Soul Food

The Fast of Daniel: A New Beginning (Day 15)

August 07, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 18

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What if the missing piece to overcoming your struggles was spiritual nourishment? Join us as Pastor Quincy, our guest Mrs. Demetrius, and Bishop Joshua embark on a transformative dialogue about finding "soul food" for daily life. You'll hear insightful discussions on why many continue to face recurring issues despite seeking help, and why true change starts from within. This episode offers a roadmap to a renewed mindset and a fresh start, encouraging listeners to seek deeper spiritual fulfillment.

Prepare to be moved by powerful stories of survival and redemption. Listen to the harrowing journey of a woman who turned to revenge and destructive behaviors after enduring severe trauma and abuse, only to eventually find hope and redemption. Get an inside look into Demetrius's life, where she faced unimaginable adversities, from protecting her son to giving birth while shackled in prison. These stories testify to resilience and the transformative power of faith and community support. This episode serves as a poignant reminder that no matter how dark the times, there's always a path to a new beginning.

Speaker 1:

what's cooking up in the kitchen? Am I smelling that soul food?

Speaker 2:

oh yes, it is soul food, the spiritual food for your spiritual nourishment. And you know what? This food will never expire.

Speaker 1:

Never expire. I need this food every day.

Speaker 2:

You are listening to these spiritual-based podcasts. There are many podcasts, but this one here is to satisfy your soul, to feed your spiritual hunger. Are you hungry for God? Don't let your soul be hungry, no matter where you are. Whatever you are doing now, at work, home or on the go, you can still listen here and right now, the Soul Food Podcast. Don't let ever your soul to go hungry.

Speaker 1:

It's time for some soul food.

Speaker 2:

How was your weekend? Perhaps your weekend was not the best one. Problems you had a lot in your plate. Troubles from here and there. You have to start a new week. You go to the job, go to the job interview, but you do not have peace of mind and your life has been a life of troubles. You live from troubles to troubles. Today, we are going to talk about a new beginning. You are going to learn what a new beginning is all about. Pastor Quincy, good evening to you. Good evening Bishop. How are you Doing? Good sir, tomorrow is the first working day. Officially, though, many people work on Sunday, but officially the first working day of the week.

Speaker 4:

Yes, it's the first day and for many people it's a headache. It's when all their headaches begin, you know, because the start of the weekend. So many things happen over the weekend, their mind is not at ease so it's very hard for them to start of the weekend. So many things happen over the weekend, their mind is not at ease so it's very hard for them to start of the week concentrating on the things they need to concentrate on.

Speaker 2:

So, 21 days to better yourself, 21 days seeking the Spirit of God. Demetrius is here with us today, talking about a new beginning. We can share with you her experience. Good evening Dimitris, good evening Bicho. How are you Good Today? She's good and she's going to tell us what a new beginning is all about, how to better yourself. We are going to give you tips on how you can start afresh, on how you can start anew.

Speaker 5:

You ain't gotta be lonely. Don't let it beat you. So many people just see All the parts that are wrong and it's bringing you to your knees. Don't you surrender. I still remember the night. So long, lay awake till the morning comes, wishing I could just call someone. I know when you're so far down Feels like nobody's reaching out. Take a hold of these hands right now.

Speaker 3:

Don't let go. I hear you cry, broken like heaven. I feel your pain. Just call my name, darling, next time you're falling. Don't hide away. Just call my name. Just call my name. Just call on my name. Just call my name, don't be afraid. Just call my name. Just call on my name, don't be afraid. Call my name, just call on my name. Call my name, don't be afraid.

Speaker 5:

Only you and your heartbeat Hiding under your bedsheets. Don't let it beat you. So many people don't know All the power that they hold. Won't you let all those chains go? Don't you say I still remember the nights that I Lay awake till the morning comes, wishing I could just call someone I know.

Speaker 3:

I hear you cry, broken like heaven've been. I feel your pain. Just call my name, darling, next time you're falling, don't hide away, just call my name, just call my name, just call my name. Just call my name, just call my name, just call my name, just call my name, call my name, don't be afraid. Call my name, don't be afraid. Call my name, don't be afraid. Call my name. Oh, you'll never, you'll never, you'll never, you'll never, never have to feel alone, never have to feel alone. Oh, you never have to feel alone. Never have to feel alone. Hey, never have to feel alone, don't be afraid. You never have to feel alone. Don't be afraid. Oh, you never have to feel alone. Don't be afraid. You never have to feel alone.

Speaker 3:

I hear you cry, broken like a grain. I feel your pain. Just call my name, oh, darling, next time you're falling, don't hide away. Just call my name, just call my name, call my name, just call my name, call my name, call my name, call my name, just call my name, call my name, call my name. Won't you call my name? Call my name, I'm a man, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Imagine yourself if you have everything new New life, new marriage, new family, new body. I mean a good health. If you have everything new, a new, you Imagine if you would have a chance to start afresh, to start all over. It is possible when a person receives the Holy Spirit. When someone receives the Holy Spirit, this person is able to start anew.

Speaker 4:

Exactly, bishop, and they have new goals, new mentality, new mindset. Everything is new from the inside out.

Speaker 2:

Why do people go to rehabs, clinics, prison, they go to the treatment with the psychiatrist, with the psychologist, and they never change.

Speaker 4:

Because, Bishop, they are lacking the Holy Spirit. They are lacking the Spirit of God. When a person don't have the Spirit of God inside of them, this is the result. The outcome, the problems are evident. There are many people right now who are in rehabs. They have been there more than 10 times, but they cannot overcome the addiction. The addiction seems to be stronger than them.

Speaker 2:

They leave the rehabs, they leave prison and they go back to the same old life. Why does this happen? The facility, the unity, the clinic, they do their best to help you, but the problem is not a physical problem. The problem is a spiritual problem, and when you have a spiritual problem, the physical, material tools cannot help you at all. Today we are praying. The subject today is a new beginning For a person that wants to start afresh. It's possible. No one believes that you'll ever make it. No one believes that you'll ever change, but we do. You can have for sure a new beginning. You can have for sure a new life. That's why we are here talking to you right now and giving to you the assurance, I can confirm, that you can have a new life. Demetrius, tell me about your life. We are beginning today. I know your story is a long story. We do not have time enough to hear everything that you have to say. But let us start from the beginning. Your childhood, your family, parents. Tell us about the beginning of your life.

Speaker 6:

The beginning of my life was bad. It was horrible. My family, mama never been married, my daddy they was never together. They just had me out of wedlock. I was molested by my mama's boyfriend and it put a toll on me and the family and it brought like a division and it made everybody like not able to understand or trust. So it took a lot of trust out of us. Like my brother, my mama wanted to stay silent. She didn't want everybody to know about it, so it made like it was a secret house, you know, and we had to hold that in. And when, when I me have to, holding it in, it made me build up a lot of anger and frustrations inside of me.

Speaker 2:

So your problem, your problem, began inside of your house. Yes, so the marriage of your mother was over.

Speaker 6:

Yes, my mom and my daddy never married. Never married, no.

Speaker 2:

They had an affair and you came in the picture. Yes, so they are never together, never, all right. Then she had a boyfriend that molested you. Yes, how old were you back?

Speaker 6:

then Twelve, twelve years old. Yes, I was going to the sixth grade. Sixth grade.

Speaker 2:

Did you tell an adult, your mom, what he did?

Speaker 6:

Yes, and when we went to the hospital and everything and it was like a disbelief because she was with him for so long. It was actually a disbelief to me too, because I couldn't understand how you've been around us this long. So what would make you decide out of nowhere? You just wake up to want to decide to do something so evil so your mom did not believe?

Speaker 2:

no, she didn't believe it. Okay, uh, always when I speak to ladies like you that had been molested, I say that they abused not just your body, but your heart, your soul. Your soul was the one that was abused, right, because I believe that you grew up with this trauma, that scene, never left your mind, never left my mind.

Speaker 6:

It didn't leave my heart. It made me actually didn't? It made me just want to get to a man and hurt him purposely, really, yes, I didn't want to love or nothing. If I got you and if I felt like you was getting close to love me, I would purposely do something to hurt you to the fullest of my extent, to where they told me I was heartless and cold. I knew that I had no heart. I didn't want to love, I didn't want nobody to get close to me, even with my kids and the fathers of my kids, even though when I knew they were trying to love me, I still did things intentionally to hurt them.

Speaker 2:

So because of the abuse you suffered, you became this person that I have seen many women that they hate men with all their stress, they hate, they do, they don't want to be around men. Some even change their sexuality, they become hateful. But what people do not know was that they were molested, abused, raped. And now they have it in mind.

Speaker 6:

Every man is the same Right. That's how I was feeling, and the closer they would get, the more I would feel rejected and I would be like, uh-uh, I didn't want to open up and I wouldn't allow myself to open up, no matter how much they would try. I would hurt to the full extent that I could go to hurt because I was hurting, so I wanted them to feel more pain than I felt.

Speaker 2:

Really, that was the feeling you had inside of you. Yes, okay, growing up as this frustrated girl, you had this trauma. How did you? You went through this situation.

Speaker 6:

I just live life every day like with no care, like I. I just got up, I didn't even think or plan about how my next move or my next day would be. I just lived it as whatever, like I didn't care, like I was just in the streets, you know, doing things, and started taking advantage of the women. That's how I messed up. My mind had got to where I was even selling drugs, to where I even started making the women sell their body, even though that I went through what I went through and it wasn't right for me to do it. But my mind, my mentality, wasn't right, so I didn't care. It didn't bother me that what they was doing and bringing the money and the reaction that I felt towards it, because my heart was cold, so I didn't have no love or no affection towards this is my thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Every drug dealer, prostitute, pimp, addict ones, those who decide to change their sexuality everybody has the same background Broken home, broken family, abuses, molestation, rapes. This is where they came from?

Speaker 6:

Yes, and it makes you lose hope. It's like you don't have no hope, like you don't feel nothing, like you feel numb, like you feel like nothing matters.

Speaker 2:

That's why, in this church, the universal church, we say come as you are. We don't discriminate, we don't judge anybody. We receive people in the church. That's even high. Yes, don't discriminate, we don't judge anybody. We receive people in the church. That's even high. Yes, intoxicated People that are under the influence. We receive them in the church. We pray for them. Jesus came for those who are sick. Jesus came for those who are possessed by evil, and you were possessed by evil.

Speaker 6:

Yes, bishop, I was when I first started coming. At first I was here, but I wasn't here, you know, because I was coming, because I knew that I needed some type of way, I wanted to change so, and I was asking God to help me come up with this predicament that I was in. And I was asking God to help me come up with this predicament that I was in to, where I was getting so tired of suffering and felt like I was just hurting myself and started hurting my family and my kids. And I started looking in myself and I was like 180-something pounds and I went down to like 90 pounds.

Speaker 2:

Really yes. How was life on these streets?

Speaker 6:

It was hard, it was hard, it was hard, it was hard. My father, the key fathers, would go to jail all the time. I would have to take over from the situation, from what they was doing, so that made me have to be the mama and the daddy I had to raise my boys and my kids. Question.

Speaker 2:

Question Since you hated men, you did not want to be with a man, but now you're saying that you had kids. Yes, did you get married?

Speaker 6:

Now, no, no, no, before, not to none of my fathers, the kids of my fathers. This is my second time being married. I got married for the first time intentionally to hurt my husband. Now, really.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then you had kids with him. How many? Three, three. And now you had the responsibility of three kids.

Speaker 6:

Six. I already had three more before his three.

Speaker 2:

You were a mother. That went to revenge. Yes, you end up having kids, so your responsibility was now greater, much greater. Mm-hmm, so he was in and out of jail, yes, why.

Speaker 6:

Selling drugs, being on the streets, robbing, just being in the streets and trying to provide for us, and got himself into a predicament as well. So when he got in trouble, so I took over and then, shortly after he was gone, my brother went. Then, after my brother went, then I picked up a case and then I was about to be facing 20 years and then I was like, oh no, I knew it was time then and I was like I'm not, finna, go for another 20 years.

Speaker 2:

Which drugs were you using or selling?

Speaker 6:

I was selling cocaine, but I only used marijuana, mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Okay, in a few, you are going to hear more about her story. Tell a friend of yours. You have a friend of yours that is doing drugs. You have a friend of yours that is an addict or is selling drugs. You have a friend of yours that is a pimp, like she was a pimp. I am telling you right now there is a solution, there is a way out for you. You can change, you can be blessed. We don't discriminate. Come as you are, no matter whoever you are. Yes, the door of this church is open for everybody and you are welcome. In a few, I am going to pray for a new beginning, for you to have a new beginning, because the Lord said behold, I make everything new. The Lord makes everything new for you. Listen to this song and I will be back.

Speaker 7:

In the crushing, in the pressing. You're making new eyes. You were making new wine In the soil. I now surrender. You were breaking new ground, so I yield to you and to your careful hand when I trust you. I don't need to understand. So make me a vessel, make me an offering, make me whatever you want me to be. I came here with nothing, but all you have given me, jesus. Bring the wine out of me In the crushing, thank you. In the crushing, in the pressing. You are making new wine In the soil. I now surrender. You are breaking new ground, so I yield myself to your careful hand when I trust you. I don't need to understand to understand. So make me a vessel, make me an offering, make me whatever you want me to be. Nothing, all you have given me, jesus. Bring me out of here. So make so, make me a vessel, make me an offering, make me whatever you want me to be. I came here with nothing, but all you have given me. Jesus. Bring new wine, I'll be. Jesus. Bring Jesus, bring new wine, I'll be.

Speaker 3:

Where there is new wine. There is no power, there is a freedom, and the kingdom is here. I lay down my own flame to carry the new wine today. Where there is new wine, we want the new color. There is no freedom. The king of the sheep. I lay down my old claim it's the freedom. The kingdom is here.

Speaker 7:

I lay down my old pain to carry on your life today. Lord, make me your best hope.

Speaker 3:

Make me your best hope, make me an offering, make me whatever you want me to be.

Speaker 7:

I came here with nothing but all you have given me, jesus, bring me wine out of me. Jesus, bring new wine out of me. Jesus, bring new wine out of me. Jesus, bring new wine out of me. Jesus, bring new wine out of me. Jesus, bring new wine out of me, bring new wine.

Speaker 3:

Jesus, bring new life out of me, cause where there is no one, there is no power. There is a freedom. The kingdom is here. I lay down my old flame to carry on. I lay down my old. I lay down my old flame. Surrender Lord to carry on. Come on and lay down your old flame.

Speaker 7:

Lay down my old flame to carry on. You'll find today.

Speaker 9:

There'll be a new find today. He who has the Spirit of God has everything. He has his own light, unlike the earth or the moon, which depend on the light from the sun. He is also a source of light for those who live in darkness. The Holy Spirit is his partner at all times. He is also a source of light for those who live in darkness. The Holy Spirit is his partner at all times. He is a friend. He is God, the Father, with us. He is Savior, he is a helper. For it is written I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Fast of Daniel 21 days, pleasing God to receive the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fast of Daniel, come to a Universal Church near you.

Speaker 2:

Then he who sat on the throne said Behold, I make all things new. I'm going to display this Bible verse for you to read it over there. Then he who sat on the throne said behold, I make all not some things, but all things new. And he said to me right, for these words are true and faithful. In other words, words, pastor Quincy. Write because this word is true. It is not a fake statement, it is true. Write it down, write what I'm saying because it is true, because it's a faithful word. I make everything new. How can a person be made new with an old?

Speaker 4:

spirit, Bishop. First they have to get rid of that spirit. They have to be free from that spirit, that evil spirit that is making everything to be old in their life. Bishop, I was just remembering one thing here in Demetrius' testimony a few minutes ago and speaking with one man this past week in jail since the age of nine he's been in and out of prison, Age of nine. The last time he came out was back in March. He got out, came out expecting for a new beginning, but right now he's back in jail waiting to be sentenced. He's looking at 15 or 25 years. He's looking at 15 or 25 years.

Speaker 2:

But his whole life he's been in and out, expecting something to become new, but not being free from that Holy Spirit. He is in and out because he lives the prison as the same man. You are only new when you receive a new spirit. If you do not receive a new spirit, you are going to be the same person. There is only one way for you to become new the old spirit has to leave and you have to receive a new spirit. That is the Holy Spirit. It is going to be the same if you buy a new house. Nobody ever resides there. You are the first person to live in there, but then you decide to bring the old, broken furniture. The house is brand new. It was just built. It is new. New roof, new walls, paint flooring Everything is new. It's merely new. But you decided to bring in old, broke furniture. You make the new house old, Exactly, Bishop.

Speaker 4:

It's like a person. They want brand new shoes, but they keep on the old, dirty, smelly socks. They get brand new shoes, put it on, they destroy. There is no way we can mix the old with the new. It's one or the other. There are many people that want this new life, but they hold on to the old things. There's no way I make all things new.

Speaker 2:

Demetrius, you were saying that life on the streets was tough.

Speaker 6:

Yes, you had to survive. Yes, I had to survive. I lost everything. I started being on the run to where I had to live, in my truck with my kids. It was hard for us to bathe. We couldn't even go to the rooms, no more, because everywhere we was going they was putting our picture up. They was even looking for me and my son. If you even go into the grocery stores or the gas station, they had a warning post up of me and my son. So it was hard. So we couldn't go to motels or nothing, so we had to basically sleep in a truck.

Speaker 6:

So you were wanted, yes, and so because we ran from bond, so we didn't want to go back to court, because I didn't want to get in trouble. So he and my son because I know I didn't want him to go to prison, because he was my firstborn and he wasn't but 18, and I wouldn't let him go to jail 18? Yes, I didn't even know just how messed up it was to where. I didn't even know my baby was out here. I mean, I knew I was out here, but I didn't know he had to start doing the things that I was doing, like he was kicking in doors and doing all this stuff and I had no idea. I didn't find out until they called me and told me that he had went to jail and when he was in jail, so I posted him out on bun, and when they were saying that he was going to face his time, I didn't want to let him go back, so I ran with him.

Speaker 2:

And you were living inside of the car.

Speaker 6:

Yes, how many kids in the car? Me, my children, five of us.

Speaker 2:

Five inside of a car, yes, so, but you did not stop your lifestyle never changed?

Speaker 6:

No, not at that time, it didn't.

Speaker 6:

That made the situation a little bit more worse, because that made the hustling have to come harder, because at this point in time now I ain't got nothing, I can't go in the room and I have to make sure that I have to feed the kids and watch out for the police at the same time. And then you went to prison yourself, yes, and then I got caught up because we had went to a spot. I was trying to get some sleep and I knew I shouldn't have went there, and then I ended up getting arrested from that hotel that night and he found out I was wanted and I was just like, all right, I was tired anyway. So I went on in and went to the court and then that's when the judge was telling me what I was facing. And then I started pretty much trying to build my relationship over God then, but without trying to make him think that I was just trying to use the situation for what I was facing at the time, because a lot of people try to do that when you go to jail.

Speaker 2:

When you were caught arrested? Who took care of your kids once you were inside of a car?

Speaker 6:

What was the case? They had to go with my baby, daddy and mama.

Speaker 2:

The officer called for his sister and them to come and pick them up, right, Okay, and you also gave birth in prison, yes, to my third son the third son. So you were arrested when you were pregnant.

Speaker 6:

Yes, Uh-huh, at that time I was like 20, 20-something because I was being bad. Then I was stealing from the stores and just all kind of crazy foolish stuff.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so you were pregnant, you were arrested and then, in jail, you gave birth. That was about it.

Speaker 6:

It was horrible, oh my God. I almost lost my son because I was so stressed. My blood pressure was going up to where I was going in labor and I had the shackles on me. So it was difficult. The pain was so unbearable so it was hard to push out. And then, when he came out, the pain was so unbearable, so it was hard to push out. And then when I, just when he came out, the Niconia stood by the stress of me. They was telling me he only had 24 hours to live because of my stress level on him, which was causing him not to be able to make it through the night. But he did.

Speaker 2:

So you had many episodes in your life that put a mark in your memories. I know that now you are free, you are a new woman. People you listen to us during the weekend, you get to know the happy end of your life. But the first mark was the abuse. Yes, abuse. Now I saw that you were kind of emotional when you spoke about the delivery, giving birth in prison. Yes, it was hard. Were you free, you had the chains, the cuffs, what no?

Speaker 6:

I had the cuffs on my arms and my legs, so that's what made it so hard. I was in a real hospital. You have real people looking at you, they pushing you down the hallway with escorted guards as you going into the labor and delivery because they have to take you to the real hospital. So I'm like everybody really looking to where. Even one person was like is this necessary? Even they was like, yeah, the doctors was even wanting to know how am I supposed to help her deliver this baby with this on? And they was like it's the prison procedures and they did not release you. They would not release them, shackles up off of me at all. They didn't care. They wasn't worried. They was like y'all gonna have to work around it and deliver this baby the best y'all can.

Speaker 2:

And it was very shameful, embarrassing for you. Yes, it was Okay. So Daniel gave birth. Yes, in a few she's going to tell us more about this story. She gave birth. What happened to the baby? What happened to her? The Lord said I make all things new. Maybe you over there you think that you are the only one, you think that you are lost. You think that you are the worst person on earth. Demetrius is a good example that there is a way out for you. She's a good example. Let me show her here, please. She's a good example that there is a way for you. Her life was transformed, that there is a way for you. Her life was transformed. It's a good example. Your life can change as well. He said I make all things new.

Speaker 8:

It is very easy to get to the Universal Church. It is located at 7075 Southwest Freeway, next to CarMax and Papa's BBQ, intersecting Bel Air Boulevard. First, get on Interstate 59 in any direction, whether it's north, south of 59, get off on the Fondren and Bel Air exit. You pass Fondren, then you pass Bel Air and you keep on going until you've reached the Universal Church on the right-hand side. Or, if you're coming from the north side of 59, get off on Bel Air and Fondren, then you do a U-turn on Bel Air and the church will be on your right hand side. Or, if you prefer, you can download any navigation app and type in 7075 Southwest Freeway, houston, texas, 77021. Make the choice today that will change your whole life.

Speaker 2:

At every universal church of the Kingdom of God, you have an opportunity to drink. Yes, drink from the Lord. He said those who are thirsty let him come to me and drink. You are going to drink from the Lord and the Lord for sure he is going to fill your soul. Lord, for sure he is going to feel your soul. Demetrius yes, bishop, you gave birth in prison.

Speaker 6:

How long did you have the baby with you? Just for a second. They only let me see him for a second, and then they told me I had to call family afterwards, like I said, to prepare. First of all, they was preparing for him, not to make it, so the main thing they was was telling me to get the family up here.

Speaker 2:

So the only contact you have with your son boy or girl Boy, the only contact, was a few minutes.

Speaker 6:

A few minutes. I didn't even know. He made it until the following day or so. They didn't tell me nothing because after I had the baby they sent me back to the prison because the next morning Because they felt like, because they had the infirmity there so they was like she, all right once they check your blood pressure and everything because they had infirmity in the nurses, so they sent me back to the unit.

Speaker 2:

So your pain was greater. You delivered and you went back to prison.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

And who took care of the baby.

Speaker 6:

My daddy's wife took the baby. She came and took the baby and took the baby. Yeah, mom and him didn't come and get the baby, so you did not see, just for that second. That's it. Second.

Speaker 2:

Tomorrow again, we are going to be talking to Demetrius. I want you to watch us, to listen to us again tomorrow, Because she had a new beginning. You can have a new beginning. Actually, I'm going to pray right now. The scripture says behold, I make everything new. The Lord makes everything new Because he sat on the throne. He said I make all things new. And right now, this is what is going to happen. He's going to make everything new for you. Let us now put our hands together. If you have the glass of water, hold your water. Let us now pray to God.

Speaker 9:

Join us now with Bishop Berra for the special prayer to please the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 3:

Please the.

Speaker 2:

Holy Spirit, o, god of the Bible, this is our last week. We begin our last week of the fast of Daniel. Two weeks are gone and we are preparing ourselves for Sunday, the day to drink the cup of salvation. However, my Lord, I am praying for this person Whose life is upside down. This person is weak, is feeble. Nothing works for her. She has this pain inside of her heart. She is grieving, she is completely down. Jesus, hear our prayers, hear our voice.

Speaker 2:

This person whose life is broken, this person is older than the age, she is in her twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, but looks like an old person Because the problems shrink her life. Her problems shrink her life. Oh, holy Spirit, all that she needs is a new beginning. He needs to start afresh. So I pray tonight enter this life. I pray tonight enter this body. Give, oh Lord to disperse a new chance, a new opportunity, and the dispersal shall start afresh. A new beginning. Holy Spirit, I am asking you that you may touch their lives, those who are in the hospital. Heal their bodies, give them a new body, new health, new marriage, new family, new, everything new. You make all things new. So give to this person a brand new life. This is what I pray, lord, bless this glass of water so that, when they drink of this water, that they may drink thy power. So that, when they drink of this water, that they may drink thy power. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, amen.

Speaker 3:

Praise God. My word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. My word is a lamp unto my feet.

Speaker 2:

You are blessed, just believe you are blessed. God has blessed you and we are going to be praying for you to receive the Holy Spirit. This is my address 7075 Southwest Freeway between Baleia and Hillcroft. We have services 8 in the morning, 10 in the morning, 4 in the afternoon. In the evening it's 7 pm. We finish now our participation. Pastor Quincy, thank you for your participation, you coming tomorrow? Yes, sir, I'll be here Tomorrow at 9. Yes, sir, so, demetrius, tomorrow we continue with your story. Yes, bishop, god bless you, those who are listening to me, watching me right now. We are going to be together again. May the God of the Bible bless all of you.

Speaker 3:

God works a lamp into my feet and a light unto my path. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. God's word is a lamp unto my feet.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening in. That's all the soul food we have to share today. Stay tuned to the next episode on soul food and keep your notifications on. Share each episode with your friends and family to feed their souls. Give the food that lasts forever.