Soul Food

The Fast of Daniel: Redemption (Day 14)

August 06, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 17

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Ever felt the emptiness of chasing fulfillment through fleeting relationships? Our guests Pastor Quincy, Pastor Damien, and Mr. James share their gripping insights on the Soul Food Podcast, dissecting the concept of a "womanizer"—someone with more than one partner. Mr. James opens up about his own tumultuous journey, driven by societal pressures and family influences that led him astray. Together with Bishop, we unpack the stress and chaos this lifestyle brings, contrasting it with the peace found in spiritual fulfillment and monogamy as intended by God.

Mr. James's transformative story takes center stage as he recalls leaving home at 16 to pursue a life of multiple relationships, only to find chaos and emptiness. Through scripture and personal anecdotes, we explore how societal patterns perpetuate this behavior and the stress it creates. Bishop, Pastor Damien, and Pastor Quincy underscore the necessity of adhering to a monogamous relationship for true fulfillment, emphasizing the power of the Holy Spirit to fill the void that transient relationships cannot.

We also delve into the transformative power of repentance and the 21-day Fast of Daniel. Mr. James's past struggles and testimonies from others highlight the profound change that comes from spiritual renewal. This episode is a powerful call to embrace a new life with God and true fulfillment, urging listeners to join the 21-day Fast of Daniel.

Speaker 1:

Mmm, what's cooking up in the kitchen? Am I smelling that soul food?

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, it is soul food, the spiritual food for your spiritual nourishment. And you know what? This food will never expire.

Speaker 1:

Never expire. I need this food every day.

Speaker 2:

You are listening to these spiritual-based podcasts. There are many podcasts, but this one here is to satisfy your soul, to feed your spiritual hunger. Are you hungry for God? Don't let your soul be hungry, no matter where you are. Whatever you are doing now, at work, home or on the go, you can still listen here and right now, the Soul Food Podcast. Don't let ever your soul to go hungry.

Speaker 4:

It's time for some soul food in our busy lives, we strive to please many people the family, the spouse and friends. However, we often forget the most important relationship our relationship with God. Join us now for the moment of the Holy Spirit 21 days to please the Holy Spirit More than usual.

Speaker 2:

Hello there, friends. Good evening. May the Lord Jesus bless all of you Once again together here with the moment of the Holy Spirit. We are live here on the radio I Hope Radio. This is the radio, I Hope Radio, 104.5. Together here with me I have Pastor Quincy and also Mr James that is here to testify Good evening to you. Good evening, bishop. How are you Doing good, sir? Good to know that you are good, mr James. How are you Good evening Bishop? How are you Doing good, sir? Good to know that you are good, mr James. How are you Good evening Bishop? Today we are talking about humanizer when I talk.

Speaker 5:

when you hear this word humanizer, what comes in your mind, Bishop, what comes to my mind at this point is my past. That was just the picture of the way how my lifestyle was, the kind of person you were. Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Well, we are going to discuss about it today. Why does a man have many women? Why a woman have many men? A woman has many men. Why do? People are never satisfied with just one, they want to have many. So in a few, we are going to be back here discussing about it. If you are watching me live on Facebook, you can leave your comments right now on this subject humanizer or on the YouTube, you can leave the name. Maybe you are humanizer, or you have your spouse, husband, that is a humanizer, or you yourself, you have many men, many boyfriends, especially this Saturday night. You are now driving around looking for someone. Stay with us, because the subject today is about you. In a few, we are going to pray, prepare one glass of water, because when we pray, we are going to bless this water.

Speaker 3:

Silver. Purify my heart. Let me be as gold, pure gold, refine as fire. My heart's one desire Is to be holy, set apart for you, my Master, ready to do your will. Purify my heart, cleanse me from within and make me holy. Purify my heart, cleanse me from my sin Deep within my sin, deep within the fire's fire. My heart's one desire is to be holy, set apart for you, lord. I choose to be only set apart for you, my Master. Many to do your will. Purify my heart. Let me be as gold and precious silver. Purify my heart. Let me be as gold, pure gold, be fine as fire. My heart's one desire is to be holy, set apart for you, lord. I choose to be holy. Only set apart for you, my master, ready to do your will.

Speaker 4:

He who has the Spirit of God has everything. He has his own light, unlike the earth or the moon, which depend on the light from the sun. He's also a source of light for those who live in darkness. The Holy Spirit is his partner at all times. He is a friend. He is God, the Father, with us. He is Savior, he is a helper. For it is written I can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens me. Fast of Daniel 21 Days Pleasing God to Receive the Holy Spirit. Who strengthens me. Fast of Daniel 21 days pleasing God to receive the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fast of Daniel, come to a universal church near you.

Speaker 2:

Once again together here, to pass on to you what God has for you. There are many ways for you to live your life your ways, your friend's ways, your family's ways, but also the way of God, mr James. He was living his ways, his ways, the things that he learned from his relatives past generation. He was doing the same. You know, pastor Quincy, a person has always this option to do God's way or to do his or her way. The funny thing is, people despise God's way and they do their own way. They go on their own way, their own thoughts, their own decision. However, at the end of the day, they are always in trouble, always in trouble. So if God's ways were all wrong and yours right, so then now by now, you are supposed to have the life that you dream with.

Speaker 6:

Funny thing that you said this just last night. I was telling the men about this in prison, because many of them only when they get locked up they realize what they were doing was wrong. But while they were doing wrong they knew. Part of them knew what they were doing was wrong, but they choose that. They choose that way. On one side they were hearing the voice telling them don't do it, do what is right, but they themselves choose to do wrong. Now they have to suffer the consequence. So when a person do whatever they feel like, when they listen to their feelings, their emotion, they suffer later on in life, like you are driving right, you are driving.

Speaker 2:

The light is red. The red light means that you have to stop. But, pastor Damien, if a person decides and says, no, I don't want to stop, I have to go somewhere, I have to be there quickly, and this person just disrespects the law and dispersal just disrespects the law, breaks the law and drives over dispersal. You suffer the consequence Because of course there will be an accident, somebody can get killed or he himself can lose his life.

Speaker 7:

And Bishop, that's a perfect example about your way versus God's way. You know that when you're driving, you have to obey the traffic laws, but it's not just for other safety, for your own safety. You're going to destroy yourself and hurt yourself. If you run through a red light, as Bishop said, you're going to hurt yourself. But the same way, bishop, if you disobey God's law and do what you want to do, you're going to hurt yourself. It's not God's fault. It's not God's fault. It's not that he hates you or wants to hurt you, but it's your decision that's getting you hurt.

Speaker 2:

And what about when a person drives, they run over the red light, and when they go a little bit further they stuck in the traffic jam. It's funny, others they cannot cross the next red light because the cars are all blocking the roads. Exactly. So he almost killed someone, killed himself, got in an accident, crashed the car for nothing. And Bishop.

Speaker 7:

Again, this is what happens in the spiritual life, because the person says I'm going to do my way, I'm going to handle this the way I feel like it, but then ahead, some weeks ahead, some months ahead, maybe even days ahead, they run into problems. The problem gets only bigger and bigger and bigger. You can never solve the problem trying to do your way.

Speaker 2:

The 21-day fast is for you to do God's way and never, ever your way. Let me tell you something. You have been trying to do your way. Actually, you have done so. You have been all over the place Relationships-wise, love, life-wise, finances, career, everything your way. You are like a teenager that tells the mother, the father enough, I'm an adult, I can be my own boss, I can take my own decision. You are not going to boss me anymore. And they leave their house, they go to live with friends or by themselves. But afterwards you have to return like a prodigal son, prodigal daughter. You have to go back to your parents' house. The house of God is available for you. It's open. Don't do your ways, but God's ways. Mr James, tell us before you came to us, was you doing your ways or God's ways? Mr James, tell us before you came to us, was you doing your ways or God's ways?

Speaker 5:

Bishop, I was doing my ways. Basically, I was taking my life the way I knew how to live it, the way how I see everybody around me doing.

Speaker 2:

When you say everybody around me, what do you mean?

Speaker 5:

My siblings, brothers, my parents, my uncles pretty much everybody around my family.

Speaker 2:

They were doing their own ways. Which ways?

Speaker 5:

Which ways Everybody was pretty much having two, maybe three women at the same time, dating here, there, and it was just like normal. So for you it was normal, yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

So, growing up, seeing your surroundings, relatives, being humanized, you started doing the same. That's correct, Bicho. You start doing the same. That's correct, Bishop. Tell me more about your childhood, teenagehood before you got married.

Speaker 5:

It started basically when I was 16, when I left my mother's house because the same situation I was dating too many girls at the same time and I didn't want to disrespect my mom's house and I just decided to leave. I told my sister my older sister to get me, help me to get another apartment under my name, and then I started to work full-time to be able to support my habit at that time.

Speaker 2:

I just said, pastor Quincy, that teenagers do it. This is exactly what he did Sixteen, many girls. He left his parents' house to live on his own and we are going to hear from him a few. I guess that his life became a mess because parents are like a symbol of God on earth for us. He who respects his father is respecting God. He respects his mother. He's respecting the church.

Speaker 6:

Exactly, bishop, and you know this is what happens nowadays Parents children do what they see their parents are doing. So he was following the example of his siblings. His father, he was following that same pattern. And I remember, bishop, when I was 13 years old, my brother came to visit and he said to me look, you need to have many women like we do, because I have siblings. I have three older brothers and this is what they used to do because my father was doing the same. So when I was 13 years old, they were trying to get me to do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

And, by the way, it was a curse, a curse.

Speaker 6:

It was a curse and many people think it's normal, because how can a man have and take care of more than one woman at the same time? It's impossible. It causes a lot of confusion and I see this every single day in prison. Bishop, the men they speak about their past, about their family, about relationship. Sometimes it sounds like a movie because the things that they have been through, how they had to risk their life trying to date and take care of more than one woman, having many different children.

Speaker 2:

Listen. To take care of one woman is not that easy. It's not that easy. We are all married. We are all married here. We have our wives, praise God. But you know it's not easy. It's not. Imagine a guy with one, two, three women calling him daily, talking to his head daily and demanding things and blah, blah, blah. And, worse still, pastor Demer, when they go around, have a lot of children. Exactly If one mother with many children, they mix the naming. Have you seen the mother that calls Jonas Peter? She calls Peter as Raphael, raphael as Jefferson. Imagine a man with many women and many children around.

Speaker 7:

What a chaos, bishop, that life becomes an utter and complete mess because you can't control it. It's like you have one attitude, another attitude, one thing to deal with. You think that you're being the cool guy, as they say You're. Oh yes, I have many women, but what you have is a lot of stress.

Speaker 2:

That's what you have. I remember here now my daddy. My daddy, when my older brother reached the age of 18, we are five, five, three sons, two daughters he called all five at the living room and he said to my older brother I don't forget, I was very, very, very, very young, but I remember that back then I did not understand what he meant, but he said hey, boy, you are now an adult, you are 18. Let me tell you, I don't want you to spread my blood around. Do not spread my blood around. I only have your mom and only these kids here. You are the only kids I have. You are now 18 and none of you, boys and girls, do not go around and spread my blood. It never left my mind, because when a man goes around having many children, he doesn't have a big family.

Speaker 7:

He has a big problem Exactly. And that's what it is, bishop, and what a person has to understand is no matter how good it may seem in the moment or how easy it may seem to deal with once it happens. Once you're in the situation, that's when you realize how much stress you're dealing with. And many guys, bishop, they regret after. Once they have the situation in front of them. It's oh my God, if I could only get out of this, I would get out of this headache.

Speaker 2:

And they are empty. You are going around with many men, many women. It shows that you are empty. You don't need another woman, you don't need another woman, you don't need another man. You need the Holy Spirit, the divine Spirit of God inside of you. Now the scripture says here and the Lord God said this is what he said. It is not good that man should be alone. I will make him a helper. He did not say many helpers, he said a helper, one singular, a helper comparable to him.

Speaker 5:

Mr James did you ever hear this message, Bishop I?

Speaker 2:

never heard of that message before. That's why you thought that God created for you, many helpers.

Speaker 5:

That's basically what it was, bishop. I was, like you said, the emptiness that was inside of me that I was trying to fill the void inside of me with different women, for this, for that, for this, for this. And I was sinking myself into different problems every day. Different problems. Yes, sir, tell us some of them. Some of them, they would gang up, they would just find themselves in places and that would be a trouble right there. Then, some days, it would be like this one wants a certain amount of money, that one wants a certain amount of money, she wants this, she wants that.

Speaker 5:

And until I dragged myself into living with three of them at the same time, really, I had to lie to them every single day. I had to give them different excuses because I had to act like I was living in all three apartments and I had to have clothes in every place, be able to go to these places every single day and act like I live all three of them places. What about the threats? The threats, it was basically what drove me to make those decisions, because they all wanted to be with me at the same time.

Speaker 2:

How many women you had at the same time these three. You had three apartments. You had to have a set of clothes there, but how many women you remember you had at the same time.

Speaker 5:

At the same time, the most, it was seven.

Speaker 2:

Seven. So you were really a humanizer.

Speaker 5:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Okay, in a few we are going to be back and Mr James will tell us more about that. But you are looking for someone. Maybe. You are going out Just right now. You are driving your car and you are looking for another woman, but you left one at home Yesterday. You had one Friday. Tonight you are looking for another one. Yesterday you had one Friday. Tonight you look for another one, and then another one. But don't forget. Don't forget one day you are going to be, if you make it, you are going to be an old man and you are going to be alone, because you had many but you end up with nobody. Because you have many women but you don't have a family. You have many women but you don't have a wife. So God saw that a man was alone. Though you have many, you are still alone. I will be right back.

Speaker 3:

It seems like forever that I have waited for you. In a world of disappointment, one thing is true God has blessed me and he's blessed you too. In a world of lonely people, I've found you. Take my hand and hold me close and don't let me go. You for me and me for you. Together, we'll make one. We were once strangers, all by ourselves, living, living alone With no one else. But here you are and it's so, so sweet. God must have done this, made you for me and I wouldn't take Take my hand and hold me close. So, oh so, you send me for you, said. Together we'll make one.

Speaker 3:

We were always sleeping under the same star, dreaming dreams of love, wondering where you are, hopeless I am that I'd fuck you. Now that you're here, I'm ready to say I do. Take my hand, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't let me go. You for me, you for me, me for you, me for you. Forever, together We'll make one. Take my hand, I wanna spend the rest of my life Together, forever, just you and me. You and me Said I'm gonna love you the way you need to be loved, the way you should be loved. I love you, said. This is forever. Please take my hand. Oh, yeah, ooh, yeah, yeah, oh ooh babe Ooh darling Baby ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh.

Speaker 4:

Repentance is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It has nothing to do with remorse. No one is forgiven based on their feelings. Besides, there is no sacrifice when it comes to remorse. Peter gave us the recipe for salvation Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Fast of Daniel 21 days pleasing God to receive the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fast of Daniel, come to a universal church near you.

Speaker 2:

Some people misunderstand the fasting of Daniel. They say, or they think, that it is a religious thing that we are doing. The fast of Daniel is not to make anybody religious fanatic, but the fast of Daniel is to bring a person closer to God, as I received many letters from prison and we are doing the fasting inside of prison as well. There is a lady that said I just read her letter today. She said I thank God for this fast of Daniel. At the beginning it was not easy for me but as I kept on going, now I have a relationship with God. She said now I can say that I know God. We are heading to the last week of this fasting and everybody can join it. Whether you are Christian or non-Christian, you go to church. You don't go to church, you have another religion or a religion. Everybody can join it.

Speaker 7:

Yes, Bishop and Bishop, just adding to what you were saying, the fast of Daniel, it's not about a religious thing, it's about separation. I remember some years back back, there was a country participating in the Olympics and I heard something very interesting. This country won many medals that year, but this country they took all of their athletes, separated them from everywhere, put them in one camp together and they stayed there and they focused on what they had to do.

Speaker 7:

Before the competition Before the competition Before the competition and they won many, many medals. This country. When I thought about the fest, I think about this Anything that you want to get the best out of, you have to separate yourself from what was their secret, bishop? Their secret was separation and focus. Separate from the world, from everything else. They said distractions. Separate from distractions and focus on the goal.

Speaker 2:

Now imagine yourself if the coach I don't know who took this decision, but was a wise one. Let me say the coach decided to separate the people from the world, I believe from the family, internet. You are not going to communicate with anybody, you are going to be only focused on the games and the day one, as you said, many matters. Imagine yourself if a person separates himself, he also is going to have the golden matter. That is salvation and that is it, bishop is going to have the golden matter.

Speaker 7:

That is salvation, and that is it, bishop, and this is the fast of Daniel. It's separation from the distractions of this world for the greatest gold of all the Spirit of God, who will remain with you forever. But a person has to be willing, bishop, to throw themselves in and really do it God's way and not their way.

Speaker 2:

Tomorrow, sunday, at every Universal church, you'll have an opportunity to have this encounter with God. Hey, hey, you are not listening to me in vain. It is not a coincidence, but God has a plan for you. He has led me to you and you here to me, because he has something great to be done in your life. He has, he wants to do it, but he will never do what you have to do. He said my house will be called a house of prayer. A house of prayer. So then we should leave our house and go to the house of prayer. So then we should leave our house and go to the house of God. Mr James, so once in life you had seven women at the same time. So did your wife know about your?

Speaker 5:

affairs? Of course not Bishop. She didn't know at that time.

Speaker 2:

So you had many women, but you decided to marry her. Why?

Speaker 5:

I was already married to her when I kept going with my decisions.

Speaker 2:

But I mean before the marriage, before you met her, because since 16, you start going out you moved from your mama's house because you don't want to put her house to shame. And before you met your wife. When you met her, what made you to make a decision to marry her, since you had many women?

Speaker 5:

It was the same confusion that I had, bishop. It was the emptiness that I had. I thought that by having a wife marrying her, you'd stop. Maybe I was going to stop. Uh-huh, and you didn't. No, sir, I continued. It got even worse, even worse. Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

And when you started having kids. How many children do you have?

Speaker 5:

started having kids? How?

Speaker 2:

many children you have. I started having kids and I ended up having seven kids. Seven kids, yes, sir, all with your wife. No, sir, how?

Speaker 5:

many in the marriage With my wife was four, but then I had other three out there with different women.

Speaker 2:

So when you started having children with your wife in your family, you started having a family because you are married with a wife, you started having kids, Didn't?

Speaker 5:

you realize I'm a mess in my life, in my marriage, these kids. I knew it was going to be a real mess, bishop, but at that time I just didn't even care. I just thought that this situation was going to help me to close that gap that I had inside of me.

Speaker 2:

You who are watching us, listening to us, and you say this is my problem, my problem, I want to quit. And Pastor Quincy is not just about women. He was humanized. But there are people that are sincere, sincere People that are living prostitution. There is this prostitute that she's there selling her body for money. She doesn't have a place to stay, she has to pay rent and she doesn't have money. Then she sells her body to pay the rent. Some cannot afford the rent. They live in shelters, motels, and they have to sell their bodies to have a roof upon their head. Others are doing drugs, selling drugs, using drugs. But these people are sincere, they don't want to do it anymore. We had last week the case of Francisca. She was on the street, she did not want that life, but she had no other option. A person is sincere but doesn't know how to stop it and does not have strength to do so, bishop.

Speaker 6:

They have the opportunity that we are presenting to them right now yes, To separate themselves in these 21 days, the last week, to take a decision to show God. Is it going to be easy? It's not going to be easy. If we say to you it will be easy, we are lying. It's not going to be easy, as the lady said in the letter, but as she pushed forward, it became easier, because she started pleasing God and God gave her the strength. We have many men who are in prison, many people who are in prison who had the same problem you just mentioned. They had to do drugs, they had to sell, they were pimps, they did a lot of crazy things, but there was a part inside of them that they don't want. And now, while they are there, we are helping them. They are able to change. God is looking at their sincerity and giving them the strength in order to change. So this person who is listening to us right now, no matter the situation they are going through, they want to change. They have the chance.

Speaker 2:

The Lord said it is not good that a man should be alone. It is not good that a man should be alone, it is not good. I will make him a helper. I will make him a helper comparable to him, comparable. The same faith, the same spirit, the same goal, comparable to him. So God makes no mistake. We are talking about humanizer. Mr James, many women now you are married, kids, but you are still empty.

Speaker 5:

That's correct, Bishop. The emptiness that was inside of me, that's what was leading me to go look for these women and to be able to kind of find a way for me to feel like I was enjoying myself.

Speaker 2:

How did you know about this ministry and what did you do to change your life?

Speaker 5:

I found out about my sister, my older sister. She invited my wife because she saw the situation that she was going through, all the pain that I was putting her through, and at first I resisted, I didn't want it to come. And my wife kept it firm and after years after that it took a couple of years before I came in.

Speaker 2:

By coming to the church. What did you learn? What did you do? How is your life now?

Speaker 5:

Well, I learned how to make a, first of all, chain of prayers, how to deliver myself from all of this nonsense that I was onto and to get myself focused. And then I learned, on that time I heard about the Holy Spirit to close that gap that I was a long time looking for, you know, to close it.

Speaker 2:

So the chain of prayer delivered you, set you free. That's correct, but you're still missing the Holy Spirit. Yes, sir, when you received the Holy Spirit, what did you do? What was the preparation and what happened the moment you received the Holy Spirit? Yes, sir, when you received the Holy Spirit, what did you do? What?

Speaker 5:

was the preparation and what happened in the moment you received the Holy Spirit. It was not an easy task for me to receive the Holy Spirit due to my past. It was kind of still coming and going, coming and going. But there was a time in my life when I decided to disconnect my phone for like three months because I wanted the Holy Spirit so bad, because I already understood the meaning of the Holy Spirit. So I disconnected from everybody, from my siblings, even my own brothers. I stopped talking to them because I wanted to focus on the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

By receiving the Holy Spirit. Who is James, here now talking to us?

Speaker 5:

Now I'm a man of God, bishop, I'm a father to my children, I'm a husband to my wife. I can say that now.

Speaker 2:

And the void, the emptiness inside of you.

Speaker 5:

I have happiness inside of me, bishop. I have peace, I have joy.

Speaker 2:

And this peace that you are talking about is not just feeling. You have peace when the phone rings. You have peace of mind. Nobody is calling me or threatening me. Nobody is calling my wife to tell her about my behavior. Right, that's correct.

Speaker 5:

Bishop, I even leave my phone on the table now. No secret, no secret.

Speaker 2:

No secret. So that James, that humanizer James, died and a new James was born. That's correct, bishop.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so nobody could ever imagine that you, james, would be a man of just one woman, even a lot of people that knew me from back then. When I go places, when they see me, they ask me Is that you the same guy? Are you sure you are changed? Now? When they see my behavior, what they have done to you, people tell me that Right.

Speaker 2:

Thank you very much for your story. Hey, you who are listening to us, watching us right now, I am telling you that you can be filled with the Holy Spirit. God said it's not good for a man to be alone. I will give him a helper. I will give him, I will make him a helper. When he said helper, the wife is the helper, but the Holy Spirit is also the helper. When he said helper, the wife is the helper, but the Holy Spirit is also the helper. When you read there in the book of Acts, when the Holy Spirit was promised in the book of John also, he said I'll give you another helper. So the Holy Spirit is a helper, the wife is a helper. So you are alone because you do not have the Holy Spirit. Again, you have many women, many men, you have a lot of money, but you are empty inside. You are like that box that is empty. There is nothing inside. You have this beautiful looking, you are handsome, everybody compliments you, praises you, but inside of you you are empty, void.

Speaker 2:

This Sunday, at every Universal Church all over the globe I don't know where or from where you are watching me on Facebook, on YouTube, but look for one church, the Universal Church, is holding the 21 day the fast of Daniel, also here in Houston, texas. We have many locations. As we read yesterday, the Lord said Seek me and live. When you seek the Lord, you live. You enjoy life. You have life inside of you. Prepare a glass of water, because in a few we are going to pray together. To bless your bottle of water, you can send us a text 1-888-312-4141.

Speaker 8:

You can send us a text. Purify my dreams as I cover my face, so they can see your face in me. Father, teach me how to find and love with simple things. Surely I will give you glory for eternity. You are all I need. Once upon a time, the mustard tree was just a seed. Grow my faith, oh Lord, and show me what is heavenly. Jesus, you're the truth. It doesn't matter how I feel. I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be far from you. You're the air I breathe. You're the air I breathe. Help me abide in you.

Speaker 9:

I don't wanna be. I don't wanna be far from you. You're the air I breathe. You're the air I breathe. Help me abide in you. Show me where you are, cause life is so uncomfortable. While I'm here in the dark, I'll walk the narrow paths for you, but faith is just so hard. Pride is still my poison, but, oh Lord, you know my heart. Praising got no cost, so help me use it as a weapon Gainst the fallen one. Your grace is so much greater than all the sin I've done. You so loved the world that you gave your only son. I don't wanna be. I don't wanna to be. I don't want to be far from you. You're the air I breathe. You're the air I breathe. Help me abide in you.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to be. I don't want to be far from you. In a few, we are going to pray and through this prayer, the Spirit of God will fill your heart and fill your soul. Pastor Quincy, together you are going to be with me in Southwest side.

Speaker 6:

Yes, bishop, at 7075 Southwest Freeway between Bel Air and.

Speaker 2:

Hillcroft. There was a man. I'm talking about Hezekiah. There was a man. I'm talking about Hezekiah. Hezekiah was a man who was surprised in a bad way by a disease. He was told by prophet Isaiah put your house in order, because you are going to die. You are not going to recover to live anymore. In an act of faith, he turned his face to the wall and he prayed to God. Only he spoke to God, even though he knew that the prophet was in between him and God. God spoke first to the prophet, but he did not care. Because faith, when you are in faith, you become blind, deaf and mute. You go straight. You have free access to God, and that was exactly what Hezekiah did. As a result, god gave to him the blessing. He had a reason to testify hey, I have got 15 new years to live.

Speaker 7:

Bishop, he was able to say remember how I walked before you? Because he knew his faith, he knew his faithfulness, he knew that he was doing what God has said to do, and so there was no one that could stand in between him and his answer. He wasn't going to man. He turned his face to the wall and went straight to God, and from God is where he got his answer, bishop.

Speaker 2:

And you can get this answer as well. He said, lord, remember, that was his prayer. He said remember, now, lord, I pray, how I have walked before you in truth and with a loyal heart and have done what was good in your sight. And Hezekiah wept bitterly. Right now we are going to do the same. Pastor Quincy is going to pray with us tonight. If you have the glass of water, the bottle of water, let us put our hands and our faith together.

Speaker 4:

Join us now with Bishop Berra for the special prayer to please the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 6:

My Lord and my Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you now to visit this person who has been trying very hard to change. This man has been trying to change his ways to stop the womanizing. This woman has been trying to stop prostituting, selling her body, but it has been hard. This person has been trying to quit the drugs, the use of drugs, but it seems, my God, impossible. This person no longer wants to live this life anymore, but deep inside there is a void, there is an emptiness, for I ask you to manifest your power in the life of this person, wherever he or she may be, and set them free. Bring deliverance, my Lord may be and set them free.

Speaker 6:

Bring deliverance, my Lord, for I ask that right now, in this moment, as this person is praying with us, that your spirit may enter their life, your spirit may enter inside of this man, this woman, to give peace, joy, to give them happiness, to complete their life, to give them what they have never had before, as you promised, my God, that you will give a helper suitable, and this helper is the Holy Spirit. Without your Spirit, my God, it's impossible, it's difficult for this person to make it. So I ask you now, holy Spirit, to come upon this life. Wherever this man, this woman may be in prison, in the hospital, at work, at home, in their car, this person is giving themselves to you right now. Enter their life. My Father, lord, I consecrate this bottle of water. They are holding that as they drink. You may quench their thirst. In the name of Jesus Christ, wherever you are, receive this peace and if you believe and you agree, you can say Amen.

Speaker 3:

To honor you, lord, with all my heart. I worship you, all I have within me. I'll give you praise. All that I adore is in you, lord. I give you my heart, I give you my soul. I live for you alone, every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake. Lord, have your way in me. This is my desire to honor you, lord, with all my heart. I worship you, I worship you, all I have within me. I give you praise. All that I adore is in you, lord. I'll give you my heart. I'll give you my soul. I'll live for you alone, every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake, lord, have your way in me, lord, I'll give you my heart. I'll give you my soul. I'll live for you no longer. Every breath that I take, every moment I'm awake, lord, have your way in me, lord, I'll give you my heart.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you my soul. I'll live for you alone. We are now finishing the program the moment of the Holy Spirit. Tell a friend of yours about our program. This program will be on the Facebook YouTube available for you to share the link. Come to see us in one of our churches this coming Sunday. May the God of the Bible bless all of you moment I'm away, lord, have your way in me, lord.

Speaker 3:

I'll give you my heart, I'll give you my soul.

Speaker 1:

I'll live for you alone. Thank you for listening in. That's all the soul food we have to share today. Stay tuned to the next episode on soul food and keep your notifications on. Share each episode with your friends and family to feed their souls. Give the food that lasts forever.