, sings church songs but, yes, dispersa is under the spiritual attacks. Come, my father, to free dispersa once and for all. Free dispersa. Remove this evil that bombarded dispersa. They don't sleep well. They have no peace, day and night, night and day, and this person is in prison because the evil spirit was already working inside. There is this person that is at home but doesn't feel good in peace at home, and this person feels like running away. Oh God of the Bible, come with your power to deliver to set this person free once and for all.
Speaker 2:In Jesus name, open your eyes right now. I want you to raise both your hands to heaven, as we do in church we are going to do right now Raise your hands, oh God, I bless their right and left hand. I cannot go there right now to lay hands and expel this evil, but you are going to use their hands. Amen. Place your hands now upon your head, on top of your head, and you say after me, in Jesus name, all evil, all spiritual attacks Upon my life. In Jesus name, you take off your hands and say Get out of my life. Amen. Breathe now in and out. Amen, you are free. If the evil one came, to steal, to kill, to destroy. Jesus also says I came that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly Abundance of peace, abundance of prosperity, abundance of happiness. This is what the Lord brought to you.
Speaker 2:If you need more help, you can contact me. Write me a letter. This is my address. You can send your letter to this address 7075 Southwest Freeway, houston, texas, 77074. Write me a letter, ask for help and we are going to advise you and help you as well. You have a family member out there mother, father, children, siblings that also have spiritual problem. Like Mr Kenneth, they go to church but they are under the spiritual attack. For these people you can send my number and once they call, my team will be right there 1-888-691-2291. Call this number. We are going to be available to assist you. Or else you can send them my website, the UBB website that is UniversalBeyondBarsorg. Give them. They are going to find more videos and more information about us. May the God of the Bible bless all of you over there in prison. You are not alone. We don't judge, we help, we are together. God bless you. See you soon.
Speaker 1:See you soon here on Soul Food Podcasts With over 100 episodes.