Soul Food

The Fast of Daniel: Eternal Guidance (Day8)

July 22, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 12

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Have you ever felt a hunger that no food can satisfy? Join us in this enlightening episode of the Soul Food Podcast as we promise to nourish your spirit with insights on the eternal sustenance provided by God's word and the Holy Spirit. Reflecting on day eight of the 21 Days Fast of Daniel, we explore how the Holy Spirit guides us through life's challenges, never leaving our side. This episode delves into the everlasting comfort that the Holy Spirit offers, contrasting it with the temporary help we receive from earthly figures like mothers, teachers, and driving instructors.

As we recount the invaluable lessons from those who have helped us throughout life, we emphasize that while their assistance has an expiration date, the Holy Spirit's guidance is eternal. We also share a special prayer inviting this Divine Helper into your life, ensuring that your soul is always fed. Tune in to learn how to recognize the voices in the Bible and why identifying the words of Jesus can transform your spiritual journey. Whether at home, at work, or on the go, let this episode be a heartfelt reminder of the everlasting help that only the Holy Spirit can provide.

Speaker 1:

Mmm, what's cooking up in the kitchen? Am I smelling that soul food?

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, it is soul food, the spiritual food for your spiritual nourishment. And you know what? This food will never expire.

Speaker 1:

Never expire. I need this food every day.

Speaker 2:

You are listening to these spiritual-based podcasts. There are many podcasts, but this one here is to satisfy your soul, to feed your spiritual hunger. Are you hungry for God? Don't let your soul be hungry, no matter where you are. Whatever you are doing now, at work, home or on the go, you can still listen here and right now, the Soul Food Podcast. Don't let ever your soul to go hungry.

Speaker 1:

It's time for some soul food. ©. Bf-watch TV 2021.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

May the God of the Bible bless all of you. 21 days fast of Daniel, 21 days program for the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit comes inside of you, upon you, he helps you. Who can be a better helper than the Lord? We had many helpers in our lives. They came into our lives and they left. Some of them are gone, are dead, but the Holy Spirit abides in us forever.

Speaker 2:

We are going to read today the words of Jesus, what Jesus said. Whenever you read the Bible, you need to identify who is talking. Who is speaking here. In my Bible I have many words the word of a man, the word of Satan and the word of Jesus, the word of God. We have the word of Moses, joshua, king David, the prophets, the disciples, the apostles, but also the word of Jesus, the word of God. We are reading today, in this day, number eight, the word of Jesus. He said I will pray the Father and he will give you another. He says another helper you see over there capital H, which means the Holy Spirit that he may abide with you forever. He is going to abide with you forever. He is going to abide with you forever. Well, let us go to the thoughts of the day Food for thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Many helpers we have or we had in life, like the mother, first teacher, driving, somebody help you how to drive, and also, first job. Talking about the first helper, that was my mother, your mother. They gave birth and they started helping the babies through how to walk, how to eat, how to bath, how to take care of himself herself. That was the tasks of the mother. You still have your mother, praise god. Some people, their mothers, are already promoted. They passed Amen. However, there are teachings from your mother, your father, that you never forget. However, when the Holy Spirit comes to us, he never passes. He's going to help us until the end.

Speaker 2:

Another helper that we had was the teacher, the first teacher. Do you remember your first teacher? Do you remember the name of your first teacher? I don't. I don't remember the name of my first teacher, but everybody had their first teacher who taught you the first letters, the first numbers, subjects, lessons, and then you left that school. You went to another school, other teachers, but they came and left.

Speaker 2:

Well, do you drive? Who helped you to drive? Did you go to the drive school? You have somebody that was instructing you to drive. So, driving, if you drive, somebody taught you how to drive and then you had your first job. Somebody over there taught you what to do to do the job. Maybe you came there without skills, you did not know what to do. You just arrived there day number one. You should remember day number one. You were completely lost. Yes, that's right, completely lost. But then somebody was teaching you, helping you, helping you. Now you became a wise, skilled, professional worker, praise god.

Speaker 2:

But all these teachings expires because one day you are going to stop driving, one day you stop working, everything stops. But he said I will pray the father, he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever. I have here this cup of water right now. We are going to pray. Do you want this helper? Do you need to have this helper inside of you? That is the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

It is day number eight. Let us pray because he is going to teach you all things. Close your eyes, oh, my Father, god. I thank you, lord, for all the helpers that came in our lives Parents, teachers, professors that came in our lives Parents, teachers, professors, people that helped us through in life. Everything that we know. We have learned From someone or something, but your spirit, lord, is the help you sent. I will send you another helper. This helper teaches us what to say, how to say it, how to control our tongue, how to control our mind, our thoughts. This helper helps us through.

Speaker 2:

So, jesus, there is this person that says I never went to school, I don't know how to read, how to write, not even sign my name. This person is considered by others as uneducated. But once a person receives your spirit, he receives wisdom. He receives knowledge, understanding, power. Oh Lord, my God, and this is what I pray right now, we need you. We are every day making decisions, every day taking decisions.

Speaker 2:

Oh Lord, my God, you promised to give us another helper. We always have decisions, options before us To go right, left, option A, b, 1, 2. Only your spirit to teach us, my Lord, always we have to answer people and we don't want to be rude, we don't want to have bad manners. Oh Lord, sometimes Dispossess under the pressure yes, they apply hard pressure, disposspose, hard pressed, squeeze the Lord, but once your spirit comes, you help how to behave, how to answer, how to handle things, how to manage things. Oh Lord, my God, that he disposed a prayer with me Inside of of prison and over there, nobody helps, nobody. I have been inside praying only you to help. You are the helper. So help dispersa right now, empower dispersa, enter, oh God, their lives and make this person to change, to be made new, A new person Full of your spirit. Right now I say to you Receive this help. Right now you can raise your hands and seek the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit that comes upon you.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead in your room, bathroom, kitchen, living room, in your cell in prison, wherever you may be, Seek the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Thank you In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. I don't know when or where this person will watch this video and pray with me. Prayers do not expire. This video is not just a pre-recorded prayer. We are talking to you. Enter their lives and live inside of them In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ's name, amen, praise name, amen, praise God, amen, alright, the help is with you. Keep praying with us, seeking the Holy Spirit every single day. Tomorrow I'm going to be back with the day number nine, day number nine. The Spirit of God will be inside of you and also upon you. I finish right now and I say to you once again just believe.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening in. That's all the soul food we have to share today. Stay tuned to the next episode on soul food and keep your notifications on. Share each episode with your friends and family to feed their souls. Give the food that lasts forever.