Soul Food
Soul Food
Broken Beyond Repair (Part 14)
What happens when life shatters you into pieces so small that even you believe they can never be put back together? This raw and powerful episode delves into the stories of three women who once embodied what it means to be "broken beyond repair" - until they weren't.
Throughout the episode, we explore the generational patterns of brokenness that often trap families in cycles of destruction and how these spiritual inheritances can be broken. The testimonies weave together to reveal a powerful truth: what appears irreparable to human eyes may be the perfect canvas for God.
Ready to challenge your own "beyond repair" situation? Take the Broken Beyond Repair Challenge by calling 1-888-332-4141 and discover how your broken pieces might become the foundation of your greatest testimony.
Now streaming on all major podcast platforms, edifying your mind, body and soul. We welcome you to listen now to Soul Food with your main host, bishop Joshua. Here we are always ready to share a word of faith. Unpack powerful testimonies and divinely inspired music to enhance your faith walk, feed your faith wherever you go, quench your spiritual hunger.
Speaker 2:give the food that lasts forever here on the soul food podcast. So Broken, beyond Repair the untold stories of those who were once broken.
Speaker 3:They were once broken, but the Lord has repaired their lives. I'm talking about these people, these ladies that we have here today. How are you, ladies, doing today? Fine, we're doing good, good In the faith. They are good, they are fine. But you know, bishop David, when these people come to us, they all, like ourselves, they come broken, but not beyond repair before God. But they do come broken, and these are the people that we welcome in this ministry For the world.
Speaker 4:they're broken beyond repair, for sure, and many times people come to us and they feel themselves like there's no hope. They feel they look at their life, they try to change by themselves and they can't, and they start to think there's no hope for me. I'm going to be like this the rest of my life.
Speaker 3:yes, because it has been done to you, uh, in your life for the past 10 years, two decades, three decades, your whole life, or since you were born. But these are the kind of people that in this ministry, the universal church, we will come. We never come here to the tv and we say you who are well, you have a beautiful life, right, you who are in peace, come to the church. We never, that's, that has never been our message for the past 43, almost 44 years. We, since the beginning of this church, we never used the media to say you who are okay, or you who belong to another church, come to ours.
Speaker 4:And Bishop Joshua. That's what Jesus did. Jesus came for the sick. Jesus came for the people who were troubled. He reached out to prostitutes, to thieves, to blind people, to beggars, to people who are dirty, who had no hope. And that's what God has called us to do to reach out to people who are suffering, who are in trouble, because we know that with God there is no unsolvable problem.
Speaker 3:One lady came into church and this person said my sister wants to come into the church but because we do not have proper clothing outfits and she doesn't feel good coming to church, I said tell her to come, dress the clothes that she has the way she is.
Speaker 4:Even in her pajamas, if she wants yes.
Speaker 3:But then she said her problem is that she has broken shoes and she cannot enter church with broken shoes. You see, that's. The life is broken, the marriage, the family, health is broken. How can we pay attention to a broken shoes? Right, our target will not be the outside or the appearance or the outfit. We are looking for people who say I this is the last door that I'm knocking on right, the last hope. I was looking for ages, for a place that can welcome me.
Speaker 4:I'm looking for a place that's going to tell me what to do and how to do it. Yeah, just tell me what to do, because I'm ready to follow your instructions.
Speaker 3:Therefore, come the way you are. Come as you are, you who are broken, you who are living this miserable life. Just come as you are, you who are broken, you who are living this miserable life. Just come as you are. Miss Barbara is here by my side. You just said that today you are okay, yes, but before you were not. No. Okay, miss Barbara, how did your suffering your problems begin?
Speaker 5:Well, as a child I was in an abusive home. My mother and my father fought constantly. He even shot her, he almost killed her. And then, when I grew up, I just started hanging around with the bad people, made bad choices. I turned to drugs and alcohol and I didn't know what to do. I turned to drugs and alcohol and, and I didn't know what to do, I went to prison three times and I thought maybe I'd learn, you know, by going there and it still didn't help. You know I was in a Christian dorm and everything, but I've always looked for when I got out I was trying to find a good church to get into.
Speaker 3:Okay, Ms Barbara, you went to prison three times. What was the charge?
Speaker 5:Death and robbery. So the first one Death, death and robbery, robbery, and the death again and the death again Three times in jail, mm-hmm, okay, and you had no peace, did you sleep?
Speaker 3:well, nope, never. I you sleep well, nope, never.
Speaker 5:I never slept well. I was always doing drugs or drinking, doing alcohol to take away my problems, because when I got out I didn't have nothing or nobody to turn to. I didn't even have my kids no more, and I was just depressed and just to block it away, I'd drink and do drugs and just you know, I was just an awful person Like nobody even wanted to be around me, nobody. I was terrible.
Speaker 3:How bad was your alcoholism.
Speaker 5:Well, I almost OD'd twice. So I mean, I was doing so much drugs, I couldn't sleep and I was in a coma, but God saved me. And then I almost died again. My liver, my kidneys shut down, but God saved me.
Speaker 3:So your liver, your kidneys shut down. You were in a coma.
Speaker 5:for how long I was in a coma for two weeks coma.
Speaker 3:For how long? I was in a coma? For two weeks, two weeks. When you came back from the coma, you awoke. What did you think? Or what you vowed to yourself I'm not going to drink anymore, I'm not going to have this lifestyle anymore.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I did. I stopped for like three years and then, you know, I went through a bad marriage with my kids, the kid's dad, and then we left each other and then I just started drinking again and using drugs again and then it just, I went to prison and then I just started everything all over again. I couldn't stop. And then I went to a good. When I went to prison I was in a ministry. I would love going to church, but when I got out I couldn't find a good church to go to. You know, twice and and and I, I just you know I still continue to do my addiction and everything and my mother seen the program once, one day and we went to church. We went to church and I heard the pastor and he prayed for me the next day. You know we was happy and everything and I just, I just this church has brought me so much faith and like as many years as with my addiction and doing drugs. So you found us on the TV.
Speaker 3:Yes, you know, bishop Dave. What we see here is that she tried on her own many times to quit. So many years, so many ways, many years, many years. Did you ever go to the?
Speaker 5:rehab, no, but I've tried to find other churches to go to and it just wasn't. This wasn't in me, I didn't want, I didn't you know, but when I came to this church it just helped me so much. I'm through with my addiction, I'm happy, my kids happy with me, and I just never want to turn to my old self again.
Speaker 3:We see that she tried through many ways and many years to change her life, change her situation, but to our day she could not quit or stop. It was stronger than her. So there was the spirit of addiction. The liver, the kidneys shut down. She went into coma. She promised I'm not going to drink anymore. After three years she relapsed. She was there again drinking. If God does not set a person free, they can try on their own, they can force themselves to stop, to no avail. They are going to do it again and they can quit for a while.
Speaker 4:They can quit for for a week or for a month, maybe even a year, but if you know, if the spirit of addiction is there inside of a person, so that spirit is going to force them to go back sooner or later, because addiction is a new spirit. Yes, there's a spirit behind every addiction, because the, the person is making that addiction their god, that the alcohol, the drugs, it is, it's number one, it's more important than their bank account more important than their husband or their wife, their jobs, their career, their children, and so when a person does that, it makes it easy for an evil spirit to come in and start working.
Speaker 3:And if you are in this situation, you can call us right now. Give them a call right now. Now I am going to assist you. This is my number on the screen 1-888-332-4141. Give us a call right now. Let us see what addiction is all about. The video I show to you. You are going to understand how addictions, many substances, have devastated and destroyed many people's lives here in America.
Speaker 2:From coast to coast. The United States has a problem that has affected thousands of people. My name is Nathan O'Brien.
Speaker 3:I'm from Kentucky. My name is.
Speaker 6:Olivia Light. I'm from Oak Park, California.
Speaker 5:My name is Ed. I'm from New Haven, Connecticut. I'm Johnny Montesano. I'm from Long Island, New.
Speaker 2:York. My name is Al. I'm from Ocean County, New Jersey. My name is Joe Wilkins. I'm from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. My name is Tommy. I'm from Birmingham, Alabama.
Speaker 4:My name is Millie. I'm from Currytuck, North Carolina.
Speaker 2:Are you addicted to heroin? I was addicted to heroin and prescription opiates. I was addicted to heroin. I struggled with heroin for four years. I'm a recovering heroin addict.
Speaker 1:I struggled with prescription pills and heroin.
Speaker 2:My I struggled with heroin Addictions. You've probably heard by now about many different types of addictive substances, such as alcohol, illicit drugs, opiates, sleeping pills and stimulants. When a person is addicted to drugs, they can't resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs cause. If using drugs makes a person feel good or better, then what's the problem? At first, people might perceive what seems to be positive effects. They also lead themselves to believe they are in control. But over time drugs change how a person's brain works. They make you lose self-control and can lead to damaging behaviors. Works. They make you lose self-control and can lead to damaging behaviors. When a person can't control their impulse and don't see a way out, they continue in a never-ending loop that leads towards suicidal tendencies.
Speaker 3:Let me help this person that is on the line all the way from New York. Hello, hello, hello. Sir, what's your name? My name is Lacey Lacey. Tell me what is your problem. How can I help you?
Speaker 7:My world. I feel like I'm living in a world of darkness and I'm the only one there, and it's very cold. I don't have no hope right now. I'm reaching out, I'm trying, but I just don't see my life turning around.
Speaker 3:Do you want this light, the light of God, to shine in this dark world?
Speaker 3:I'm looking for the light. Okay, you have found it. You have found it. You think that you are the only one in this dark world, but no, there are many others, but you cannot see each other because of the darkness. However, you have found the light. I read to you what the Lord Jesus said. There is this message for you. Let me display it on your TV right now. Come to me the Lord Jesus, mr Lace, he's telling you, come to me, all you who labor and are half laden, and I will give you rest. This word rest means peace, not just to lie down and rest or take a nap. No, this word rest means peace. I'll give you rest. I'll give you peace in life. Do you suffer from any addiction?
Speaker 7:Yes, I do Many.
Speaker 3:Many Tell me about them.
Speaker 7:Well, I smoke marijuana. Every day I'm smoking cigarettes, I haven't been drinking, but I'm so sad and depressed and distraught over losing my children and their mother that I've even thought about committing suicide.
Speaker 3:How many children do you have? Two, okay, and you lost both of them. Yes, why what?
Speaker 7:happened I was doing, I was drinking and doing drugs and I physically abused the mother, sexually abused her, and I just got out of control. So to the point where the police come and lock me up and now I have a restraining order against me. I'm not allowed to see my children or the mother. It's still got to go to court yet the mother it's still got to go to court yet. But I am so, so sorry that I did all that there that I just don't know what to do anymore. I want my children back and I want the mother back, but I just I just think.
Speaker 3:Okay, mr Lacey, let me tell you something. I believe you. I believe you. I know somebody may say now that he has abused the family, he has to go to court, he's sorry. Some people even may judge you, saying that you are pretending that it's fake. But I believe in you Because we began our conversation. You said that you feel like you are in a dark world and indeed you are the evil spirits. They are the ones that control your mind, your actions. You have no control and then you became this abusive husband and father. But once this spirit leaves your body, you are going to be a free man, a father to your kids, a husband to your wife and you are going to have your life back. You don't need to take your life to solve the problems. Bring these problems to God and these problems will come to an end. All right, okay, hold on for a second, miss Barbara. Yes, does it sound familiar to you his life?
Speaker 5:Yes it does. In which ways my dad abused my mom many times. He shot her, he stabbed her, he beat her with a hammer, a bat. I mean it was just awful, and we had to look at that as we were kids. How old were you? I was little, I mean, even before I was born. He was still like that with my mother. So I looked at it my whole life since I was little.
Speaker 3:Hold on for a second Now, bishop David, this is what we say always here in this program, like if we talk, if we ask Mr Lacey about his family, we are going to find the same thing Because it moves from one generation to another. She just said here, even before she was born, her father was abusing her mother, her father was.
Speaker 4:I'm sure he had addictions and so forth.
Speaker 5:Yes, he did. He was smoking marijuana, he was drinking, he was gambling and he was very abusive to my mother and he stabbed your mother. Yes, he stabbed her across her head. He beat her with the hammer, a bat, I mean shot her twice in her legs. He was going to shoot her in her head, but he didn't have no more bullets, so I mean he was very abusive, you know.
Speaker 3:Now we understand the reason why she became like that, yes, I was a very.
Speaker 5:I would always fight with. Whoever I was with, I wanted to fight with them. They never wanted to fight with me, you know, but I was always the one that wanted to fight because I was in a. You know, I always looked at that my whole life.
Speaker 4:She had that spirit in her. Yes, you inherited that from your father. Yes, I did, and you didn't like what your father was doing. But you began to do it because the Spirit passed on to you. And I'm sure Mr Lacey was on the line. I'm sure, if we look at his family, his family he must have grown up in a troubled family too. That's right.
Speaker 3:Mr Lacey, yes, are you listening to us?
Speaker 7:Yes, I am, and you're right. I did grow up in an abusive family. My father was an alcoholic, beat my mother every day, didn't believe I was his son, and then he passed away when I was three years old. But he was a bad alcoholic. He was very abusive to women and I found that through my life. I uh, I couldn't keep a relationship because I was abusive, a provider, I homes, food, whatever. And then one day I met this woman named Jody. I was married at the time and we had went to a bar and drank and then went back to her house and had our way with one another and I soon got divorced after that and then, from then on, all I've been able to do is see my father coming out of me and it haunts me.
Speaker 3:It's an evil spirit I don't want to be like that.
Speaker 7:I'm not that type of person. I'm really a good person. I love people. I've always loved the Lord. Like that, I'm not that type of person. I'm really a good person. I love people. I've always loved the Lord.
Speaker 3:Yes, I see it. However, the spirit, the evil spirit that took the life of your daddy. Your daddy is dead, but that spirit is alive. That's why the same spirit uses you to become the person you became Addictions, alcohol, drugs and you told me that you want to take your life. You think of suicide. This is the same spirit that killed your daddy, but I want you now, mr Lace, to see what God did in the life of Mrs Barbara. You are going to see how God transformed her life.
Speaker 3:But I want to challenge you over there, you are just like Mr Lace, or you are the abused wife. You have a husband that beats you, abuses you. You suffer from domestic violence. You are going to give him a call. You are going to take the challenge right now, here in the broken beyond repair. If you are just as broken as Mr Lace's family background, just like Miss Bavaro was broken beyond repair, you are going to call me right now. Now you are going to take the challenge, because if God is real, if he is alive, if he is in this ministry, he is going to give you rest. He said come to me, you who are tired, heavy, you, you who labor. He said come to me. I will give you rest and the Lord is going to give you rest.
Speaker 2:Do you feel broken and helpless? Join now the Broken Beyond Repair Challenge and begin to see great changes in your life. Call now at 1-888-332-4141 or text the word challenge to 1-888-312-4141.
Speaker 3:Mr Lace. Yes, listen here please, miss Barbara. Yes, sir, you found us on the TV.
Speaker 5:Yes, my mother found you and she brought us to y'all. Okay To you guys.
Speaker 3:So your mother found us. What has God done in your life and in your family?
Speaker 5:My family goes to the church and the universal church and my family is changing. They've changed a lot. You know we, just ever since I went to the church, I mean I've been loving it. I've been there for two and a half years already and now I'm strong in faith and everything like my whole life has changed. My kids love me again. We have peace, we have rest, which is peace, and we have, you know, just, a loving family. Now I mean, yeah, we go through our, you know bad, bad times, but we overcome it and we forgive each other. Like before we'd always be drinking and you know, just mean, with each other arguing all the time, but now I just I feel so strong and in faith now, strong, strong.
Speaker 3:What about the alcoholism?
Speaker 5:The alcoholism. I'm free from drugs and alcohol and everything Free.
Speaker 3:You don't drink, you don't have the craving.
Speaker 5:I don't have hate, I don't fight with nobody, don't argue with nobody, like at times everybody wouldn't even want to be around me because I was so mean and I have so much love and peace in my heart now. It's just amazing now amazing.
Speaker 3:Uh, mr lace, yes, did you hear that? I sure did. I'm proving to you that you are not the only one. She was one that was also in the dark world, but now she has received the light, and the same light will shine upon you, upon your family. I prophesy to you yes, I do prophesy to you that very, very soon you are going to have here your children back, your wife, your family. When you go to court, god will go ahead of you to be your lawyer and God will work on your case. You are going to be a new person. All right, thank you, thank you. It's a prophecy to you. I prophesy, and it shall come to pass. Thank you, thank you. It's a prophecy to you. I prophesy, and it shall come to pass. Thank you very much. Where about? In New York you live?
Speaker 7:I live in a town named Bowerver Bowerver.
Speaker 3:It's a little town.
Speaker 7:Yeah, it's a little town.
Speaker 3:Okay, we have many locations in New York City, also upstate New York. Monique is going to pass your information to the pastors over there in New York and we are going to do a spiritual follow-up to mentor you so that you may be strong in the faith and overcome it. Okay, yes, stay on the line for me. God bless you. All the best.
Speaker 7:Thank you very much. God bless you.
Speaker 3:You are welcome. Let me show to you the helpline, these people on the helpline. They are available to receive your call. If you are broken beyond repair, call this number right now 1-888-332-4141. You can call right now this number and you are going to be assisted by the power of God and the counselors will be ready to assist you, broken beyond repair. Bishop david, you have another person.
Speaker 4:I have blanca right here. Yes, thank you for being here today, blanca you're welcome good to have you. So, um, what happened to you? Uh, there was a time that you were diagnosed with cancer yes, I was, I was.
Speaker 6:It was very surprising. You know, I was not expecting that.
Speaker 4:A lot of people, when they're diagnosed with cancer, it's like their whole life falls apart, right? Yes, it is. They feel like you know what's going to happen now it's going to. You know I'm going to die from this.
Speaker 6:Yes, when they told me like it's abnormal, you had to go to a specialist, like the moment I hear a specialist, it's like it's something serious. Yes, so I started um going to the appointments. It was a process of appointments, a specialist so at the.
Speaker 4:At the time, you had been in the church for years yes you had the holy spirit, yes, and still you got diagnosed with cancer, yes. So how did that make you feel?
Speaker 6:It was very kind of in a moment, disappointed and very frustrated at the moment. And the moment I went, what happened? I mean it's just like, is it real, is it happening? And in denial kind of I was like mean, it's just like, is it real, is it happening? In denial, kind of I was like no, it cannot be happening.
Speaker 4:And so, what did you do?
Speaker 6:So I started going what the doctor advised me we're going to do again another test and then go to the specialist. And so I did the whole process of going to the specialist, as I was advised. And the moment I went there they told me okay, now you thought we're going to do a procedure, we're going to do a biopsy. So there I went to the process of the biopsy and there was appointment and another appointment, another appointment.
Speaker 4:So, blanqui, you were going through, you were following the advice of your doctor, which we advise people to do, but, spiritually, what were you doing during that whole time?
Speaker 6:Spiritually because I know there is a God that can heal me. So the moment I started doing my chain of prayer on Tuesdays, that's when I started doing it. So I follow what I'm doing, my appointments going to the Tuesdays healing prayer, so the whole process there was. Just I'm going to leave my faith now and I do not accept this.
Speaker 4:So what kind of prayers were you making during this time to God?
Speaker 6:The prayers is like I believe you can heal, so I want to be healed.
Speaker 4:And you were saying you know a lot of people, bishop Joshua. She was saying that she was telling God you know, I don't accept this. For a lot of people that's kind of a strange thing to say, but for us it's normal. We have this boldness to say I don't accept this problem because the word of God promises this and that.
Speaker 3:That's right. We cannot just believe in a God that is just written here in the Bible. When we open the Bible, this is our faith in the universal church. When we open the Bible, what is written here must come to pass. Because she was a believer. Yes, she believed in God. She had the Holy Spirit, had the Holy Spirit that came in the disease. Somebody may ask how come a person that is a believer had the Holy Spirit and the cancer came? Well, we are still born in flesh. Yes, human beings yes, but you see the difference. You asked her about her reaction when she was diagnosed with cancer. She was positive, she was in a positive face, positive mind. She did not break, she did not give up. On the contrary, she said to I do not accept it. And here she is, alive and healed.
Speaker 4:And she began coming on Tuesdays, which is the day for healing. So every Tuesday she was making her chain of prayer.
Speaker 3:That's why this church has to be open every single day to every necessity of our lives.
Speaker 4:Yes, and so Blanco. What happened? So you were going through that process for how long? From the diagnosis of cancer, it was ovarian cancer or uterine cancer, ovarian Ovarian cancer. So you began to pray, you began to fight against this.
Speaker 6:Yes, I was like I'm not going to accept it. I'm going to do what the doctor is going to tell me to go and do, and I'm gonna keep doing my prayer and ask god because, uh, I do not accept this. So, um, and for my, in my head, it was like I'm not gonna do any, any, any chemo, any treatment, because they were gonna diagnose me how to treat it. And that moment I was like, okay, now, god, you're gonna show me that you're with me and that you do miracles.
Speaker 4:Yes.
Speaker 6:And in that moment so, when I went to the last appointment to be treated, how long had it been from the diagnosis to that last appointment?
Speaker 4:Three months, so three months. You were praying yes, I was yes, and when you went to that appointment, you're calling it the last appointment.
Speaker 6:Yes, for me it was, and even I was like I had the word like you, heal this king that he was. He had an illness and he asked you and you healed him. So now I'm asking you the same thing.
Speaker 4:So she's talking about I was talking to her earlier. There's a story in the Bible where Hezekiah, a king who is faithful to God, he had this tumor or boil on his leg and he was going to die. And God told him to get a paste of figs and put it on his legs and he was healed. So what you did? I think in the Tuesday meetings you ate some fig.
Speaker 6:Yes, they were doing that purpose.
Speaker 4:So you ate it and you determined I'm healed.
Speaker 6:Yes, and when I was waiting in their reception area for my appointment to go and see the specialist, I was like God, here I am and I want you to heal me.
Speaker 4:And so what happened?
Speaker 6:And so they did the um, the biopsy, they did all the whole process. And then so they said if we, if we call you in a week, is to be, uh, to be, follow what we're gonna do the next step. And so then in that week it was Wednesday when they call me. So for me it was already okay they were calling me. So for me it was already okay they were calling me, but it was like I was not nervous, I was not because I was not supposed to receive a call. So then when they called me and they said you know what? There's nothing, everything is negative.
Speaker 4:Everything was gone.
Speaker 6:Yes, everything had disappeared.
Speaker 4:Yes. So this is one more proof. This is one more sign. Know she had cancer it's something that destroys people's lives but she prayed, she came to the church, she put her faith in God and God set her completely free. What a miracle. And God wants to do the same for you.
Speaker 2:Do you feel broken and helpless? Join now the Broken Beyond Repair Challenge and begin to see great changes in your life. Call now at 1-888-332-4141 or text the word CHALLENGE to 1-888-312-4141.
Speaker 3:We have these people here sharing their stories, the broken parts of their lives and the repaired ones, because God is repairing lives. What about you? We heard the story of Blanca that was healed from cancer, miss Barbara that was healed from alcoholism and a problem. What about you?
Speaker 8:alcoholism, anger problem. What about you? I was in a bad relationship and when I got out of that relationship I had to move back in with my mom and I lost my job and I lost my car, everything. I had, nothing.
Speaker 3:So bad relationship. How bad was that relationship?
Speaker 8:It was bad to the point where he was abusive and I had to leave and move back in with my mom.
Speaker 3:Okay, so bad relationship, went back to live with your mom and you are saying that you lost many things.
Speaker 8:Yes, lost my job, my car, my self-esteem. I just I was lonely, I had nothing. Lonely.
Speaker 3:Yes, did you ever think of suicide?
Speaker 8:No, I didn't. I just was always to myself.
Speaker 3:Okay when you say that you lost the self-esteem you want to be by yourself. It is depression. Yes yes, always sad.
Speaker 8:Sad. Yes, I had depression. I didn't want to be by yourself. It is depression, yes, yes, always sad, sad. Yes, I had depression. I didn't want to be around nobody. The family would invite me out to do things and I didn't want to do it.
Speaker 3:I just wanted to be to myself, okay, so how did you find out about us?
Speaker 8:My aunt, she goes here and she told me about this church and she told me that I should come to this church.
Speaker 3:Since you have been coming to us, what has God? Because you know, bishop David, we say always in this ministry, when a person comes to this church, first time this person comes to this church, we always say that once you come to this ministry, your problem becomes our problem. Yes, yes.
Speaker 4:We always tell people that we're going to stand shoulder to shoulder with you to fight against your problem. Your problem is our problem. We're not here to criticize. We're not here to condemn. We're not here to point out people's mistakes. We've made mistakes. We're not perfect. We're just here to solve. We're not here to point out people's mistakes. We've made mistakes. We're not perfect, we're just here to solve the problem.
Speaker 3:That's right, and you need to see the problems in her life. You need to see the result in your life. So, I'm sorry, your name again, shanitra Shanitra, shanitra, shanitra. When you came, you were very, very broke. We have pictures of your past, the way that you came to us. These videos. Why do you seem to me to be happy, having a good time in that?
Speaker 8:Yeah, I looked happy, but I really wasn't happy.
Speaker 3:What did you say?
Speaker 8:I looked happy, but I really wasn't happy. You're not happy? No, I wasn't so people like the weekends.
Speaker 3:they go to parties like this. They have affairs, they have drinks, alcohol, drugs, baths Deep inside. They're not happy.
Speaker 8:No, I wasn't happy. I would go to many parties and clubs with friends. They would invite me to come out. I would go, but when I come home I go back to being the same. Back to reality. Back to reality.
Speaker 3:So behind closed doors, who were you? Behind closed doors? Because before Friends, the lights were on. People you know. They show that they are happy, they pretend they are okay, but when the lights go off, behind closed doors, only them themselves alone. How do they feel? Tell me about you.
Speaker 8:I was, like I said, I was lonely, depressed. I was to myself, I didn't want to talk to anybody. I just lonely, depressed. I was to myself. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I just wanted to be in a room by myself.
Speaker 3:Room by yourself.
Speaker 8:Yeah, be in a room by myself.
Speaker 3:Okay, so your aunt was coming here to the church. Yes, she invited you. Yes, okay, how long have you been with us?
Speaker 8:Now it's been 10 years.
Speaker 3:What has God done for you?
Speaker 8:God has done amazing things. My finances are better, my spiritual life is awesome, my love life is great. Everything has changed. I have my own car, I have my own house. Everything is just in peace right now. In peace, peace, yes. Do you have peace inside of you? I do, I don't worry anymore. What is peace Inside of me?
Speaker 3:But what is peace? The peace that you have Because this person watching us, what is peace? They don't know what peace is all about. They think that peace is to feel high, is to feel numb, it's to feel drunk. What is peace that you are talking about?
Speaker 8:it's god. I. I just I can't really explain it. It just come, it just came inside of me like I don't worry about anything. Don't worry about anything, don't worry, I don't let anything get to me, I don't't let nothing bother me, I'm just happy inside.
Speaker 3:Happy inside. I mean problems. Everybody has Problems always come a long way.
Speaker 8:But even when problems come to you, it doesn't bother you, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me at all.
Speaker 3:So, bishop, this peace is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God. Yes, only he can. This peace is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God. Yes, only Him can give this peace. We saw the pictures, the videos. She was there having good times, drinking, partying, but going back home depressed. But when a person has the Holy Spirit, you don't need no more substance, no more drugs. You don't depend on parties, on people.
Speaker 4:you have this inner peace it's, it's a permanent thing, it's. It doesn't depend on people, doesn't depend on a party, on any substance. It's something you have and the thing about this peace is that in the middle of problems, it's still there. It doesn't disappear. It's there and it keeps you strong and it helps you to trust in God and to know, to have this certainty that, yes, I'm going through problems, but God is with me and I'm I'm going to overcome.
Speaker 3:If I don't overcome today, tomorrow or next week, but I'm going to overcome you can have this opportunity to receive the spirit that she received, the spirit of peace. She said I am happy inside, you can be happy inside as well. These ladies that we have here with us. They were transformed and talking about the Holy Spirit, Blanca was already baptized with the Holy Spirit. Cancer came in her body I'm sorry, ovarian cancer yes, and she overcame the ovarian cancer. She was healed. And from where this strength came? From the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 2:Do you feel broken and helpless? Join now the Broken Beyond Repair Challenge and begin to see great changes in your life. Call now at 1-888-332-4141 or text the word CHALLENGE to 1-888-312-4141. To 1-888-312-4141.
Speaker 3:This was one more broken beyond repair. We have done it, Bishop David. We have made it. We have proved that God can repair Absolutely.
Speaker 4:These three women have proven that there is hope for people who feel like they're broken beyond repair.
Speaker 3:They were repaired, restored, and God can do the same in your life.
Speaker 2:Broken Beyond Repair. The untold stories of those who were once broken.
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