Soul Food

Embracing a New Journey

June 21, 2024 Bishop Bira Joshua Season 10 Episode 3

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Have you ever struggled to find the strength to forgive someone who hurt you deeply? This episode is dedicated to unraveling the complex yet transformative journey of forgiveness and spiritual nourishment. We kick off with a profound message about owning up to our wrongdoings and the liberating experience of seeking forgiveness. Our special guest joins the conversation to shed light on the true essence of faith—living out the teachings of Jesus, not just professing our love for Him. You'll learn valuable insights on how to love and forgive others, even when it feels impossible, and the critical role of controlling our minds to achieve genuine forgiveness.

Moving forward, we collectively immerse ourselves in a moving prayer session, seeking the Lord Jesus. This segment emphasizes the unifying power of faith and assures us of God's unwavering presence, even during our darkest moments. We wrap up with a heartfelt message of gratitude and an invitation to share this spiritual nourishment with those dear to you. Whether you're wrestling with grudges or seeking deeper faith, this episode promises to be a wellspring of inspiration and spiritual growth. Tune in and let your soul be uplifted and enriched.

Speaker 1:

Tea. Mmm. What's cooking up in the kitchen? Ooh, that smells good I want some of that.

Speaker 2:

Where is that coming from?

Speaker 1:

That smells like some soul food.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is soul food, but it's soul food for spiritual nourishment, the food that will never expire.

Speaker 1:

Never expire. I need this food every day.

Speaker 2:

You are listening to a spiritual-based podcast here to satisfy your soul and feed your spiritual hunger. No matter where you are at home, at work or on the go, you can listen in right now. Don't let your soul go hungry.

Speaker 1:

It's time for some soul food.

Speaker 3:

Forgive me. I have denied it again and again that I have done wrong. I have caused you pain while you were right all along. My words and my actions. I cannot justify All the sorrow I put you through, all the tears you have cried. I'm sorry. I may not be enough to pick up the broken pieces. I'm sorry I may not be enough to cure these mental diseases I have placed upon you. I rejected the love and care you selflessly gave me. I pushed you away just so I could be trapped inside of this box, isolated behind this wall, because I thought what you had to offer was not enough to set me free.

Speaker 3:

Forgive me for the damage I have caused and for my selfish ways. You are such a good person and I am just someone who ruined your days. How careless was I with your heart? I grabbed it. Displeased with the amount of love that was meant for me. I forcefully wanted to stretch it out and squeeze out all of the love I could get. I was in need of your acceptance, your attention. I was scared that sooner or later you would leave. I'm so sorry for everything I did and everything I have done. I ask for your forgiveness and submit to my defeat you have won. Maybe we can see eye to eye again, laugh, smile and move on from all of this pain. Forgive me for the hardships, the harm and the hurt I made you feel I love you, I care about you and hopefully one day my desire of a new beginning will be real.

Speaker 2:

Don't go anywhere. Today we have a very special guest who will pass on a strong message to feed your soul here on Soul Food Podcast. Bye so.

Speaker 4:

I want to be around. I want to be around. I want to be around when you're from.

Speaker 5:

Listen to this word please. Jesus said If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. If anyone loves me, he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me does not keep my words, and the word which you hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent me. Amen, amen.

Speaker 5:

What I have notes for everywhere I've come, I'm going, is I have seen many people saying I love Jesus, I believe in Jesus, and these people used to sing and dance and feel good in the church. Used to sing and dance and feel good in the church, but when the same people are outside, they used to have grudges against other people and the worst thing is they don't want to forgive them. They don't want to forgive them and I'm here to try to forgive them and I'm here to to try to help you, because our faith in Jesus is not coming forth in the church or giving tithes or offerings or praise God. The living faith Demand from us the true love for Jesus, demand from us To love each other. Amen.

Speaker 4:

Love each other, amen. Amen.

Speaker 5:

That is the other word as well. Jesus said For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, Do you understand? But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. This is very, very serious, Very, very serious.

Speaker 5:

Many people, many Christian people, supposed Christian people, supposed Christian people, used to glorify Jesus. I love you Jesus. I love you, Jesus, and hug each other and love each other inside the church, but outside the church they keep grudges inside of them. Friend, believe me, Not me, but Jesus. If you do not forgive men that are trespassers, neither will your father, neither will your father forgive your trespassers. In other words, where are these people going when they die? Amen, Amen. So I have noticed people in the church, most of them, most of them, they use to believe in Jesus by heart, not with their mind, their intelligence. And when you use to have faith, emotional faith or faith by your heart, you're gonna be deceived, because we cannot trust in our hearts. Is that right or not? Is the worst enemy that we have with us Every single day. Is that right or not?

Speaker 4:

Not amen.

Speaker 5:

Unfortunately, people have faith just in their heart and when you have faith in your heart, your heart cannot forgive others. It's impossible, because heart just want to feel and wants to feel good. Is that right or not? If your heart feels bad, so you have something against other people. Is that right or not? Are you understand me? That's why Jesus said but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father, will your Father forgive your trespassers. So as we give each other, we are going to receive. So examine yourself, examine your faith, see if your faith is in your mind, in your thoughts, or is in your heart. Or is in your heart. Because if you have faith just in your heart, you are running a risk of eternal life, to lose your soul, your life. Amen. Please understand me.

Speaker 5:

I know many people have many things against other people. Bishop, how can I forgive someone if my heart demands no, I do not want to forgive this one. You feel it Terrible feeling. But you cannot control your heart. But you can control your mind. I had experience about it and I learned that I could not forgive people in my heart, but I could use my mind and I said to the Lord my Lord, you know I cannot control my heart. It's impossible. You know that. But in my mind I do want to forgive this one and I pray for this one. Please blessed him, bless him, bless them. I pray with my mind. If my heart was loud, say no, no, no, I want this person die. I want to be the first one to know so we can forgive with in our mind Amen, you can forgive, you have the authority, you have power to do that.

Speaker 5:

If someone has something against you, you have power to forgive this one. You have power, this, this one. You have power. This power came from God. Just God can forgive us Right.

Speaker 5:

But if someone is against us or something against us, or we have something against the other one, we have the authority of God, the power of God to the other one. We have the authority of God, the power of God To forgive this one. So think about your soul, think about your life, think about your salvation, Think about the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's very, very clear Put the first one If you forgive men, then your heavenly father will also forgive you. As you give, you're going to receive. Your heavenly father will also forgive you. As you give, you're going to receive, but if you do not give amen. So I'd like to pray for you, I'd like to ask God for you, but first of all, you must. If you have grudges or something against someone, you must forgive this one. If you are able to do that right now, pray with you and for you in order for you to be free. So you must forgive.

Speaker 2:

Stay connected here to receive more food for your soul with our special guest, bishop Macedo, and host Bishop Joshua.

Speaker 4:

Let me be as gold, pure gold, refiner's fire. My heart's one desire Is to be lonely, set apart for you, lord. I choose to be holy, set apart for you, my Master, ready to do your need, refiner's fire. My heart's one desire is to be lonely, set apart for you, lord. I choose to be lonely, set apart.

Speaker 6:

The bishop is going to pray. You have received the words. I was sharing with the bishop a case that happened in one of our church. I was a pastor. There was a lady coming to church and she had a tumor as big as a big watermelon on her side. She was doing chain of prayers. She was coming to church. I was praying for her. One day, the husband she was doing chain of prayers. She was coming to church. I was praying for her. One day the husband said Pastor, come to my house because my wife is getting worse. I took the holy oil, went with another pastor, I poured the oil upon that big woman.

Speaker 6:

She manifested with a demon and that demon said she hold grudges against her sister. We cast out the demon, rebuked the demon, cast out the demon. Her sister was her neighbor. I sent somebody to call the sister to make the reconciliation right away. When the sister to make the reconciliation right away. When the sister came, she said I'd rather die than release forgiveness. Two days after she said I'd rather die, she died. After she said I'd rather die, she died. That demon had said the cancer that she has it's because she holds grudges and she died Is it clear for you?

Speaker 5:

Yes, is it clear for you? I believe that when we have grudges, we have a cancer in our soul and no one can heal it, neither God, because he has given us power to forgive. And if we do not want to forgive, forgive, forgive them. Do you understand? Think about someone that you have something against. Pray for this one. Forgive them here, or him or her here in the head. Don't expect your heart, heart, feel good for that. Do what God says for you to do. Amen. Obey the word of Jesus, the word of the Lord. Jesus is spirit. If you obey the word of God, you obey the spirit of God. You obey the spirit of God. Amen, and you're gonna be free right now.

Speaker 5:

Maybe there are people here that have some problem that cannot resolve with any fasting or prayer or anything else. Because gorgeous, just it. Maybe people did not receive the Holy Spirit because they are full of grudges. There is no way for them Except when they forgive. Just you can forgive your people who trespassed you. Amen, amen, okay. So use your power, your authority, your mouth, your prayer. Say, if it's possible, say, repeat her or his name before God, and you're going to be free now. You're going to be in peace right now and never you're going to be the same person. So please use your faith, use your authority and pray for these people. You have something gorgeous against them. Pray for them, mention their names, if you understand or remember.

Speaker 5:

Thank you, my father and lord, as you can see wives, as you can see wives forgiving their husbands, husbands forgiving, unforgiving their wives, wives, fathers Forgiving the children, and children forgiving their Fathers or Neighbors or anybody else. Holy Spirit, because they are obeying your words, that's all. They are obeying your words, even inside of their heart. They cannot control the feelings, but they are using their authority, the power, your power, your authority to forgive. So, my Lord, come upon them right now and fill them up with peace. Set them free right now. Be free, my friend, be absolutely free, free, because God has forgiven you as well.

Speaker 5:

Hallelujah, Hallelujah. So now you are ready to receive the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Receive the Spirit of God right now and feel peace right now. Receive from him his peace and joy. Hallelujah, hallelujah, yes, now you have done your part, so god, your part, so God. Come upon you and bless your life. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Talk to him now, praise him, yes, glorify him now. Praise him, yes, glorify him. Sanctify your name here, lord Jesus, through these people. Come upon them right now. Hallelujah, be free, be healed. Be free, be healed, be free, be blessed, be filled up with the spirit of God right now. In the name of the Lord Jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah, oh my father, in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Speaker 6:

Hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh, my father, you have promised, so fulfill your promise right now, let this spirit that you have given us freely. If I could, I would give them, but the spirit is yours. Only you, jesus, can baptize this person with the Holy Spirit. So we pray to you do not let this person leave empty. They came here, my lord, to be revived, so only your spirit can revive this bitter, dry soul. Lord, they have released. Forgiveness. You have forgiven them, so now, forgiveness. You have forgiven them, so now let your spirit enter this person. Let your spirit overflow like a river, the river that comes from the throne of God. Oh Lord, you will be inside of them, because you promised never to leave us alone orphans, but you promised to give us the counselor.

Speaker 6:

So enter their lives right now, regardless of the color of their skin, regardless of their past, whether they were criminals, whether they were criminals, whether they were drug dealers or users. Oh, holy Spirit, they came to you. So now, my father, come to them, oh Lord, because if they don't have your spirit, they do not belong to you. They can belong to an institution, but not you. So now, holy spirit, enter their lives. They are thirsty, they are hungry for you. Come, my father, blow the wind of your spirit.

Speaker 6:

Now I say to you Receive the Holy Spirit, receive the Spirit of God. Whether you deserve him or not, it doesn't matter, just believe it is. By faith you receive the Spirit of God Because he comes upon you. He comes upon your life. You may enjoy His presence. You don't need to feel, you cannot feel, but you can enjoy the presence of your Father. You become today His son, daughter. You become now god's potion. He has, with the seal, the mark of god upon your life, and your life shall never, ever be the same, because the Holy Spirit is here upon your life.

Speaker 6:

Hallelujah, be filled with the Lord. Yes, you can adore Jesus, adore the Holy Spirit. Yes, lord, we adore your name, we make you our Lord and we become your servant, servant of the holy spirit. Lord, we don't see you, we don't feel you, but we have the assurance that you are here. Oh, yes, we have the assurance that you are here in this place, because we are not just one, two or three, we are many, calling the same God, the same Father, and I know, my Father, that you can feel this person. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening in. That's all the soul food we have to share today. Stay tuned for the next episode on soul food and keep your notifications on. Share this episode with your friends and family to feed their souls. Give the food that lasts forever.