Soul Food

The Water, River, and Fire

September 04, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 26

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Ever wondered how faith can transform your toughest challenges into testimonies of victory? Join us on the Soul Food Podcast as Bishop Joshua leads a spiritual journey filled with powerful prayers and inspiring stories of divine healing and restoration. Experience the moving account of a woman whose sister miraculously recovered from a major stroke and a man who witnessed his father’s healing from tuberculosis. These heartfelt testimonies affirm the boundless power of faith in overcoming life's most formidable obstacles.

In this enriching episode, we also delve into the power of prayer in uniting and healing families. Bishop Joshua offers spiritual guidance on navigating domestic conflicts and emphasizes the strength found in unity and trust in God's word. Reflect with us on this soul-nourishing experience designed to inspire you to stay connected, support one another, and trust in God's unwavering support. Tune in to feed your spirit and strengthen your faith.

Speaker 1:

Now streaming on all major podcast platforms, edifying your mind, body and soul. We welcome you to listen now to Soul Food with your main host, bishop Joshua. Here we are always ready to share a word of faith. Unpack powerful testimonies and divinely inspired music to enhance your faith. Walk, feed your faith wherever you go, quench your spiritual hunger.

Speaker 2:

Give the food that lasts forever. Here on the soul food podcast. May the god of the bible bless your life and he will bless you just as he promised. His word never fails and his mercies endure forever, wherever you may be. I invite you right now, please, to stand, let us pray to God, let us begin our days with prayers and believe God will make a way for you. You are going through it right now. Okay, you are going through something. Things are not the way you want you like it to be. You are going through some stuff, but, believe me, the God of the Bible will bless your life. He will do something great, something amazing for you.

Speaker 2:

Today, please, everybody close their eyes. Oh, my Lord, god of the Bible, this person is going through the waters, troubled waters, fire, river torment. But I know that you, in this virtual church, you are going to transform lives, change lives around. Lord, you have opened the Red Sea and, to prove it was not a coincidence, you opened the Jordan River and also you quenched the fire. Lord Jesus, today, strengthen these people. I don't know where, how or who is watching me, but you know all things together. So, my Father, I am asking you Bless their lives, change their lives, transform their situation. So I am asking you, in Jesus Christ's name, god, you make a way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways I cannot see. He'll make a way for me.

Speaker 3:

He'll be my guide.

Speaker 2:

Hold me closely to his side with power and strength with power and strength for each new day.

Speaker 3:

He will make a way away to make away.

Speaker 2:

God to make away. Where there seems to be no way. He works in ways I cannot see. He'll make a way for me. He'll be my guide. Hold me closely to his side with power and strength for each new day. He'll make a way he will make a way way and rivers in the desert. Will I see that will I see? Heavens and earths will fade, but His word will still remain and He'll do something you today.

Speaker 2:

So, god, make our way where there seems to be no way. He works in a way we cannot see.

Speaker 3:

He will make a way for me. He will be my guide. Hold me closely to his side.

Speaker 2:

Power and strength. With power and strength, this trail, each new day you make away you make away with power and strength for each new day.

Speaker 3:

He'll make a way. He'll make a way.

Speaker 2:

Make a way for this person, my Lord. Make a way for this person, my lord, make a way. Today you did through the waters red sea, jorda river. You quaint the fire, so I ask you, holy spirit, make a way for this person and those who believe it say Amen, praise God, praise the Lord, amen. Listen to me please. The Lord will deliver you from your strongest problem. What has been your strongest problem problem?

Speaker 2:

The scripture says he has delivered me from my strong enemy. Do you have a strong problem? A strong enemy From those who hated me, for they were strong for me? He said they were strong for me, strong for you, but not strong for God. And everything that has been strong for you, it's not strong for God. No's going to deliver you from everything that is strong for you or stronger than you. He's going to deliver you In a few.

Speaker 2:

I am going to pray for your healing, for your family, for your deliverance. Read this word one more time. Go ahead what it says. He delivered me, psalmist David said, from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were strong, too strong for me, too strong for him, but not too strong. Not too strong for me, too strong for him, but not too strong, not too strong for the Lord. Before this prayer for deliverance, for healing, here on this altar, over here On this altar, in the same place where I stand now, every Sunday we have testimonies, testimonies of people that came here. They testified, they were blessed In a few. We are going to pray against your strong enemies. God will deliver you. Let us watch these testimonies.

Speaker 4:

Good morning, how are you? I'm fine, thank you. Let us watch these testimonies. Good morning, how are you? I'm fine, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Fine, yes, what was restored?

Speaker 4:

by using the water. My sister my sister had a major stroke on Mother's Day and they thought she wasn't going to make it. She had intubation. She has a trach in her throat right now, so she couldn't, I couldn't give her the water, but on the strength of me and God, I drank the water and I put the water on a washcloth and I washed her face.

Speaker 2:

She could not drink the water because of the tubes and you decided to drink for her.

Speaker 4:

Yes, and I took the wash rag, put the water on it and I washed her neck and her legs and there's another picture. You'll see where she is standing. This is her now.

Speaker 2:

Amen, it's a restoration, restoration.

Speaker 4:

They said they didn't think she was going to walk. They said they didn't think she was going to get up, and now she's with the trach. They put a cap on there and she's able to talk to me.

Speaker 2:

Just waiting for her to be discharged. Yes, great is your faith. God bless you. Your name, sir Douglas Douglas. What was the health restoration?

Speaker 6:

The health restoration was not for me but for my father. My father had tuberculitis, which was a process about bleeding internally through the stool. So every time he used the bathroom he would be bleeding constantly. But this blood was dark blood, dry blood. So when he went to the doctor this is the first hospital they couldn't find nothing and they said that the blood was dark but they couldn't find out where it was coming from. So for you to be bleeding you had to have a torn intestine or holes in it. But they didn't find no holes. They didn't find no rip and no tears. It's like we don't know where this blood is coming from and from there. They had to do an intravenous down the mouth and they had to do a colonoscopy to find out where the bleeding was at. They discharged him. They couldn't find what he was bleeding.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't stand for that. How did you use your faith to help your?

Speaker 6:

father. I used this water. I went there on my own and prayed. But there was a result for that first one week that it wasn't dark no more.

Speaker 2:

That picture he was taking the water that you brought the picture over there. What was the result after the third time?

Speaker 6:

After the third time, my father drank that water the next day for the examination. No more bleeding at all. No holes, no teariness, no ripness, no nothing.

Speaker 2:

By using the water. He was restored. It is a body restoration. Great is your faith. He was restored. It is a body restoration. Great is your faith. God bless you, skisha. What was the restoration? The health restoration.

Speaker 8:

Well, I was diagnosed with hernia of the spine. Herniation of the spine and I couldn't hardly walk. I was like out of it. I couldn't even pray. I wanted to get humble on my knees but I just couldn't. Every time I bent down I couldn't do it. I couldn't run, I couldn't walk. It was just terrible for me. I mean, the pain was excruciating. The pain was excruciating.

Speaker 2:

Did you go to the doctor? Did they prescribe medication, treatment?

Speaker 8:

Yes, they prescribed me gabapentin, doflanac, cyclobenzaprine. All that is in this bag. Can I see it?

Speaker 2:

Yes, my goodness, my goodness, you are taking all these medications, yes, and depression pills too. Let me show you them. If you cannot see from afar, look over here. I have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I got lost A lot of medications, look at that. So, and you had to take this medication for this hernia. Yes, in your disc.

Speaker 8:

Yes, not walk pant. No, now I can say put your hands up, put my hands up, I can bend down, I can turn around, lord. Thank you, jesus. Tears for joy. I'm so happy. Every morning I get on my knees, I humble myself and I say a prayer and I drink to God's Son and the Holy Spirit. And I've been doing it ever since the end of February and I've been just great. I mean no more depression, no more pain. Did you go back to the doctors? I go to my primary in August, so I let her know everything. Go in and show your movies. Yes, yes, show off.

Speaker 2:

I can do my exercise now my exercise, now I've been wanting to do. Great is your faith. God bless you. They had this strong enemy, but the Lord has delivered them. He delivered me from my strong enemy. He's going to deliver you From those who hated me, for they were too strong for me. What is strong for you is not strong for the Lord.

Speaker 7:

My piece of advice always comes from the Word of God, the Bible, and this Word never, ever fails String weekly on the Soul Food Podcast with Bishop Joshua, where you will hear live guests share their transformation stories. Stay connected with us for more soul food. Ask questions, leave your comments on each episode and leave a voice message. We will gladly answer here on the podcast, because this soul food is for you.

Speaker 8:

What have you actually said? I haven't done? What else? What else do you want from me, day and night, for you. Everything I do is for you. I pay the bills, I'm good for you and I grace you better. I gave up everything to be with you and yet you still treat me like trash.

Speaker 9:

You can't remember a time when things weren't like this. The police are being called to your home to break up a family fight. This is a normal daily routine for many. The day started with a mild argument and by the end of the day it had escalated into a violent fight. You've heard vulgar comments all your life. At times, you even wonder what the future has in store for you and your future family. Unfortunately, many have yet to understand what is really behind these family fights.

Speaker 6:

You can break my body, but you cannot break myself.

Speaker 9:

It is an evil working to pull this family apart.

Speaker 2:

Raise your hands to the Lord, both your hands. Raise your hands, close your eyes. In the name of Jesus, o, oh Lord, I bless their hands with your power. I cannot go over them to touch their hands, but you can. So now, my father, I ask you, bless their hands. Place your hands now on the top of your head. Both your hands on top of your head, both your hands on top of your head. Close your eyes over there, right now, hands on top of your head, close your eyes.

Speaker 2:

Spirit of diseases, spirit of cigarette, alcohol, insomnia, depression, paranormal activities inside of this house, inside of this family. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you. Right now, she cannot sleep well. The bed shakes, the light goes on and off by itself. This person fears death, the heart palpitations. This person feels like she's dying, she's being choked. Some things choke. Beat this person. In Jesus' name, I rebuke this evil.

Speaker 2:

Place your hands upon your head, open your eyes. Open your eyes when we say get out. This is what you are going to do. You are going to take off your hands. As you are removing, you are pushing something away from your body. Place your hands over them and say, in Jesus' name all evil in my life from head to toe, all evil. In Jesus' name, you take off your hands and say get out right now and never return. Breathe now in and out. Amen, listen please. The Lord has delivered you from your strong enemy. They were too strong for you, but not too strong for the Lord. He has delivered you. The Lord has delivered you from your strong enemies. Right now we are going to pray for families. A family that prays together, stays together, stay together, pray together. Any stone we can weather. Trusting God is worth. We need it. Adam, brothers and mothers, sisters and brothers in harmony and love as for me, and my house we will serve the Lord.

Speaker 2:

as for me and my heart, we will serve the Lord.

Speaker 3:

We will serve the Lord as for me and my heart.

Speaker 2:

We will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord.

Speaker 3:

We will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord, we will serve the Lord. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, oh, as for me and my house. We will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we present to you the families. We know, my father, that the families have been destroyed. We know that families have been upside down. Lord, maybe the strongest enemy is inside of the house. The strongest enemy is inside of the house of this person the son, the daughter, husband, wife. These are the enemies inside of this house. But I am asking you right now Save this house, save this family. Go ahead right now and pray for your house. Yes, pray for your family. Somebody to bless their house, to bless the family now. ¶¶.

Speaker 3:

We will serve the Lord.

Speaker 2:

We will serve the Lord staying together, praying together bringing together.

Speaker 3:

Any storm we can weather trusting, trusting in God's word. We need it. Can we trust God's word? We need each other, distance and brothers in harmony and love. Oh, as for me and my house, we'll serve the Lord. As for me and my house, we'll serve the Lord. As for me, and my house.

Speaker 2:

We'll serve the.

Speaker 3:

Lord, we will serve the Lord we will serve the Lord.

Speaker 2:

We will serve the Lord. We will serve the Lord.

Speaker 10:

We will serve the Lord, amen. This is God's creation, with its mountains and valleys, its oceans and luscious islands, with all these magnificent places to choose from where any one of us would love to be. God has chosen another place to prepare His servants the desert. Another place to prepare his servants the desert. An arid, uninhabitable, dry land filled with danger and extreme temperatures. Yes, this is the place that God has prepared to make us strong. Abraham, moses, the children of Israel and the Lord Jesus himself all had to go through it.

Speaker 10:

The desert is the university of the Holy Spirit. There is no food, no water and no shade, but it was in the desert that the people of Israel learned that their help comes from the Most High. Moses learned more about God in the desert than he did in Pharaoh's palaces. Not even the Son of God could escape it. It was there that he was prepared for 40 days for his mission here on earth. Whether a physical or spiritual desert, when we're led by the Holy Spirit into the desert, we can be sure God wants to say something to us. Many times, the noise of the city and its many distractions block us from hearing His voice. The deafening silence of the desert is necessary to show us what he wants.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, lord to hear today us what he wants.

Speaker 2:

The key word here today I want to show to you. It's about water, river and fire. These three things water, river and fire. Everybody in life goes through these things. Everybody in life goes through these things. Of course, when the Bible talks about the water, the river and the fire, let me show three of them, please, so that you may understand Water you see the water like the storms the storm that comes down right, the rain and the river with all its strength, power that drags everything away, and the fire that burns everything. If you read with me Isaiah 43, verse 1. But now thus says the Lord who created you, O Jacob, and he who formed you, O Israel, fear not, I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name. You are mine. Let me tell you this when we hear such a statement that the Lord created us, the Lord created us, the beginning of the verse says he formed us. The Lord created us. The beginning of the verse says he formed us, created you and formed you. Fear not, do not be afraid. I am your redeemer, I have called you by your name. You are mine. How do you feel when you hear these words? The Lord is telling you. You are mine. It's so great, it's so amazing.

Speaker 2:

I received a message. Someone was saying my life is not where I want it to be, my life is not that great, but I know one thing the Lord is with me and my blessings are coming. This is the faith. She said my life is not the way I want it to be, but God is not done with me now. On verse 2, it says when you pass through the waters, the waters, let me show to you this water. Now you see the waters, the waters. Let me show to you this water. Now you see the waters. How, when it rains, you see the stones. Yes, that comes, that shakes everything.

Speaker 2:

Remember when Jesus was in the boat? There was a storm. Jesus stopped the rain, the wind and everything was calm. He said when you pass through the waters troubles, tribulations, persecutions I will be with you. And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. You see the rivers right now. You see how powerful the waves are, the power of the waters. It drags human beings, stones, trees. It drags everything away, because the water is strong. Right, the rivers are there, but the Lord said they shall not overflow you.

Speaker 2:

And when you go through the fire. When you walk through the fire, they shall not burn. You shall not be burned. They shall not burn you, nor shall the flame scorch you. You see also the power of the fire. You see that the fire consumes everything, consumes the human body. It consumes even stones. It consumes everything. It brings everything to ashes, brings everything to ashes. But do not forget, the Lord is with you. Do not forget. He said fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name and you are mine. This is the need of receiving the Holy Spirit. This is the need of being baptized with the Holy Spirit, because once you have the Holy Spirit, you are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Because once you have the Holy Spirit, you are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Nothing, no one, stops you.

Speaker 3:

Trust me, ain't gotta be lonely, you ain't gotta be lonely.

Speaker 5:

Don't let it beat you. So many people just sit All the parts that are running and it's bringing you to your knees. Don't you surrender?

Speaker 7:

I still remember the night so long Lay awake till the morning comes, wishing I could just call someone I know when you're so far down broken, like heaven.

Speaker 3:

I feel your pain. Just call my name, darling, next time you're falling, don't hide away. Just call my name, just call my name. Just call on my name, just call out my name. Call my name, don't be afraid. Call my name, just call out my name. Call my name, don't be afraid.

Speaker 5:

Lately, only you and your heartbeat Hiding under your bedsheets.

Speaker 3:

Don't let it beat you so many people don't know All the power that they hold. Won't you let all those chains go.

Speaker 5:

Don't you swear.

Speaker 7:

I still remember the nights that I lay awake till the morning comes, wishing I could just call someone I know.

Speaker 3:

I hear you cry, broken like a blade. I feel your pain. Just call my name, darling, next time you're falling, don't hide away, just call my name, call my name, just call my name, don't be afraid. Call my name, don't be afraid, call my name, don't be afraid. Call my name. Oh, you never, you never, you never, you never, never have to feel alone, never have to feel alone. Oh, you never, never have to feel alone, Never have to feel alone, never have to feel alone, never have to feel alone. Don't be afraid, never have to feel alone. Oh, you never have to feel alone, don't be afraid, never have to feel alone.

Speaker 3:

I hear you cry, broken like a ring. I feel your pain. Just call my name. Oh, darling, next time you're falling, don't hide away, just call my name, call my name, call my name, just call my name, call up my name, call my name, call my name, call my name, call my name, just call my name, call my name, just call my name, call my name, call my name, call my name, just call my name, call my name, call my name, call my name, name, call my name. Won't you call my name?

Speaker 2:

¶¶ Amen. People, we are now closing. I will pray the last prayer and in this prayer I want you to stretch out your hands to me. Always remember you can share the link with somebody. Somebody also can join us. Now stretch out your hands to mine, here to the altar. Stretch out your hands to the altar right now. May the God of the Bible keep and bless all of you. May the Lord be merciful to you and show his greatness upon your life. May the God of the Bible bless your weekend Today, tomorrow, forever and ever. God bless you. Don't let nobody spoil your day. Don't let nobody spoil, mess up your day. Hold your peace. God bless you. Have a good one Bye-bye.

Speaker 5:

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed. God to thee, how great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul, my Savior, god to thee, how great Thou art.

Speaker 5:

When through the woods and forest glades, I wander and hear the birds sing and feel the gentle breeze. My Saviour, god to Thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art. Then sings my soul. My Saviour, god to Thee, how great Thou art, how great Thou art, how great Thou art. And when I think that God, his Son, not sparing, send Him to die, I scarce can take it in that, on a cross, my burdens gladly bearing, he bled and died to take away my sin, then sings my soul. My god to thee, how great thou art, how great thou art. Then sings my soul.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to Soul Food. Stay tuned tomorrow for more.

Speaker 10:

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Speaker 2:

Thank you.