Soul Food

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos

June 24, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 4

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Ever feel like your soul is starving for peace amidst life's chaos? Bishop Joshua shares profound insights on how you can achieve true tranquility, even when everything around you feels turbulent. Tune in to this episode of the Soul Food Podcast to uncover the promise of rest and solace through the transformative power of faith. Hear inspiring testimonies and find out how the Universal Church stands as a beacon of support, offering daily guidance and spiritual nourishment that never expires.

Discover the healing words of Jesus and learn how to lay down your burdens and embrace a life of serenity. Bishop Joshua’s heartfelt message invites you to come as you are and find rest for your weary soul. Don't suffer in silence any longer; there is a community ready to walk with you on your journey towards inner peace. Whether you're at home, at work, or on the go, join us for a spiritual feast that promises to nourish your soul and uplift your spirit.

Speaker 1:

Mmm, what's cooking up in the kitchen? Am I smelling that soul food?

Speaker 2:

Oh yes, it is soul food, the spiritual food for your spiritual nourishment. And you know what? This food will never expire.

Speaker 1:

Never expire. I need this food every day.

Speaker 2:

You are listening to this spiritual-based podcast. There are many podcasts, but this one here is to satisfy your soul, to feed your spiritual hunger. Are you hungry for God? Don't let your soul be hungry, no matter where you are. Whatever you are doing now, at work, home or on the go, you can still listen here and right now, the Soul Food Podcast. Don't let ever your soul to go hungry.

Speaker 1:

It's time for some soul food.

Speaker 3:

Peace is a state of mind that can be achieved through conscious effort and self-reflection. Numerous individuals yearn for peace but find themselves feeling lonely and unfulfilled. Despite striving to fit in with societal norms, they live in a perception of happiness, Experiencing loss and setbacks. They struggle to cope with the resulting suffering, Tormented by a malevolent force that drains their happiness and dominates their thoughts. Due to the loss of a loved one or something so valuable, many try to drink away the emptiness in their soul, trying out different drugs to numb all the pain they have growing inside of them, and even starting to live a life of crime to survive on the streets. You feel so lost in the world and want to take away the only thing you have left your life. As this inner turmoil builds up, it leads to anger and self-destructive behavior, harming both themselves and those around them. You watch others around. You have the happiness you wish you had, while you suffer in silence. Listen. You don't need to continue living like this anymore. There is true peace and it's here for you.

Speaker 1:

Through the Word of Faith with your host, bishop Joshua. Through the word of faith with your host, bishop Joshua.

Speaker 2:

You say that you are sick and tired of your problem. Right, you say that you are exhausted. You feel so heavy. I have this good news for you. The Lord Jesus Christ once said come. He said, come to me. All you who labor and are half laden, I will give you rest. When he said I will give you rest, he was talking about peace. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Speaker 2:

Your soul needs rest. Your soul needs to be in peace. You do not have peace. Your life is in shambles. You are always in trouble, trouble that comes against you from everywhere. You need peace. The Lord is telling you come to me. That's the reason why the Universal church is open every single day pastors, bishops, assistants, counselors, every single day, because every single moment, second, somebody is suicidal, somebody is, somebody is depressed, somebody is in need of help, and we have the spiritual help. He said come to me, I will give you rest. Come to me and you will find rest to your souls. Your souls need rest. Usually, when somebody dies, they say rest in peace. But while a person is alive, there is no peace at all. The testimonies we show here are the living proof that God gives peace to your soul. You are going to find peace to your soul. Just come to us. The Universal Church is open all over USA. You can call us get the address, or you find here on the show the address where you can find us all over USA.

Speaker 4:

America of this episode and leave a comment below.

Speaker 5:

Only you can purify All this world won't ever satisfy my heart. It cries as the deer pants for the water. So my soul needs you, lord, with thirsty God. You're the living water in my soul. Need you, lord, I need you Lord, I need you. Lord, I need you. Lord. I'm a stranger here, thirsty cause I know it's not my home, like a desert here. I need your living word for these dry bones.

Speaker 5:

Jesus, fill us up again with your presence, flowing deep within begins, and as the deer pants for the water. So my soul need you, lord. Oh, yeah, I'm thirsty. God, you're the living water and my soul need you, lord. Oh, as the deer pants for the water. So my soul need you, lord. Oh, I'm thirsty, you're the living water in my soul. I need you Lord, I need you Lord, I need you Lord, I need you Lord. Oh, I need you Lord, oh, I need you.

Speaker 5:

Lord. Quench our hearts and fill this space with heaven like a flood, with heaven, like a flood. Holy. One rain down on us with your consuming love. Oh, quench our hearts and fill this space with heaven like a flood. Oh, only one rain down on us With your consuming love as the defense for the water. So my soul needs you, lord, I'm thirsty. God, you're the living water and my soul. Jesus needs you, lord, I need you, lord, oh, I need you Lord, oh, I need you Lord, I need you, I need you, I need you, lord, oh, I need you, lord, I need you, lord, I need you Lord.

Speaker 6:

I need you, lord, you are now listening to Soul Food with Bishop Bera Joshua.

Speaker 3:

Are you happy? What would give you a moment of peace? To be able to smile and actually be content with life, not because of an outward cause, but to have peace from within. Not even the wealthiest person in the world is guaranteed peace. There is no money, achievement or success that can give you inner peace, that can cure depression, help you overcome an addiction or heal past traumas that haunt you even today. But there is hope, peace. I leave with you. My peace I give you. What better peace than the peace that comes from God, one not contingent upon wealth or external causes, but from confidence in His power?

Speaker 2:

You have your tablets, your iPad on the go, you can watch, you can listen to this podcast, or over there, on your phone as well, you can always be in touch. Let us be social. Tell a friend of yours about this podcast. You can like us, you can follow us, because this podcast is about feeding your soul, because this podcast is about feeding your soul. Thank you for watching, thank you for listening. We are going to have soon our next episode with questions and answers here on our Food for your Soul Soul Food podcast. God bless you. See you soon.

Speaker 6:

I was happy for a while. Everything was going good. My parents had gave us everything. I remember clothes. I've always been such a girly girl and my mom just loved buying me and my sister skirts at the time, because it was just me and my sister or like matching leggings, all the stuff, everything we had, all the toys, everything, until one day my dad just became very absent at home. We kind of noticed it, my mom, I, my sister. He became very absent to the point where he wouldn't even really take work seriously and my family became very unstable, emotionally and even financially.

Speaker 4:

My family became very unstable emotionally and even financially. Stay tuned tomorrow, where we will continue the story of Valerie here on Soul Food Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening in. That's all the soul food we have to share today. Stay tuned to the next episode on soul food and keep your notifications on. Share each episode with your friends and family to feed their souls. Give the food that lasts forever.