Soul Food

Broken Beyond Repair (Part 13)

Bishop Bira Joshua Season 12 Episode 6

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This engaging episode shares powerful stories of resilience and transformation from individuals who once felt broken beyond repair. We delve into how trauma impacts lives, the role of faith, and the path to healing. 

• Joseph's childhood was filled with abuse and crime 
• Life in and out of prison shaped by anger 
• Wiznelly experiences undiagnosed health issues and paranormal experiences 
• Juliet's struggle with divorce and feelings of betrayal 

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Speaker 1:

It's time for Soul Food Podcast.

Speaker 2:

Broken Beyond Repair. The untold stories of those who were once broken.

Speaker 3:

Today's Broken Beyond Repentance. We have my guests here. They are the testimonies. They are going to tell us their story. We have here the story of Joseph. Hi, joseph, how are you? I'm good, so now you are good. We ask people how their lives were because people your past are many people's present, so they are facing what you had faced before. So, joseph, tell us about the dark side of your life.

Speaker 4:

The dark side of my life started with my stepfather abusing my mother. There was a lot of abuse at home and I took that abuse to school. I couldn't control myself. I was always angry, I was always frustrated with the situation that was going on at home. My stepfather didn't really provide for us. You know, we didn't have money like that. The fridge would be empty at times, the living conditions that we lived in weren't good, the walls would crumble, the floors were messed up and I grew up with that anger as a child and I took that to school. I would bully people, I would fight with girls in the school, I would disrespect the teachers and I grew up like that as a young child, very frustrated and growing up.

Speaker 4:

I didn't really learn much at school because I didn't like to pay attention, because in my mind I was always thinking about my mother being abused, my stepfather beating us, his alcohol abuse, and that took me into the drugs. It took me into the streets and I didn't really have real friends. My friends were drug addicts, drug dealers, gang members and at the age of 17, 18, I joined a gang. I became part of this gang. I started to do crime and I started to sell drugs. The selling of drugs took me to jail. You know I was locked up several times. I have several cases that you know. By the grace of God they were all dismissed and you know my life was transformed.

Speaker 3:

So you said locked up several times. How many times?

Speaker 4:

About like 42 times 42?. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

In and out.

Speaker 4:

In and out.

Speaker 3:

So you never had a family and the streets, the gangs became your family.

Speaker 4:

Right At home. I didn't have a family I didn't have my stepfather would try to give us advice, but how can you take advice from someone that's telling you to do something but they don't do it themselves?

Speaker 3:

we have the highlights of your story. I want to show this video now. Joseph, when we hear your story, uh, it's a real story, because usually we see it in movies, in movies. But this is your real story. You're not telling somebody else's story.

Speaker 4:

No, this is my real story, this is what I lived, this is what I experienced, and you know, my life was really like this 42 times in prison. Yeah, there were times that I would get locked up and they would let me ride out because they knew who I was. The cops knew my name, they knew where I hung out the judge. There were times that I had.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry. What was your streets nickname, if you can say it. If you are doing something bad, it's kind of bad, okay, so don can say it if you are doing something bad. It's kind of bad, okay, so don't say it, I can tell. But what I mean is that the cops used to catch you and say your nickname, street name, and say you again.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And take you back to prison.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because I didn't associate myself with people that went to school, that people that work, that people that own anything. My friends were drug dealers and people that did crime. I was around people that were extreme criminals, right To the point where everybody knew them and they knew me and they knew that sooner or later I was going to get caught. And one time they published a paper and in that paper they said that they have a special crime unit to go out and try to catch us. And my mother told me she was like look what they put on the newspaper.

Speaker 3:

And I was like I found you on the newspaper.

Speaker 4:

Yes, she found the article of the new crime unit that's going to go into the neighborhood and clean it out.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and.

Speaker 4:

I told my mother listen.

Speaker 3:

And she feared for your life.

Speaker 4:

She did, she really did. I used to make my mother very depressed, very upset, because she couldn't do nothing for me.

Speaker 3:

Right, Let us go to his highlights. The story of Joseph.

Speaker 2:

Broken beyond repair.

Speaker 4:

Every day we'll come home and my mother will get beat by my stepfather for no reason. We live in extreme poverty. You know he will only buy what just enough for us to be okay. You know he will only buy what just enough for us to be okay. And that inside of me I just grew so much anger that I wanted to kill him. One time he hit us so hard there was blood all over the floor. I became very angry. I started to sell drugs because the conditions that we were living in weren't good. I had spirits chasing me everywhere. I would see dark shadows everywhere. I really was really fed up with my life at that moment.

Speaker 3:

So, joseph, that was your past life, that was my past life. So then you are supposed to be alive.

Speaker 4:

I'm supposed to either be dead or locked up behind bars for life.

Speaker 3:

For life.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Okay, let me talk now to you with Nelly. How are you? What about you? Nobody comes to this church with a good life. We have this episode Broken Beyond Repair, and this is exactly how people come to the Universal Church. What about you? What are the pieces that you brought to us?

Speaker 5:

Well, I started very young to have this health problem. My heart would just start stopping several times and I would constantly faint. I would be in school fainting, I would be in the streets fainting. I remember one time the ambulance just knocked the door in my apartment because it was crazy how I was. I even thought I even had like epilepsy at one point, but that wasn't the case. I was just like going to hospitals and you, the doctors, were trying to say, okay, what was wrong with me? And they just said that I was fine, that I had no problems, I had no issues. I even went to out of you know states trying to find like, okay, what is what is wrong with me?

Speaker 3:

what about? I'm sorry, what about your, like, your parents? Uh, how old were you?

Speaker 5:

at that point I was about 14.

Speaker 3:

14 a teenager having this heart problem. Did the doctors diagnose the problem?

Speaker 5:

No, they just said that I was fine, that nothing was, that was normal, and so I that got me really frustrated because I was like how can I be normal if I I'm the one that's feeling like this, you know?

Speaker 3:

Was the doctor lying?

Speaker 5:

No, I mean he was showing me the test results. Look, you're fine, there's nothing wrong with you.

Speaker 3:

But then I I asked you this question. The doctors were lying, because some people think, no, they are lying, they don't want to treat me. But they were right, they are not lying. They said you are fine because they did not find anything right.

Speaker 5:

But because they did not find anything right. But at one point they were like okay, fine, you think you have a problem, let's put a little monitor on you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, this is what I mean. Many people have a spiritual disease. What you had was a spiritual disease Because if the doctors run tests, they put monitors on you and everything is fine. Yet you yourself, you were in pain, in pain, fainting, you were having all these complications and the doctors could not help. So it's clear to us that you had a spiritual problem. Now I ask you did you ever have like these thing of hearing voices, shadows, hearing noises?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think that the rise of God brought a lot of those things. I started just feeling like depressed and like sad and angry at myself and, you know, distance from my family too, because I used to feel like I wasn't part of like being with them. And then I would in the nighttime, I would hear things, I would see things and I was just, I like out of control, like inside of me that's why the doctors told her you, you are fine, just go home, you are fine.

Speaker 3:

They could not diagnose the problem because was a level spirit inside of her, and perhaps this is what is going on to you right now. You go to the doctor, you do therapies, treatments. They don't find anything wrong, abnormal in your life. Why not? Because you do have.

Speaker 6:

In these days, millions of people suffer from undiagnosable diseases and other mortal illnesses that can lead to death in a matter of seconds. Many scientists still do not have a cure for most of these diseases. The more time that passes without a cure, the greater the number of people that continues to suffer from various diseases. But what many people don't know is that they have become victims of a health curse, an evil spirit that appears through a disease that passes from generation to generation. This disease can come in a form of cancer, a tumor or any other illness that is difficult to treat. The disease first reaches your parents and can lead to their death. Then it enters your health and also leads you to destruction. This illness is accompanied by depression, low self-esteem and absolute discouragement, to the point that you no longer wish to continue living.

Speaker 2:

Do you feel broken and helpless? Join now the Broken Beyond Repair Challenge and begin to see great changes in your life. Call now at 1-888-332-4141 or text the word CHALLENGE to 1-888-312-4141.

Speaker 3:

You can take the challenge. You can call this number these people here. One day they were challenged to come to us. They came and I believe that nobody here regrets you don't. They don't regret because god did repair their life.

Speaker 5:

So you came to a point to hear noises, voices, inside of your house yeah, and it was just fights and it'll be arguments with me and my parents and my sister and just like this huge hate and and I just wouldn't understand why I was just feeling like that. But I think that just that the rise of like everything happening to me and like I feel like nobody was understanding me, like there's something wrong with me and I just took it upon others, so like manifesting that like sort of anger to them, so who is nelly empty?

Speaker 3:

you, you were inside of course and you start fighting. Okay, let me now talk to mrs juliet. Miss williams williams juliet, what about you? What are you empty inside?

Speaker 1:

yes, bishop, I was very, very empty because, um, I was going through a divorce and because my husband had cheated and I was going through a divorce and that made me so empty inside, so also so angry. I wasn't a person of hate, but because of the divorce and what I was going through, I had so much hate inside of me. I hate my husband, I hate everything that is around me and everyone that is around me.

Speaker 3:

So he cheated on you and you hated him with all your stress.

Speaker 1:

Yes, To the point of what Hating all men, all men, yes. To the point of what Hating all men, all men yes.

Speaker 3:

So you hated all men. You thought that every man was the same, the same. Yes, for sure. Yes. How broken were you inside when you heard the man you loved, the man you trusted, broke your trust.

Speaker 1:

I was broken inside in the sense that I didn't want to live. I didn't think of suicide, but I just feel like I would just want to go to my bed and not wake up. That's how broken I was and it affects my family. It affects my children, especially my older daughter. She was depressed. She was seeking counseling in school and that even made me more bitter angry and the hate got so intense that I didn't want to. I didn't even want to go home. It's like when I'm going home, when I leave work and I'm going home, I want to go home. It's like when I'm going home, when I leave work and I'm going home, I want to. It's like I want to the house to move further and further and further away from me.

Speaker 3:

You did not want to face the reality. Reality, yes. So you are watching us and you say I am also empty, I am also broken. I am also broken. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I am empty, I am broken. I want a way out Now. I want you to hear what God did in these people's lives. So, joseph, 42 times in prison, broken life, broken family.

Speaker 4:

How did you find us? I found you guys through my mom. My mother she was. The doctors told her she was HIV positive, but she lied to us and she told us she had cancer. So I tried to help her get some help. But we all needed help.

Speaker 4:

So my mother ended up coming first and my mother fell in love coming to the place, so she tried to get me to come and I said, look, I don't really believe you got so many beliefs and now you go on a church. You have me all confused. So I ended up coming and I ended up liking it as well. I saw that I needed to be here. I saw that as soon as I walked through the doors I was welcome, I was accepted for the way that I came in. I came in with earrings, I came in with, you know, showing my tattoos and nobody judged me and that's how I came in. I walked in and I heard the first message and when I heard that message it was like the pastor that was up there talking knew everything about me, but I knew 100% that he did not know me.

Speaker 3:

So when the pastor was talking preaching, it sounds like he was talking to you.

Speaker 4:

It sounds like he knew everything about me.

Speaker 3:

Somebody came before you and told the pastor. You're like so did you do, miss williams? Do you have this experience as well? Like the past was talking to you yes, bishop in the service. Yes, bishop. Yes, okay, wins nelly yeah, the same the same. You felt like the pastor was talking to you.

Speaker 5:

Right, like if somebody told him what was going on with me.

Speaker 3:

So this is the work of the Holy Spirit. This is what the Holy Spirit does. When they came into church, let me show everybody here, please. When they came into church, it is like the pastor was talking to them. The pastor knew what was going on in their lives. The human being, the pastor did not know, but the Holy Spirit knew what they are facing. That's why God knows what you are facing, he knows your pain and he's calling you for a transformed life. So, joseph, what has God done in your life? How is your life?

Speaker 4:

Well, the first thing, that I was liberated from drugs. I was addicted to marijuana, alcohol, and I used it to the point where I abused it. So I was free from that. I smoked cigarettes too. I was free from that and I was free from anger. I hated my stepfather for beating my mother. I did not have no respect for him. I didn't have no respect for nobody. So that also changed. I became very polite. I changed my attitude, I changed my. You know, I became more happy, I became a happy person and I, in the church, I found my wife. You know, I got married. I did not believe in marriage, I did not believe in faithfulness, I did not believe in anything that.

Speaker 3:

So you did not believe because you saw your parents, your mother broken, right right.

Speaker 4:

My family was completely broken and this is what I thought that everybody else was living. Most of the people that I knew, their fathers, were in there. You know, everybody was in a broken home and I never knew about, you know, a happy family. Now you have it. Now I have it, thank God.

Speaker 3:

They say unbelievable.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

But for us it's not unbelievable. For us it's believable.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I have people that work for me and they look at me and they say, man, I wish I could have that, I wish I could have what you have, because they also have a broken home. And I tell them I said just just come we are talking about the emptiness inside.

Speaker 3:

How is your relationship with God? How do you feel?

Speaker 4:

inside, well, I feel. I feel extremely happy. I don't hold any resentment, any anger towards anyone and I don't feel empty. And this is the. This is one thing that when I first got here, I came empty. I came, I came I didn't know what to do with my life and I was so empty to the point that I didn't. I was in a dead stop with my life. I didn't know what to do and, coming to the church and learning, I ended up learning how to have a communication with God, so I don't feel empty.

Speaker 4:

So every day that I wake up, I know that I'm not alone.

Speaker 4:

I could have tons of problems in my business or with anything else and I know that I'm not, I'm not by myself and that I'm not empty.

Speaker 4:

You receive the Holy Spirit, yeah, the Spirit of God, yeah. So every day I wake up and I look to conquer another day and you know, I try to go and share my experience with other people and talk to them about God, because God was the only one that was able to take me out of the depression, the sadness, the addictions, the horrible dark side that I live, and he was able to show me that there is a, there is sunshine, that there is happiness, that there you can have a wife that could be loyal to you, that you know you can grow up and and take care of your family and give your family the best, and that you could prosper. You don't have to be, you know, you don't have to be poor and not open the fridge and see it empty. You know, know God gave me the ability to wake up every morning and and take conquer everything that I want transformed the life, transformed life let us see now the case of this young lady by my side, because you were broken empty inside.

Speaker 3:

Yes, how did you know about us?

Speaker 5:

so my mother and I were walking one day in the street and we were stopped by somebody just evangelizing with the newspaper. And my mom, she already believed in God, but she was like, at this point, I have nothing to lose, I'm going to go and I'm going to pray. So she thought it as like, oh, we're just going to go pray. I thought of it as you know, I have nothing to lose, this is my only resort and I'll try it because I I said at this point I have to take matters to my own hands because the doctors didn't do anything for me. And so at that moment, that's when I I started going. And I started going especially on fridays, because, um, that was taught. Like go, come, start coming. Fridays for the deliverance prayer.

Speaker 3:

By doing the deliverance prayer, by praying with us. What has God done for you?

Speaker 5:

So I started realizing that I was, little by little, not feeling like I was short of breath or like feeling like I was going to faint, like lightheaded. I started feeling better. My relationship at home with my parents was even better too my sister as well. Like I was like I was growing closer to them because before I was like apart from them, and in school the same way, like I started just acting differently and caring more for myself and for my grades, and it was something that I realized. This is something that it's, it was in me and in me now is totally different. Like I, I have peace. I don't have none of that feeling of like you know, I'm nobody. I am just, like now, so grateful for God.

Speaker 3:

So did you receive the spirit of God.

Speaker 5:

Yes, sir, I started after I mean, I was doing my chains, I was doing, you know, every, every Friday to the deliverance prayer, and so I started also participating on Sundays and seeking for the Holy Spirit even in my house as well, because I said, okay, you know, yes, I'm fine and I'm cured, and I know that, you know, jesus transformed my life, but I want more, you know, and I wanted his spirit inside of me so you were healed but, you were still empty, yeah Right.

Speaker 3:

But once you received the spirit of God, so you were filled and no going back, no going back what else has? God done for you in this ministry.

Speaker 5:

So I started having a better education. I did finish college. Now my home, everything is just a lot better with my mother and my sister. I have just a lot better with my mother, my sister. I have just a lot of blessings in and I'm just not saying like physical, material things, but inside of me, because you show that, you transmit that to other people. You know, whatever you have inside of you and that's that's what I have now, just peace amen.

Speaker 3:

Glad to hear your story, mrs will Williams. So you came to us Haiti man, because your husband cheated on you. How did you find us?

Speaker 1:

Okay, I was at work. I was at work I work in a nursing home and I was at work watching. I was taking care of my patient watching TV at the same time and I saw the church on TV. When I saw it on TV, a friend of mine came to my room and said to me did you see that program on TV? And I said yes, I'm watching it. And when I started telling her about the divorce that I was going through, she said you need to go to the church. So she gave me the flyer. So she gave me the flyer and I look up where the church is located in Brooklyn and I started I find it and I started going to the church.

Speaker 3:

So you found this ministry on the TV. There are many people out there watching us right now and coming to this ministry. How did God repair you? Because you were indeed broken.

Speaker 1:

Yes, god repaired me so much that I'm a new person today. Today. I'm a new person today because a person that was full of hate, anger, malice, grudge. And for me now, today, to be talking to other people, witnessing to other people what God can do for them, it's amazing. It is amazing. So you said that you are a new person, a new person A new person.

Speaker 3:

You are a new person just because you feel that you are a new person or others.

Speaker 1:

tell also that you are Others tell me. I hear from people that you are different, even on my job.

Speaker 4:

Even in your job.

Speaker 1:

Yes, people notice that when I go to work. They said you bring a different spirit when you come here. Even the patients would tell me you bring a different spirit when you come here. I talk to people on their deathbed. I would, you know, evangelize to them. I have people.

Speaker 3:

And for yourself, yourself. What has God done for yourself?

Speaker 1:

God has changed, transformed my life. I've been water baptized, I've been filled with the Holy Spirit. My marriage is mended. We have a happy family. Today I came to the church without a house. Never own a house. I'm the first one in my family, a family of seven, to own a house.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, hold on. Everybody needs to hear that again. So, a family of seven, you are the first one to have a house.

Speaker 1:

I'm the first one to own a house.

Speaker 3:

What do you mean? My marriage has been mended.

Speaker 1:

My husband and I are back together, loving. He comes to the church. He comes to. He hates the church and he comes to. Now he is coming to the church. And my children, who they live in Charlotte, north Carolina, when I do go there, I go to the church there and they will come to the church with me there.

Speaker 3:

So your life was totally transformed.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Bishop.

Speaker 3:

So marriage was broken, but now is restored.

Speaker 1:

It is restored today. Family that was broken is now together. I didn't own a house. I own a house today, using only $500 to get a house. $500? $500 to own a house?

Speaker 3:

So you see here the transformation in these people's lives, the transformation. Now, joseph, mrs Williams and Nellie all of them received the Holy Spirit, a new spirit. So, in spite of all their blessings, they have received a new spirit Because, remember, nellie was sick, she used to faint. She's healed. She used to faint, she's healed. She was getting divorced, broken home, broken family and he was on drugs 42 times in prison. The family was broken as well. Praise God, their lives were blessed, transformed, they were healed, they were prospered, they finished college, they have business, they have houses. But the most important blessing their lives was the day you received the holy spirit. You still remember, joseph, the day we received the holy spirit. Yeah, I remember unforgettable.

Speaker 1:

I cannot forget miss william yes, michelle, still Still remember, I still remember.

Speaker 5:

Nelly, yeah, bishop, it was at four in the morning. Four in the morning In a vigil.

Speaker 3:

Night vigil, so you had to persevere the whole night. The last but not the least, you received the Holy Spirit. So they all received the Spirit of God, and this is what we are offering. This is how to repair one's life. Once the Holy Spirit comes upon your life, call this number you see on your screen right now. Call this number. The Spirit found us. You are going to find us as well. This is one more episode Broken Beyond Repair. We showed to you that it's possible to have this emptiness inside of you filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. They were broken, but now they are repaired broken beyond repair.

Speaker 2:

The untold stories of those who were once broken. Thank you for listening to Soul Food. Make sure to turn on your notifications and share this food with others. You.