Soul Food
Soul Food
Broken Beyond Repair (Part 6)
What if your past doesn't have to define your future? Join us as we unravel stories of profound transformation and healing, beginning with the inspiring journey of Ms. Myrna, who was given up by her mother at just five years old. Her life story, marked by anger, rebellion, and numerous incarcerations, takes a hopeful turn when she finds redemption through faith in the Lord Jesus, offering a powerful testament that it's never too late to turn your life around.
Ms. Myrna returns to share her ongoing journey of healing, battling a mysterious condition that left her desperate for answers. Through faith and the use of holy anointing oil, she found solace and recovery, offering encouragement to those feeling trapped by illness or addiction. Her story, along with others, highlights the transformative power of faith in God, inviting listeners to embrace a spiritual path as a source of healing and hope.
Are you ready to fill your soul with the sustenance it needs? Look no further. Bishop Joshua Fonseca's Soul Food Podcast. You can listen anytime to these engaging messages of faith, from testimonies and real-life stories to musical entertainment. It's here to satisfy your spiritual hunger. Tune in today for a journey of hope, strength and truth, and be uplifted with each episode. Wherever you are, don't let your soul go hungry. It's time for some soul food.
Speaker 2:I've read the words in red how you leave the 99 To find the one missing. Feels like that was written With me on your mind. And the prodigal son who ran Leaving his home behind the part where the father came running to meet him. Did you say that with me on your mind?
Speaker 4:who am I? The world would give one single thought broken. Who am I that the God of all grace watch the tears from my face and says come as you are. You paid the price, you took the cross, you gave your life and you did it all with me, on your mind, me on your mind Broken Beyond Repair.
Speaker 1:The untold stories of those who were once broken.
Speaker 5:Nobody is broken beyond repair before God, they say. They tell you that there is no more way out. They say that your life will never move forward, you never make it, you never achieve it. Those who say such statements do not know God Exactly, they do not know the Lord, because no one is broken beyond repair Before the Lord, before the power of God, there is no broken beyond repair. What's your name again? Myrna, miss Myrna. So they told you your life was broken beyond repair?
Speaker 6:Yes, Bishop, my life was broken. What happened? At the age of five? My mother gave me up. That stood in my mind. I think it's always about my mother, my mother a lot of anger. Behind that anger, Bishop, behind this anger, it was rebellion I fought with with um police 13 years in jail, in and out hold on 13 years in jail, so your suffering began since you were born?
Speaker 5:yes, yes, bishop okay, we have this video, the we call the highlights of your problem, your past life, and I want you to have the summary, the idea how broken Ms Myrna's life was.
Speaker 6:At the age of five, my mother gave me up. I was so hurt because it's mommy it's love. I was so hurt because it's mommy it's love she gave me up. I was raised with 26 cousins of my uncle and it was like heart pain when I came to meet my mother at the age of 16. I was revealed. I started selling drugs stealing. I went to jail 13 times. The last time I did three and a half years. I was bad, very bad, 13 times in jail, ghost in my hands, shooting people. I was bad. The pain was severe. It was very painful. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't take no medication. The doctor couldn't give me anything because they don't know what I had, where it came from, so it was wounds there that nobody knows. The worst moments of my life, it was my breath. And the time I went to jail because my freedom, I lost my freedom. I went crazy. When I went in I said I was going to come worse Because I was selling drugs for 25 years.
Speaker 5:I wanted to come out worse. Ms Murder, how does it feel watching your past life? All that you went?
Speaker 6:through Too much hurt and too much pain, bishop, too much hate, pain. I was broken, completely Broken.
Speaker 5:Everything that we heard in this video is true.
Speaker 6:Yes, Bishop, it's true 13 times in jail.
Speaker 5:Yes, bishop, it's true.
Speaker 6:13 times in jail yes, bishop, 13 times in and out. Yes, because of the anger, the suffering, the love that my mother did not give me, looking for love in the wrong places, I fought with cops. I fought with four cops Four, yes, bishop Four. Four cops. Yes, bishop, my attitude. Four cops yes, bishop, my attitude. I didn't care. That was my attitude, I did not care. This is my life. I'm going to do what I want to do. Nobody was there for me, nobody's there for me. I'm going to do this.
Speaker 5:That anger came from the rejection you suffered from your childhood. Yes, Bishop.
Speaker 6:From my mother not being there, my father not being there, raised by my uncle that his wife had 26 kids, one wife. I was abused, I was mistreated, I was raped, everything in my life. It was a disaster. I was broken, broken. I was a broken heart.
Speaker 5:it was broken heart and very painful and hurt so I just anybody, anybody, looking at you, going back to the past.
Speaker 6:People did not believe in you they didn't trust me and they didn't believe me because of the thing that I told them.
Speaker 5:I mean, they didn't believe that you could change.
Speaker 6:Well, they say that the tree that is born twisted, it will never go straight. So that's what they were saying. So it's the same. Hold on for a second.
Speaker 5:If you ever heard somebody telling you that a tree that is born twisted will never be corrected, will never change, let me prove this person wrong in your life as well. Take the challenge in this program broken beyond repair, take the challenge. If they say you are twisted three, okay, god has power to redo the three and to give you a new life. The number is there. You can call this number right now 1-888-332-4141. Call this number, take the challenge, or else you can send me a text 1-888-312-4141. This is the text for the challenge. Send the text to me right now. I have here the device on my hand and I can take your problem, your information, and I can fight together with you. You said that your uncle's wife had 26 kids.
Speaker 6:Yes, bishop 26 kids 26 kids. I was raped, they were doing drugs, everything I learned there. You know the anger that I had because my mother did not raise me. So everything built up and I act behind that anger. So my thought was nobody loved me, nobody cared, so let me do what I need to do. That's what was the broken heart and anger and suffering and the pain that I had inside of me Because I thought no one loved me, no one there for me, not even my parents.
Speaker 5:That brought me to this world and then you grew up with this anger inside of you. Doing drugs, yes, just doing your use and selling.
Speaker 6:I just wanted my own. I came here at the age of 16. I started selling drugs, I started doing my own business and I think that I had the Lord in my hand, not the word in my hand, because I had money card, I had everything, but it was an empty thing in here. It was empty, so empty that I couldn't bear it. And this is what the fight, the arguing, the shooting of my husband, my daughter's father, because I shot him just because he pushed me. I shot him.
Speaker 5:You shot him yes.
Speaker 6:I was in anger. It was too much anger. I thought too much anger.
Speaker 5:So because of this anger problem, you had problems with everybody around you, everybody. Because I didn't care.
Speaker 1:That was my attitude.
Speaker 6:I did not care about anything. Nobody, just me, my life. This is my life. Like nobody cares about me. My mother gave me up. She gave me away. You understand, she was not there for me.
Speaker 5:So you grew up with this anger. Fighting husband shot him. How was the relationship with your children?
Speaker 6:Well, my children? I didn't raise my kids. The same way, my mother didn't raise me and she didn't raise others. I didn't raise my kids.
Speaker 5:So now we are talking about a curse. Yes, that was a curse, because your anger was because your mother did not raise you. Now that you became a mother, you the same yes okay, he was telling us that you had problems with the law. How did it all begin?
Speaker 6:everything begins because, when I came to meet my mother at the age of 16, she was not there for me neither, so I ended up in the street, sleeping in the train station, eating from the garbage can at the age of 16, because my mother put me out. And this is how the anger started. This is how I started selling drugs. This is what I started boosting at the stores. This is what I started doing every bad thing in the whole world. So I was my own world. I was me. I didn't care about nobody else. So that's how everything started, with all this anger selling drugs. I am who I am. I'm bigger than anybody else. I could have anything I wanted, and that was me.
Speaker 6:How was life in prison? Life in prison is very sad, bishop, because I was not used to be incarcerated. I'm a free woman, free spirit. It was hard. When I got there, I had to give myself respect, and it was very sad because I learned a lot too besides that. And there I went to church and I learned the Lord. And I learned a lot too besides that. And in there I went to church and I learned the Lord, and I learned how to a little bit, and then I asked the Lord to guide me when I come out. When I came out, the first thing my Jesus guide me and direct me was to the universal church. Hallelujah, I thank you. Oh my Jesus, I thank you. I thank you so much because you direct me to this church. This is where I learned so much, so I'm sorry you said 13 times in prison.
Speaker 5:Yes, big Chef, 13. Yes, the first time you left the prison did you want to go back? No, but why then?
Speaker 6:did you go back for the second time? I went back for the second time because of the knee, the money I had kids go back for the second time. I went back for the second time because of the knee the money that.
Speaker 5:I had kept. So I needed to do something, so I went to sell drugs, sell drugs again.
Speaker 6:Yes, and then second time. This is all I knew, Pat. Drugs, drugs, drugs for 25 years. This is what I was introduced to drugs, drugs, drugs for 25 years.
Speaker 5:Which kind of drugs? Because there is dispersa watching us right now and the dispersa also has a drug problem. Dispersa is also doing or selling drugs.
Speaker 6:Tell us which kind of drugs All kind of drugs Pills, crack, cocaine, dope All type of drugs that I could get my hand in and make the money to survive, but, at the same token, people, please. I thought I was not hurting people, but I was hurting people selling poison you were drug dealer.
Speaker 6:yes, pastor, for 25 years, 25 years. Yes, drug dealer. I was a drug dealer for 25 years. The first time the cops went into my house they took out five guns. The five guns they took out, it was clean, it was not shot, it was nothing, it was clean. But yes, pastor, I was very bad.
Speaker 1:I was angry.
Speaker 6:I sell drugs for 25 years. I fought with cops. What I didn't didn't do, yes, and I thank my Lord.
Speaker 5:And you did not care to who you were selling, you were just selling to anybody, anybody, anybody.
Speaker 6:I was selling anybody. They were calling me to ask for weight. I was selling my weight. I was making that money, the dirty money I was making. I was there for 25 years.
Speaker 5:Yes, you also fell into prostitution.
Speaker 6:No.
Speaker 5:I never got to that limit Okay. But you were selling drugs, using drugs, yes, and carrying guns, yes. Okay, what was your health problem?
Speaker 6:I didn't have no health problem at that time. The health problems started coming now, when I started using the drugs, because the drugs destroy you, the drugs start destroying your body.
Speaker 5:Yes, big shot. Okay. So the drugs destroyed your family, relationship with the kids, love, life, health and everything. Everything, okay. In a few I'm going to talk more to you, but I have now somebody on the line that is in need of spiritual help. Tell me what is your problem? How can I help you?
Speaker 3:Okay, I live your show most of the time, but I got up this morning and made a vow that I don't want to continue living like I've been living. I've been doing some crack cocaine and drinking and just not staying focused, and I'm too believing in God, but it just keep, you know, seem like something, just keep pulling me the wrong way.
Speaker 5:For how long, sir, for how long have you been doing crack cocaine?
Speaker 3:Oh wow. It ain't funny, but 20 years plus probably Never been arrested. Don't do no stealing or nothing, just recreational.
Speaker 5:Okay, never been arrested. Don't do no stealing or nothing, just recreational, okay, but for sure, we are talking now because you want to be free from these drugs, right? Yes, okay, and I am going to help you. Yes, have you ever been to the rehabs?
Speaker 3:No, you know, because I'm always thinking that I'm in control of it.
Speaker 5:Okay, Let me tell you something, this lady by my side, Mrs Murnan. Ms Murnan, how many times in life you promised yourself I will quit, I will stop selling drugs, I will stop doing drugs? How many times in life you promised yourself I will quit, I will stop selling drugs? I will?
Speaker 6:stop doing drugs. How many times? Many times, bishop? Many times, and it didn't work. Many times, many times. I even went to a drug program Many times, many times. But why then they relax? You relax because when you go to the program, you take your. Whatever you take, they give you the classes and when you come out, but it's that you're not strong enough, you don't have that will. You're not strong enough, you cannot do it alone, just because you go to a program and they teach you. No, we need something else Deliverance.
Speaker 5:Yes deliverance.
Speaker 6:This is what you have today. That's what, hallelujah, yes, that's what, oh, hallelujah, yes, I had deliverance. You know why? Yes, I feel, bishop. Now you are free. I'm so sorry to interrupt you, bishop, but I'm the blessedest woman in the world, bishop, because it's the truth. My Lord is real.
Speaker 5:Oh, my Father, he's real. All that you tried through, all that you tried through rehabs, promises, programs, did not work.
Speaker 6:Did not work.
Speaker 5:Pastor, the power of God did.
Speaker 6:The power of God, big Shot works.
Speaker 5:Well, mr Walton, yes, sir, Let me tell you something. The same God who delivered her, who set her free, is the God that is going to free you. I heard you when you said that you are in control of it, but you are not free from it. You can manage it, you can control it, but there is nothing better than freedom. You control, but you are still a slave of it. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yes, but the Lord wants to free you, to set you free once and for all. I want you to stay on the line. Where do you live?
Speaker 3:In Fairfax, south Carolina.
Speaker 5:Okay, we have a church in South Carolina, we have Pastor Lewis over there, and Pastor Lewis yes sir, I spoke with him this morning. Good, pastor Lewis, we will take care of you, and I myself, I'm going to be praying for you Very soon. You are going to be over here as well, testifying, and the whole world will see that after 20 years or so, you are completely free from drugs. Alright, yes, sir, god bless you. Bye-bye.
Speaker 1:Do you feel broken and helpless? Join now the Broken Beyond Repair Challenge and begin to see great changes in your life. Call now at 1-888-332-4141. Or text the word CHALLENGE to 1-888-312-4141.
Speaker 7:Or text the word challenge to 1-888-312-4141 I've adapted to the smell of marijuana and alcohol since I was a little child. I watched my mother inject heroin into her body along with other toxic chemicals. When I was born, they found drugs in my blood from her. Perhaps this is a story of your life in which you feel so trapped. As a child, you moved from home to home, living a troublesome life. As soon as you close your eyes to go to bed, the hell begins. You toss back and forth, your heart erases and the spiritual fight starts. You feel like someone is trying to hurt you. You try to scream for help, but your throat is being squeezed. You wake up immediately and it's as if nothing ever happened. Smoke and drink. You have a spiritual problem rooted deep down in your soul. Receive the help today and break this curse. You don't have to suffer alone anymore.
Speaker 5:Now we are going to talk again to Miss Myrna. Miss Myrna whose life was transformed. Before you talk about the transformation, you had also a disease. Yes, bishop, that brought pain, more pain, to your life. Yes, bishop, what was the problem?
Speaker 6:The problem was my breath. My breath, leprosy came on my breath. No doctors, nobody can find out what was the problem, because it just came out of there, out of nothing.
Speaker 5:So you, had this leprosy in your breath.
Speaker 6:In my breath yes. So the doctor couldn't tell me what it was and nothing. I say it's leprosy because, like I say, reading and thing, this is why I call them myself. They haven't gave me, you know, didn't think this is why I call them myself. They haven't gave me, you know, every sort of what I had. But this is what painful one year, this one year, suffering in my bed but going to the doctors not helping, not helping.
Speaker 6:I helping doctors medication no goes to put in. They used to stick. I used to pull them out, blood coming out. My shit filled full of blood. I couldn't sleep sweat. For whole year I've been in pain and suffering.
Speaker 5:I want to tell everybody here that we do not consider or disregard the works of the doctors and medication. I am not a doctor. We do not doubt their abilities, but when a person has a spiritual problem, when the problem is spiritual, the best doctor, specialist cannot help. No, they cannot. This is how the leper was eating your breast right. Yes, fisher, and you were saying it was very painful.
Speaker 6:Yes, fisher, just looking at it, I could feel it again.
Speaker 5:Because it was painful.
Speaker 6:Yes, fisher, very painful.
Speaker 5:Well, so you who are sick right now? You have leprosy cancer, incurable disease. We are not healers this is not traditional healers but the power of God can help you. Did you ever use the holy anointing oil?
Speaker 6:Yes, Bishop Every day. That was the only thing that gave me healing. It was the only thing, bishop. Honestly, it was burning because it's burning Fire, but it healed me, it healed you. Yes, no surgery, I didn't need anything, thank God.
Speaker 5:You are healed. The Lord Jesus healed you, hallelujah. Let me ask you Since you came, what has God done in your life? How is your life now? Oh, you see, the same thing way I'm sitting here and talking to you.
Speaker 6:I could speak to you and write a book. My lord Jesus is awesome. He's. You have a story.
Speaker 5:You have stories to write a book. So tell me like. Tell me like how is your finances, your spiritual life, your communion with God?
Speaker 6:My finances. I'm not even worrying about much, but I still getting it. But I'm not worrying about my main concern Focus on my Lord Jesus. No, look to the side and big shot. I'm going to be honest and everything that out there. Please listen, because this is very real. This is my life and I'm sitting here telling you the true story of my life, all my life. You understand the Lord is also. He said be careful. What you ask, you're going to get it. I get everything I ask my God, as long as for His glory and honor, you got everything.
Speaker 5:Let me ask you what about drugs no, drugs no drugs Free. Anger problem.
Speaker 6:No anger. Did you forgive those who hated you? I don't got nothing against no one. How do you feel inside? I feel great. I feel wonderful, the peace that the Lord gave me the word. Don't give me. I feel great. Drugs never gave it to you. I feel great. No drugs don't give me no peace. The sickness don't give me peace, bishat, I feel new, I'm blessed, I'm a new creature, I'm a new woman.
Speaker 6:If you look for sincere, you open this heart, sincere for the father and the lord, listen, you will find him. This is real, this is true. How long? How long have you been with us? Five years, five years. Yes, bishop, five years and five years that I won't trade for anything, because when you ask the lord for something, he he directs me to the University Church. I pray for Pastor Bishop Mercedes. I thank Bishop Mercedes and I thank the Lord for him. All he went through, all he went through to teach us the word of the Father for the disciples, you disciples. I thank you so much, my Lord and Bishop Mercedes. Wherever you are, my Lord and Bishop Merceder, wherever you are, that my Lord Jesus keeps continuing giving you the health that you deserve and the knowledge and understanding to keep teaching you the Word to your disciples.
Speaker 5:You are free, you are happy, saved. Okay, that camera is going to be yours. What do you have to say to other mourners that are on the other side, People that are on drugs? They are sick? Is there a solution for those who are broken beyond repair?
Speaker 6:Yes, bishop, there is a solution, and the solution is your Creator and your Savior, lord Jesus. If you have a friend, you confining everybody, but you don't confine in the right source, an angel and savior of your life. Believe me, it is. Yes, it is. Please reach. Reach for him. Open the holy bible. The holy bible is the word. The holy bible is you, is our life. He's there. He's offering you nothing. And I will say it again like I said when I gave the testimony before when we're born, we're born like this the doctor open your hands. When the doctor opens your hands, you're receiving the well and the blessings and everything from the Father God. When you die, you die with nothing, because nothing belongs to you. So the solution is to give the life to God.
Speaker 5:Yes, you have given yours and he has made you new. Yes, bishop, thank you very much. You're welcome. The Lord did it for her. Yes, amen. She was born in anger, she was raped, she was on drugs, she was sick, she had leprosy. The Lord healed her, transformed her life. Well, what else shall I say? There is a solution for you who are broken. You are broken beyond repair, but not broken beyond God's power. He did it for her. He's going to do for you as well.
Speaker 1:Broken Beyond Repair, the untold stories of those who were once broken. Thank you for listening to Soul Food. Make sure to turn on your notifications and share this food with others.