Soul Food
Soul Food
Part 10: Paranormal Activity
This episode of the Soul Food Podcast dives into the chilling narrative of Mrs. Darlene Maddock, a courageous woman who has faced the terrifying clutches of paranormal activities since childhood. Darlene shares her haunting experiences with dark entities that have followed her wherever she moved, hinting at a spiritual attachment that transcends physical boundaries. Together, we unravel Darlene's compelling story of fear and faith, offering insight and solace to anyone enduring similar paranormal struggles.
But it's not just about the darkness; we're also shedding light on the path to spiritual resilience. This episode explores practical ways to combat these otherworldly challenges through prayer and spiritual counseling. Learn how our Soul Food Podcast, available on major platforms, is a source of spiritual nourishment and encouragement. If you or someone you know is grappling with the unknown, tune in as we explore how faith, prayer, and community can empower us to confront and overcome even the most daunting spiritual adversities.
It's time for Soul Food Podcast. Paranormal Activity Series.
Speaker 2:Hi there. May the Lord Jesus bless your life and free you from this problem, a problem that not everybody talks about Paranormal activities. When a person suffers from what is paranormal, only the power of God to free this person. You have been to so many places, to so many people, and they cannot solve it because it is paranormal what is normal. They make a way in their power to help you, like doctors, physicians, even people that sing gospel songs, they read the Bible, but the paranormal activities are still there.
Speaker 2:Today we are going to watch the case of this lady, mrs Darling, this lady that had this paranormal experience. In her case, she had this dark entity. She saw shadows in her room, inside of her room And's like somebody is pressing you down. You feel this heaviness upon your life. This is paranormal activity, and she also moved apartments from place to place, but the spirit is still following her.
Speaker 2:This is how it goes when you have paranormal activities. Before you move into the new place, the spirits go ahead of you and they are the ones that attack you and they arrive. They move into a new house before you. People go from place to place, they move from one house to another, from cities, states, cities, even countries, but before they get there, the spirits are already there attacking them and oppressing them. Now she started losing her hair and strange things happened to her. Well, this darling story we are going to show to you in a few, but now I want to show to you over there what paranormal activities is all about. This is not fiction, this is real, and I'm going to show Poltergeists.
Speaker 3:Word used to describe paranormal happenings caused by invisible entities. These manifestations include strange noises like the sound of footsteps, objects that move on their own or are thrown up in the air, bite marks, scratches, punches being pushed or even dragged by a spirit. There are people that attribute this phenomenon to ghosts or other powers of nature, stress, mental disorders or a figment of one's imagination. People from many different cultures along the course of time have been tormented by this phenomenon. Many are those who seek a solution to these strange occurrences. Now, what about you? Now, what?
Speaker 2:about you. Now I want to read for you what the scripture says, because if you suffer from this poltergeist, this paranormal activity, it happens. It is written in the Bible as well, as it says. Let us read it together.
Speaker 2:In disquieting thoughts, from the vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on man, fear came upon me and trembling which made all my bones shake. Then a spirit, evil spirit, passed before my face. The hair of my body stood up. They stood up and it stood still, but I could not discern its appearance. A form was before my eyes. So I'm reading the Bible for you. It's not fiction, what you see, what you feel, as in his case. He said the hair of my body stood up. It's something strange, and he saw a spirit passing before his face. I want you to watch now the story of Darlene, and I am going to pray for you in a few. If you suffer from paranormal activity, nobody believes in you. I do. Before the prayer, let us watch right here what the Lord did in her life and how her life was transformed. Let us watch now together.
Speaker 4:My name is Darlene Maddock. I am 61 years old. I'm a medical biller. I started at a very young age. I would see presence and also see shadows. I would also have presence that would sit on my chest, yell and scream, would hear the television and in the next room I could hear my parents, but no one would help me because they couldn't hear me. I would tell my mother about it. My mother said that she had the same presence that would be throughout the house that would also make visits to her at night while she was asleep, and she would have the same occurrences as far as the presence being on her chest and she would try to yell or try to move parts of her body and she couldn't. There were other people within the home that had the same manifestations as far as my brother, and the same thing happened, where they would try to scream and there would be no one to help.
Speaker 4:I remember before my grandmother's death I saw a presence in her bedroom. I slept with my grandmother often the room was dark, but one corner of the room there was a very dark presence that was darker than the rest of the room. I remember it scaring me as a child and I woke my grandmother up to let her know about this presence being there. My grandmother told me not to worry about it, not to be scared, you know, just to go on a turnover and go back to sleep. Everything would be okay. It's not here for you, it's here for me. I had an aunt that would see and told me that she had a veil over her eyes. That's how she explained it to me. As a child, I didn't understand what having a veil over your eyes was, but her explanation of it was that it was a presence that you could see. That was ghostly, I thought, because we lived near a cemetery. That was the reason that she was seeing a dead presence around her.
Speaker 4:As I had moved away to the apartment building after getting married, the entity that was visiting me throughout the house and my mother followed me over to the apartment building Then were starting to periodically visit me throughout the night. I could not move anything. It was almost like my whole body had became paralyzed. So what I did was I got really scared because the neighbor had told me that she had placed black magic on me and also placed black magic on my entire family. That included my two daughters and also my husband. The reason she planted that is because she was interested in my husband. I started losing my hair, I started getting skin lesions all over my body that I could not explain, and just strange things started happening throughout my life. We started having marital problems, my husband and I.
Speaker 4:So after that I decided to go with the church. I started to go inside of the church. I started to ask the pastor for spiritual guidance. I was taken to two elders of the church. I was taken to two elders of the church. These two elders were supposed to pray for me and were supposed to be able to see me through this dark entity that I was trying to get rid of in my life. Instead, I was told that maybe I was practicing black magic. I know I tried to explain it to my family that I was being attacked by witches, and the more I tried to sought out help from the family, they thought I was crazy. You know to the point. They wanted me to seek mental health provider, to go into a mental health hospital, and I knew that there was nothing mentally wrong with me.
Speaker 4:I then found the Universal Church. I happened to be laying in bed one day feeling very sad and I just happened to be getting ready to turn the channel and I saw our church come up and they were talking about witchcraft and they were talking about victims of witchcraft. So I was I was just so, so, so glad to come to the church. I realized it was a different ministry. I realized that it was a ministry that wasn't scared to go and help people that were being attacked by evil entities like witches, and I felt that they were very, very loving people.
Speaker 4:But I can say that my life has changed tremendously. From the first time I walked into the doors of the Universal Church. I have been so deep in my word and everything I have learned from pastor not to fear. I'm able to sleep without any problems. Now I can go out amongst people I was very, very, very saddled. I was very sheltered and when I opened up to the Universal Church and told them and they were so understanding to what I was going through and they were able to help me, they can help you too. Tell the Universal Church, they will be able to help you and they'll be very glad to hear from you. I'm very happy. I am very happy. I'm going to get you.
Speaker 2:She's now free, completely free from the spirit of darkness, and right now I want to pray for you. The Lord is going to set you free as well. Please, over there, close your eyes. O, god of the Bible, in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, I pray to you right now for this person that suffers from these paranormal activities. This person is always disquieted inside of her heart, her soul, no peace to sleep. This person torses and turns the whole night, not be able to sleep, to rest because of the pressure, the spiritual attacks she feels, also the hair of her body. Who stands up and disperses fears? Others are molested by evil spirits, abused, beaten during the night.
Speaker 2:Disperser moved already from city to city, states, countries. Now dispersa is my Lord, even in prison, and the cell is haunted because the evil spirits are there, the beds causing noises. During the night, disperser hears babies crying, laughing, screaming. But Disperser is in prison. Oh, god Almighty, I pray for freedom. I pray for deliverance. Deliver Disperser. Set Disperser free from all evil Once and for all. My God, I ask you to bless, bless my father, all the listeners, the viewers that I pray with me, set them free and remove the evil spirit. Just as you blessed Darlene, so set this person free. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name, amen. Praise God, you are blessed. You are free in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. If you need more prayers, spiritual counseling to overcome these spiritual problems, you can get more information over there Paranormalactivitieshelpcom. You can, on this website, find more about us on how you can be set free, or else you can call us toll free number 1-888-332-4141. May the God of the Bible bless all of you.
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