Soul Food
Soul Food
Part 15: Paranormal Activity
What if the ghosts of our past could haunt our dreams? Join us on the Soul Food Podcast with Bishop Joshua as we navigate the chilling world of nightmares and the spiritual realm, uncovering the shadows lurking in the night. We share the gripping tale of Arlette, whose life spiraled into despair after her encounter with an Ouija board. Her battles with haunting visions and the brink of suicide paint a vivid picture of the darkness nightmares can usher into our lives. Yet, Arlette's journey also illuminates the path from chaos to freedom, showcasing the profound peace found through faith and prayer in God. With a prayer for deliverance, we invite you to discover strength amidst the night’s terrors.
But Arlette’s story is just the beginning. Through engaging conversations with our live guests, we explore the depth and nourishment the Word of God offers to those seeking wisdom and guidance. Each episode promises to feed your spiritual hunger with inspiring stories of transformation that resonate with anyone on a faith journey. Whether you're plagued by night terrors or simply seeking spiritual clarity, our podcast offers a community for sharing, learning, and uplifting. Stay connected with us—your questions, comments, and thoughts are the lifeblood of this journey, helping us all find encouragement and light in the darkest of nights.
Now streaming on all major podcast platforms, edifying your mind, body and soul. We welcome you to listen now to Soul Food with your main host, bishop Joshua. Here we are always ready to share a word of faith. Unpack powerful testimonies and divinely inspired music to enhance your faith. Walk, feed your faith wherever you go, quench your spiritual hunger. Give the food that lasts forever. Here on the soul food podcast. Paranormal activity series. Paranormal Activity Series.
Speaker 2:Terror of the night, the night that was meant for people to rest, to sleep, to have a peaceful night. But they are terrified, they cannot sleep at all. The night becomes longer than just eight hours, seven hours, six hours and more, because of the terror of the night. A person is always exhausted, have this black eye cannot function well, is angry, frustrated, because every night you toss and you turn and it's a torment, and you turn and it's a torment. Last night you could not sleep and now one more night you are there up, 11 pm, 12 am, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The alarm clock rings. You have to go to work, but you are tired. How many take strong pills just to fall asleep faster, just to disconnect the brain from the world? But the thought comes, the dream comes. Bad dreams come, comes.
Speaker 2:Well, today we are going to show to you the story of this lady, arlette, this lady that had this fear. She was afraid to sleep at night. She dreamed herself drowning and dying. Imagine somebody dreaming her own death. Now she saw shadows calling her name. But shadows have no mouth, cannot speak, but in her case, yes, the shadows were so visible that she could even hear these shadows. Well, I'm going to play out to you right now this video, and I want you to know what nightmares are all about, right here on my computer, from my computer to you. Let us now watch this together.
Speaker 3:What are nightmares? Nightmares are considered a chronic sleeping disorder. Many people suffer with them on a regular basis. Nightmares provoke paranormal and physical danger. They can cause feelings of being trapped or suffocated. These feelings lead to insomnia, anxiety and other major sleeping disorders. Sleep apnea can result in high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes and heart disease. Nightmares are common among all ages. Studies show that an estimated 10 to 50 percent of children aged 3 to 6 years old have nightmares that can seem terrifyingly real. Nightmares affect 80 to 90 percent of all people at some point of their lives. Many people today cope with nightmares from childhood to early adolescence. Eight to 29% of adults report monthly nightmares. This is a spiritual enemy that is affecting millions today.
Speaker 2:In a few I'm going to pray, but also I have here the Scripture, the Word of God, which says you shall not be afraid of the terror by night, because maybe day and night you are in this fear, the terror of the night. We are going to pray, and the terrors, the torments, things that disturbs you during the night will go away. But let us go to our lit testimony, see what she has to share with us.
Speaker 4:The paranormal experience that I had was when I was around 11 years old, I started playing the Ouija board. From there it progressed from me seeing things which were like shadows. If I had nightmares, then I would probably say somewhat. There was times where I just it was easy for me to sleep, but there's other times where I just I had dreams of me dying. I have dreams of me drowning. I just had really bad dreams.
Speaker 4:There was one time this one incident where I had pulled the covers over my head and when I had peeked again to see, the shadow was calling me over. It was towards my closet and I went over there and when I opened the closet it had grabbed me and it had scratched me. So I went back to bed and I had pulled the covers. I couldn't sleep at all. I had really bad problems with sleeping just because I was scared. And I was scared to even tell my parents because I didn't want them to think that I was crazy. I was tormented to the point where I wanted to really kill myself. I attempted suicide twice, and it wasn't just only because of the voices I heard. There was other issues going on as well. I even went to the point where I grabbed a knife and I started threatening my dad I was gonna kill him and my mother.
Speaker 4:I remember that she saw me. She's like you're not the same person that you were anymore, because I used to be a very bubbly person. I had a lot of spunk, I had a lot of personality, I was very nice, and she saw that I became basically like a monster and she didn't recognize her own daughter and I just really needed a lot of help. I was the kind of girl that was in church but didn't take anything seriously. I started doing the chains of prayer because I didn't want to live the life that I was carrying already. So I started doing the chains of prayers. I started asking for God to deliver me from evil my life. Today I could say that I'm really happy. I have goals I have my self-esteem is now placed in God. I'm really happy, bubbly, I'm always caring, I always want to help. I love my family, I love my friends, I love my life and even when things aren't the way that I want it to be, I try to fight for that which I'm trying to attain.
Speaker 2:This lady, now Alet. She's free from this paranormal activity, completely free from these transfigured figures I mean the monsters, the faces that appeared to harm. One more time, the scripture says you shall not be afraid of the terror of the night. Let us pray. Are you ready for the prayer? Let me pray with you together, please, over there, close your eyes. My God and my Father, god of the Bible, how many are left over there, people that have these paranormal attacks since they were born? They suffer non-stop because these evil are always attacking them. My Lord Jesus, you are the one that can set them free. I pray to you. Medications, physicians, nobody can help this man, this woman, to get a good night of sleep. Nightmares, bad dreams, torment this person is sick and tired of it. People who are in prison they can even sleep by day, but by night they are up the whole night, even afraid, because they feel somebody come through the gates, the door. And this person is so fearful, so afraid. I ask you, father, god, bless their lives, transform each one of them, give to them my Father, your peace. So I am asking you, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I rebuke all evil spirits, the terrors of the night. I say, in Jesus' name, get out of this body and never, ever return. Amen.
Speaker 2:Thanks for watching, but you can find more help. You are in prison. You can take my number and send it to a family member those who have paranormal activities. The number is 1-888-691-2291. That's the number that you can send. I have this number over here. You can save this number and send it to your family on the outside. The UBB team will be more than available to assist them. Also, over there in Priza, you can tell them about my website that is universalbeyondtheboreorg. Send this link, this website, to a family member. I'm going to be back soon with one more episode. God bless you.
Speaker 1:Have a good one paranormal activities series food for the soul a bible-based podcast for all people to feed spiritual hunger.
Speaker 5:Streaming on all major podcast platforms.
Speaker 2:My piece of advice always comes from the Word of God, the Bible, and this Word never, ever fails.
Speaker 5:String weekly on the Soul Food Podcast with Bishop Joshua, where you will hear live guests share their transformation stories. Thanks, String Weekly on the Soul Food Podcast with Bishop Joshua, where you will hear live guests share their transformation stories. Stay connected with us for more Soul Food. Ask questions, leave your comments on each episode and leave a voice message. We will gladly answer here on the podcast, because this Soul Food is for you.