Soul Food

The Fast of Daniel: The Last Lifeline (Day 7)

July 21, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 11

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Can your soul afford to starve in today's fast-paced world? We believe that amidst our busy lives, it's crucial to feed our spiritual hunger daily. Welcome to another powerful episode of the Soul Food Podcast. Join us with our main host Bishop Joshua and cohost Pastor Hector for the "Moment of the Holy Spirit," where an hour spent with us could profoundly impact your soul. Hear the inspiring testimony of Ms Kerry, who overcame her darkest moments of depression and suicidal thoughts through God's unwavering love. We're here to remind you that God's plan offers you a new beginning, no matter how overwhelming your struggles may seem.

Ever wondered how faith can be a lifeline in the face of life's toughest challenges? This episode delves into the profound need for spiritual fulfillment to combat issues such as depression and suicidal thoughts. We discuss the vital role of faith in nurturing hope and dreams while highlighting the destructive force of doubt. Kerry's story serves as a vivid illustration of how suicidal thoughts are a deceptive solution that only leads to greater suffering. Through biblical insights and real-life experiences, we offer you spiritual guidance and the assurance that you are not alone in your struggles.

Feeling trapped by your circumstances? Discover the transformative power of faith and prayer through the heartfelt testimonies shared in this episode. Hear from individuals like Ms. May whose family overcame struggles with depression, insomnia, and addiction through unwavering prayer and community support. We also invite you to join Bishop Taylor and Pastor Hector alongside Bishop Joshua at the Universal Church for daily services that promise to nourish your soul and provide enduring spiritual sustenance. Tune in to hear these powerful stories and remember, with faith and prayer, significant improvements and true healing are within your reach.

Speaker 1:

Mmm, what's cooking up in the kitchen? Am I smelling that soul food?

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, it is soul food, the spiritual food for your spiritual nourishment. And you know what? This food will never expire.

Speaker 1:

Never expire. I need this food every day.

Speaker 2:

You are listening to these spiritual-based podcasts. There are many podcasts, but this one here is to satisfy your soul, to feed your spiritual hunger. Are you hungry for God? Don't let your soul be hungry, no matter where you are. Whatever you are doing now, at work, home or on the go, you can still listen here and right now, the Soul Food Podcast. Don't let ever your soul to go hungry.

Speaker 1:

It's time for some soul food.

Speaker 3:

Someone makes you feel you don't exist, what you do, how to understand. It doesn't matter what they think of me, what they think of me. When I know that my Lord is with me, they can doubt and despise me. And despise me, my friend, my father. I am strong for all I have been through. God is present. Loneliness no longer lives in me. I know I am loved. I am your child. I will be with you until the end. My friend, my father. I am strong for all I have been through. God is present. Holiness no longer lives in me. I know I am loved. I am your child. I will be with you until the end.

Speaker 5:

In our busy lives, we strive to please many people the family, the boss, Spouse and friends. However, we often forget the most important relationship our relationship with God. Join us now for the Moment of the Holy Spirit 21 days to please the Holy Spirit More than usual.

Speaker 2:

Hello, dear friends, good evening may the Lord Jesus the moment of meditation, a moment of inspiration, and I would like to invite you to be with me for the next hour, because what you are going to hear, what you are going to listen to, will bring an impact inside of your soul. Together with me, pastor Hector. Good evening to you, good evening, bishop. Also, we have tonight the testimony of Carrie. Hey Carrie, how are you Good, bishop Carrie?

Speaker 6:

Hey Carrie how are you Good Bishop?

Speaker 2:

She was a young girl when she started suffering from depression, oppression, and then came the suicidal thoughts.

Speaker 6:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Any attempts.

Speaker 6:

Yes, bishop, I would overdose on medications. I would also take the knives, anything sharp, and I would slit my wrist with it.

Speaker 2:

Stay tuned, because you are going to listen to this story. If, in case you yourself, you are suicidal, you think of suicide or you have attempted, let me tell you something you are still alive because God has a plan for you and he is going to give you a new chance, for you to have a new beginning. We are going to be back. We are in the 21 days, 21 day fast of Daniel.

Speaker 7:

I need you more, more than yesterday. I need you more, more than words could say. I need you more, yes, than ever before. I need you more. Yes, I need you more. I need you more. Yes, more than yesterday. I need you more, more than words can say. I need you more yes, I do Than ever before. I need you more, I need you more. I need you, lord, more than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing, more than this next heartbeat, more than anything, lord, as time goes by, I'll be by your side, cuz I never wanna go back to my old life.

Speaker 7:

I need you more, more than yesterday. I need you more. Yes, I do More than words can say. I need you more Than ever before. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I need you more, more than the air I breathe, more than the song I sing, more than this next heartbeat, more than anything, lord, as time goes by, I'll be by your side, because I never want to go back to my old life. I need you more. Yes, I do Jesus, more than yesterday. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. More than words, yeah, more than words, more than words can say.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and ever before. I need you more.

Speaker 7:

I need you more. We give. We give you the highest praise.

Speaker 4:

We give you the highest praise.

Speaker 7:

We give you the highest praise we give you the highest praise. We give you the better part at your feet. Begin, give you the highest praise, give you the highest praise.

Speaker 5:

The same way that faith brings life, doubt brings death. While faith stimulates dreams, hopes and raises self-esteem, doubt poisons dreams, hopes and promotes depression. Depression is a spiritual problem. That's why there is no drug that can cure this spiritual illness. Just as the body needs physical care and the soul needs love, the human spirit could only be nourished by the Spirit of God, for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the cure for depression. Fast of Daniel 21 days, pleasing God to receive the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fast of Daniel, come to a Universal Church near you.

Speaker 2:

Suicide is what people think. That is the last hope for them. The only hope they have is suicide. I used to say, pastor Hector, that they hear voices telling them to kill themselves. You are good for nothing. You were born to suffer. Look around, look at you, look at your life. Nothing works for you. You'll never be happy, you'll never be successful. This is life for you. A person that is sick hear a voice saying take off your life, because one day you are going to die, sooner or later.

Speaker 8:

So do it at once, yes, and they look at other people and in their minds they think everybody's happy. They look at everyone and they see everybody happy, and so those thoughts come, they begin to grow and grow inside of that person. Look, you're never going to be as happy as this person or as happy as that person, and that emptiness that they feel inside of them just continues to grow and grow. And this is not something new.

Speaker 2:

Throughout the Bible we see people that were suicidal, like Job. He became suicidal when he lost his 10 children. He lost his possessions, everything. He came to a point to wish to desire his death. He said why didn't I die in my mother's womb? He did not attempt suicide, but he had suicidal thoughts. Attempt suicide but he had suicidal thoughts, because if you wish to die or to never be born, it shows that you are suicidal.

Speaker 8:

Yes, and that thought process, that mentality that a person has, whether it's I'm going to do it on my own or wishing that they had never been born, it's the same mentality, it's the same thought, it's both suicidal.

Speaker 2:

And the tricks of the evil spirit sometimes is to tell a person if you die, you go to a better place, if you die, you go to a better place. I was reading about someone that killed himself and the wife. His wife came to the media and she said my late husband did something good because now he killed himself, he is in the arms of the Lord. So this statement is not true. It's not true because if you kill yourself, you are killing God's creation, you are not going to Him. Number one. Number two it motivates others who are listening to to have the same thought. Well, if he killed himself and went to the arm of the Lord, which means that if I kill myself, I'm going to meet the Lord faster, but the suicidal will not enter the kingdom of God.

Speaker 8:

Yes, and that is the way of thinking of the world. When you commit suicide, when you hurt yourself, you're ending all of your problems. You're ending all of your suffering. But it's not true. It's just the beginning of the true suffering that is to come. It's not the end of your problems. It's actually the beginning of the true suffering that is to come. It's not the end of your problems. It's actually the beginning of a real, real big problem.

Speaker 2:

And, besides, you leave your family behind and this suicidal thought is going to become a curse upon them in a way that others, the new generation in this family also, will commit suicide. But I want you to watch this video, to listen to it and understand what is behind suicidal thoughts.

Speaker 5:

Deaths, betrayals, diseases and problems allied to a bad thought can lead a human being to take attitudes that are often incomprehensible. Among them, the extreme act of taking their own life. The scenes are shocking. The man takes an unexpected attitude, he takes a gun and, without restraint, shoots his head. He dies on the spot, a death possibly motivated by guilt. When these negative thoughts manage to dominate the body, the person even surpasses the instinct of self-preservation of life. She encourages herself and then decides to put an end to everything. But what is really behind this mental illness? For many, it is difficult to believe that the voice they hear in their ear is saying take your life, no one cares about you, you are ugly. It is something only in their mind. But in reality, what is behind this voice is an evil force the spirit of death.

Speaker 2:

This spirit of death makes a person feel suicidal. You are suicidal. You are going to call this number right now 713-773-8400. Are there pastors to help them right now? Okay, we have pastors on the helpline. You are going to talk to a pastor right now. You don't need to kill yourself to solve the problem. Bring the problems with you. God will solve your problem and you are going to be happier as never, ever before. Killing yourself will not end the problem. Will not end the problem Because the problems that you have is in your flesh. If you are sick, the pain is in your flesh. If you are unemployed, you are financially struggling, the pain is in your flesh. If you are unemployed, you are financially struggling. The pain is in your pocket. If you are having problems in your house, love life, family problems, the pain is in your heart. But when you kill yourself, the pain will be in your soul, yes, and that pain is spiritual.

Speaker 8:

This physical pain passes, it's momentary, it's not permanent, and you can actually do something about it by coming to God, to overcome, to change that situation, that you don't have to look at suicide as the solution to all your problems. No, suicide is not the solution. God is the solution to all of your problems.

Speaker 2:

And when a person kills himself, he doesn't solve any problem. Killing yourself does not solve any problem Because you kill the body, but the soul you cannot kill. There is no knife, no firearm that can kill, kill the soul. Well, carrie, you were suicidal. What happened to you? What were your problems?

Speaker 6:

bishop. Growing up I was very sick. I had migraine headaches, I had endometriosis. I would just vomit bouts of blood. I was in a toxic relationship. My family was crazy. I would witness. There was one incident even where my uncle took a machete to chop off my mom's neck. So, surrounded by all that negativity and always being in you know, in constant pain, that no regular pain medications would work. I would literally be living in hospitals. All the nurses and doctors they already knew me. I stayed more in the hospitals than I stayed at home. So I reached a point, because of the pain that I was feeling, because of the relationship that I was in and the problems in my family that I I saw no point in living anymore so you grew up in this.

Speaker 2:

I would say hell yes, for sure it was a real hell. Problems from everywhere and you were those kind of sick child.

Speaker 6:

Yes, sir, majority of the times I would be in the bed and with the medications that they would give me, they were sometimes so strong that I would pass out. It was too strong for me. But without and they didn't do much good. I would still feel the pain after a couple of hours that I became addicted to them, I would. If I was supposed to take two, I would take four, and then, little by little, began to up the dose and became dependent on those medications and I would overdose on them.

Speaker 2:

How did it affect your studies? Because you said that you live more in the house than in the house.

Speaker 6:

My grandmother. She would have to always get a letter from the doctor to give to the schools. If I went five days, that would be good Majority of the times out of the week. I would just go one or two days to school.

Speaker 2:

So and not being able to go to school, always sick. But you said that you had also problems in your love life. Tell me.

Speaker 6:

So because I was always sick and I was basically alone because my family they're always fighting against each other. I was also an only child. So at the time I started a relationship with my best friend and he was a womanizer. He was also an alcoholic and it became so toxic would fight majority of the times that I wanted out, and it came a point that he said like you know, if you leave me, I'm gonna kill you.

Speaker 2:

And I believed him because he was serious well, you see, let me now talk about uh and sense, intelligence and versus emotions. When a person doesn't use his brain but his heart, he gives himself into bad decisions. She knew he was bad, you knew he was a humanizer.

Speaker 6:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

She knew he was a humanizer. But even though she knew, her feelings spoke louder than her brain and she entered this relationship already knowing it would not work.

Speaker 8:

Yes, she entered this relationship already seeing the bad signs that were to come. She knew how he was, she knew how he would go with women and the type of life that he lived, and yet she still went by feelings. She still went by her emotions and through herself. And a lot of people do that. A lot of people don't stop and think. They prefer to go and act on their emotions. There's a saying that says they wear their heart on their sleeve. In other words, that person is led by what they feel and not by what they think.

Speaker 2:

And this is when they become suicidal. When you hear hey, hey, listen to me. When you hear that someone killed himself, hanged himself, shot his own head, jumped in front of a car, overdosed, poisoned themselves, always remember these people did so because of their emotions. They let their emotions to take off their lives. Right, when you use your brain, use your intelligence, you are going to think I have all these problems. If I kill myself, I will give more problems to my mother, my wife, my husband, my children, my parents, and I'm going to put a curse upon this family. Other people in this family will do the same, will do the same. This has been proved. Every family that has somebody that committed suicide back in time in history, they are going to see that some people before that one also committed suicide. Carrie, you had suicidal thoughts in your family. Did anybody uh spoke about death or had these suicidal thoughts as well?

Speaker 6:

no, sir, they were a majority of my family. We had a lot of family problems, division, uh, constant arguments, uh, some were addicted to drugs but, um, none that I know of that actually committed suicide so you were the first one yes, sir sir.

Speaker 2:

So the suicide also begins, always begins by someone and it moves to somebody else and somebody else and it becomes like a snowball. Keep listening to us. If you are suicidal right now, you are going to. If you prefer, you can send us a text In a few. Carol is going to. If you prefer, you can send us a text In a few. Carol is going to tell us how did she overcome all these problems she had and how she is nowadays. Tomorrow, sunday, at every Universal Church, we are going to continue the fast of Daniel. This was our first week and tomorrow we are going to begin our second week of this fasting and you have an opportunity to receive a new spirit. God will replace, he's going to take the spirit of suicide and give it to you a new spirit I will lift up mine eyes to the hills.

Speaker 1:

From whence cometh my hand, my help cometh?

Speaker 4:

from the Lord, the Lord which made heaven and earth.

Speaker 1:

He said he will not suffer thy foot, thy foot to be moved you.

Speaker 4:

The Lord which keepeth thee, he will not slumber nor sleep. Oh, the Lord, is thy shade upon thy right hand, upon thy right hand, oh, the sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. He shall preserve thy soul, even forevermore. My help, my help, my help, my help, all of my help comes from the Lord. I will lift up mine eyes to the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, the Lord which made heaven and earth. He said he will not suffer thy foot, thy foot, to be moved. The Lord which keepeth me, he will not slumber nor sleep. Oh, the Lord is thy keeper. The Lord is thy shade Upon thy right hand. Upon Thy right hand go Thou. Thou shalt not strike me by day, nor moon, by night.

Speaker 5:

He shall preserve thy soul Even forevermore. My help, my help, my help, all of my help. I am all I have Sounded from the Lord. He who has the Spirit of God, has everything. He has His own light, unlike the earth or the moon, which depend on the light from the sun. He's also a source of light for those who live in darkness. The Holy Spirit is His partner at all times. He is a friend, he is God, the Father, with us. He is Savior, he is a helper. For it is written I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Fast of Daniel 21 days, pleasing God to receive the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fast of Daniel, come to a universal church near you.

Speaker 2:

We see that Judas killed himself. Why did he kill himself? All that people know is that because he betrayed Jesus. Yes, that was one of the reasons. He felt remorse, regretful and he killed himself. But not only on that regretful and he killed himself. But not only on that. The evil spirit came to him and gave him the idea to betray the Son of God. Because it says that he partook the communion. Satan entered him. It is clear. It says Satan entered him, he left, he went ahead and he sold Jesus. He kissed Jesus and that was iniquity because he knew what he was doing. Everything was planned before he betrayed Jesus. Now, after Jesus was arrested, jesus was crucified, the same evil spirit came to Judas and said go ahead and kill yourself. The same evil spirit took him, showed him the tree and told him hang yourself. The same evil spirit took him, showed him the tree and told him hang yourself. The evil spirit tells a person to go and kill himself. He's the one that gives the idea for a person to take his life.

Speaker 8:

Yes, and that evil spirit. What it does is it pushes the person and keeps pushing and pushing.

Speaker 2:

And not on that. He was the one who put a lot of problems.

Speaker 8:

Yes, at the end he brings this fake solution yes, he provides for the person this fake solution and pushes them and keeps insisting to go down that path. He puts the problems and then he puts the supposed solution this is is it? This is how you get rid of everything, this is how you resolve everything, and keeps insisting with that one idea, which is why the person, when they get that thought of killing themselves, they don't do it on the first thought. It's something that as time, it gets worse and worse and worse and worse.

Speaker 2:

No one wakes up one day and says today I'm going to kill myself. When we hear about this suicide, we should understand that the plan was already there, the thoughts were already there and perhaps for a long time, which is why many suicides the majority of them leave suicide notes Because it was something that they were planning.

Speaker 8:

They were already preparing years, sometimes before, and they were just there thinking this is what I'm going to tell my mother, this is what I'm going to tell my father, this is what I'm going to tell my wife, my husband, my children. This is what I want them to understand. I love them, I care for them, but this was the only solution and it's something that, many times years, was developing inside of the person and that he was just pushing and pushing. This is the way to go. This is the way to go If you have this thought, this plan in your mind.

Speaker 2:

You can also send me an email. This is my email address bbf at universalorg. Send me an email. Universalorg. Send me an email. Empty your chest. We are going to help you Send a text. The text message number is 1-888-312-4141. Carrie, how many times did you attempt to kill yourself?

Speaker 6:

More than five times. Bishop, do you still remember? What did you do? I remember, after a huge argument with my boyfriend, I went into the room, I locked the door, I took a razor blade and started cutting into my wrist. Um, another incident I remember, because I couldn't sleep at nights either and I went to the doctor and before handing over to me a bottle of sleeping pills, he, you know, he looked to me can I trust you with these pills? And I broke down because I knew I couldn't even trust myself with those pills, because I planned, once I got those pills I was going to take the whole bottle.

Speaker 6:

And there were countless times where I would want to throw myself into the streets as well, into oncoming traffic, because I would feel such a pain inside that feeling physical I compared feeling a physical pain was nothing compared to the hell that I was feeling inside of me. And even when I would cut myself and see all that blood coming out, it was as if I was trying to relieve myself of that pain. But nothing that I did. I would cut myself, I would pass out, I would overdose on the medicines, I would wake up back afterwards and I would be disappointed that. You know I had to come back to living.

Speaker 2:

If you are in the same situation, the same path, you don't need to kill yourself. You need to receive a new spirit, because when you receive a new spirit, you also receive a new life. Well, job, as I was saying at the beginning, he had this suicidal thought, suicidal statement. He said why didn't I not die at birth? Because of so many losses in his life? He lost his ten children, all his properties, his health and also his marriage. So he lost everything. He became sick. And then he said why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb? So he wished not even to be born, to come out of the womb because of so many suffering. And when you are squeezed by the problems, you feel suicidal. How did you know about this ministry, the Universal Church, and what did you do? How is your life now?

Speaker 6:

The mother of my boyfriend. She invited us. She actually told me about the Universal Church, but I had gone to so many churches before, so it took me almost a year before I actually came and in one of the first meetings, you know I was skeptical but I went in.

Speaker 2:

Question so many churches. It took one year for you to come to us. Why?

Speaker 6:

Because, just as how I wasn't helped in the other places and nothing happened, I believe the same would happen if I went here.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you something. Hey, hey, if you come here and nothing changes in your life, I give you the freedom, liberty to come here to the studios, to come here to the show and prove me a liar, a false prophet. I know you have been, like herself, to many, many places institutions, churches but now I make a challenge with you and I am live. I am also connected to Facebook, YouTube, and I challenge you. If you come here and nothing happens, you are going to come to the studio and I will give you a chance to prove me a liar. Everybody will know that nothing happens here. I am a false prophet. It took one year for you to come, but eventually you came.

Speaker 6:

I came the first Friday and for the first time in over 15 years of my life, I was able to sleep in peace the first time you came, the first time I came.

Speaker 2:

That day you came, you received the prayer. The same night you were able to sleep.

Speaker 6:

I was able to sleep because, uh, for all that time I could, if I slept was only like two, three hours during the day, but never in the night. And after coming on Fridays and on Wednesdays, and when I came, one of the things is that it was as if the pastor was speaking. There's a whole lot of people there, but the word was as if God was speaking directly to me. You know it, the you know, was literally God speaking to me and I felt, for the first time, whole, I felt peace during the prayer. Afterwards even I didn't suffer anymore from migraine headaches, all the pains that I was feeling. I didn't have to take any more medication to stop the pain, because the pain stopped as well, and I felt I became someone not forcing to be happy, but now I had happiness inside of me.

Speaker 2:

And how is your life now?

Speaker 6:

Bishop, my life did a total 180. I am happy, I am at peace, I want to live. I no longer want to kill myself. I'm happily married, so I'm not in a toxic relationship. God actually transformed his life and he's a man of God today. My family it's not divided. They're all together. Some of them are coming to the church right now and I live to help others.

Speaker 2:

What do you have to say to those who are listening to us, watching us, and they are suicide? I want you to look to that camera. What do you have?

Speaker 6:

to say to them. You know you may think that killing yourself is the way out. That is the only solution, and you know you hear that voice telling you. You know, kill yourself, no one else cares. You know it will stop the pain. It's not going to stop the pain, it's only going to make the pain worse. But when you come here you're going to find real people who are willing to help you to overcome that battle, to overcome that loneliness, to be free of that chain that is around your life all right, this is the words.

Speaker 2:

they are devised of someone that were like you. I want you to prepare yourself, because in a few, we are going to pray together 21 days of fasting, dedication to the things above, 21 days that we are investing in our relationship with God.

Speaker 3:

Draw me close to you.

Speaker 4:

Never, let me go Never let me go Lay it all down again To hear you say that I'm afraid you are my desire. No one else will do, cause nothing else can take your place To feel the warmth of your embrace. Help me find my way, bring me back to you.

Speaker 4:

You're all I want. You're all I want. You're all I've ever needed. You're all I want. Help me know you are near. Ladies, I lay it all down again To hear you say that I'm afraid you are my desire. No one else will do. There's nothing else you can take away To feel the warmth of your embrace. Everyone. Help me find a way. Bring me back to you. You're all I want. You're all I've ever needed. You're all I want. Help me know you are near. You're all I want. You're all I've ever needed. You're all I want. Help me know you are near. Help me know you are near. Help me know you are near.

Speaker 2:

In a few we are going to pray together. I will pray against this depression, suicidal thoughts, and pray for you to receive the peace of the Holy Spirit. Let me go to the line now I have Ms May Hello.

Speaker 9:

Hello, how are you doing, Mr Bishop? My name is May Wade.

Speaker 2:

I'm fine, Ms May, Thank you for asking. Tell me what is going on. How can I help you?

Speaker 9:

Yes, it's depression in the family and it's where we can't sleep insomnia and cigarette smoking and drugs in the family. And we, and you know, and I've been praying with you every morning, you know, and putting my head against your head and putting my head against your head and my hand against your hand, and I pray with you every day, just about, you know, when I wake up, I pray with you, you know, and I pray that you know things would go differently in the family and that we would get along more better, you know, and that we would have transportation to get back to the church. You know, ms.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 9:

Go to Martin Luther King? Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

You have this depression in the family. Yes, sir, you have this depression in the family, also insomnia.

Speaker 9:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

You said that drug addiction, cigarette addiction who suffers from addictions?

Speaker 9:

I do, both of my daughters do, my brother do, and we suffer from that addiction, from cigarette addiction. Then my brother suffers from drug addiction as well, you know, and I pray that he would, you know, could get clean.

Speaker 2:

Okay, let me ask you how many years of your life you have been in suffering.

Speaker 9:

I've been suffering from cigarette addiction ever since I've been 15, and I'm 66 years old now.

Speaker 2:

And the family is also upside down.

Speaker 9:

Yes sir, yes sir.

Speaker 2:

Okay, nothing changes overnight, just as your whole life. You are on cigarette problems, in the family depression. I cannot tell you that things will change overnight, but I can tell you that tonight you are going to sleep like a baby. Tonight you are going to sleep like a baby. Tonight you are going to sleep like a baby. You are not going to have this insomnia anymore and I will be praying for the spirit of addiction because addiction is a evil spirit to leave your body so that you may be free and you may be whole. All right, Thank you.

Speaker 9:

In the name of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, Do not hang up. Bishop Taylor, he's going to take the phone right now and he's going to have a word with you. God bless you.

Speaker 9:

God bless you and thank you, Bishop, Thank you.

Speaker 2:

You are welcome, pastor Hector. I have some questions for you. Bishop, thank you, you are welcome, pastor Hector. I have some questions for you.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 2:

What is the dress code of this?

Speaker 8:

ministry. There's no dress code. Come as you are. You don't have to worry about coming in fancy clothes or going out to get new clothes. Come with what you have, feel comfortable.

Speaker 2:

Yes, okay, how much is the admission?

Speaker 8:

Nothing. It's free. Everything that we do in the church is free of charge. You never have to worry that when you come you have to bring money, you have to bring credit cards. You don't have to worry about any of that.

Speaker 2:

We went today to visit a family whose relative is in prison. Actually, I met this person in prison and I went to pray for the family today. How much was the family prayer visitation?

Speaker 8:

It was nothing, it was free.

Speaker 2:

So, my friends, help is at hand. We have been praying for many people in prison. By the way, I am wearing here this UBB t-shirt.

Speaker 8:

UBB stands for Universal Beyond Bars.

Speaker 2:

We go beyond bars to help those who are in prison. If you are in prison right now, like in Harris County, you are in any other county or in prison listening to us. You can count on us. We are praying that the Spirit of God may take you out of prison and transform your life. You have been in prison every single day, like tomorrow. Where are you going to be?

Speaker 8:

Tomorrow I'll be in the Luther unit, huntsville. Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but daily you, pastor Quincy, are always in prison.

Speaker 8:

Yes, we go to many different units throughout the Houston area, the Texas area, and we go there every day, every day. Sometimes we go to two prisons in one day just to go and, as it says, beyond the bars, to help those people that others don't have access to. We are able to go there and we're able to provide that help for them.

Speaker 2:

Now, if we go beyond bars, we go to prison to help the inmates. Imagine what we are offering we are doing for those who are free and the prisoners. They are open, they open their hearts, they seek for help and we are able to help them. Much more we want to do for you. Come as you are. We are going to listen to this song in preparation for the prayer. Thereafter I'll be back here praying for all of you piano solo.

Speaker 4:

Open our eyes, lord. We want to see Jesus To reach out and touch Him and say that we love Him. Open our ears, lord, and help us to listen. Open our eyes, lord. We want to see Jesus. Thank you, open our eyes, o Lord. Our eyes open. We want to see Jesus To reach out and touch Him and say that we love Thee. Open our ears, lord, lord, and help us to listen. Open our eyes, lord. We want to see Jesus. Open our eyes, lord. We want to see Jesus.

Speaker 5:

The same way that faith brings life, doubt brings death. While faith stimulates dreams, hopes and raises self-esteem, doubt poisons dreams, hopes and promotes depression. Depression is a spiritual problem. That's why there is no drug that can cure this spiritual illness. Just as the body needs physical care and the soul needs love, the human spirit could only be nourished by the Spirit of God, for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the cure for depression. Fast of Daniel from September 22nd to October 13th, 21 days, pleasing God to receive the Holy Spirit. For more information about the Fast of Daniel, come to a universal church near you.

Speaker 2:

And this is now the moment of the prayer, the moment that we are going to talk to God. Right now, I have with me Bishop Taylor from our church in the South Union area. He's going to pray for us right now, for you who suffer from the pressure, for you who are suicidal, and also pray for you to receive the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 10:

My Lord and my Father, there are many people right now who are listening. They have joined us in this prayer because they couldn't believe that someone would speak about exactly what they are going through. But this is a proof, my Lord, that you are giving your hand to this person. You are extending your hand to those who are suffering with depression, like Miss May, who reached out for help. My Lord, the family, finance, health.

Speaker 10:

My Father, I pray that you may set them free right now. And as you set them free, removing every darkness from their lives, my God, pour out your spirit. Change the spirit, my Lord, of this person. Remove the darkness and bring your light. Your light brings peace. Your light brings peace. Your light brings health. Your light brings tranquility. Your light brings joy that this person is searching for and cannot find. Oh Holy Spirit, hear and answer our prayers on behalf of all the listeners of I Hope Radio, viewers of the Facebook Showdown of Faith. My Lord, let them receive your spirit. We place them all into your hands and we determine when they come into your house tomorrow morning, 9.30. My Lord, they are not going to participate off a church service, but they are going to have a great encounter with you, my God, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ's name, amen.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, guitar solo.

Speaker 3:

How can I say thanks For all the things that you've done for me, things someone deserved.

Speaker 2:

Well, we are finished now our participation, our program. It is going to be here on Facebook, here on YouTube. You can be social and share this link in your social media to help somebody to be blessed. Bishop Taylor, tomorrow we are going to be together at every Universal Church. The church is open every single day, pastor Hector.

Speaker 2:

Southwest Freeway 7075 Southwest Freeway between Bel Air and Hillcroft we have services in the morning 7 in the morning, then 10 in the morning. Also, the next service is 3 in the morning. Also, the next service is 3 in the afternoon for deliverance and in the evening the service is 6 pm, finishing all the show. Tomorrow again we are going to be back and I want you to watch us, listen to us tomorrow again because we are going to have a powerful story. God bless you have a good one.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening in. That's all the soul food we have to share today. Stay tuned to the next episode on soul food and keep your notifications on. Share each episode with your friends and family to feed their souls. Give the food that lasts forever.